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Sustainable Development in Philippine Tourism


Added on  2023/03/24

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This report discusses the concept of sustainable tourism and its importance in maintaining a balance between economic, environmental, and socio-cultural aspects. It focuses on the Philippine tourism industry and explores various methods for sustainable tourism development. The report also examines the benefits for stakeholders, pros and cons of public/private sector partnerships in tourism planning, features of development planning at different levels, the significance of interactive planning systems, and methods to measure tourist impact. Overall, it provides insights into sustainable development in Philippine tourism.

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Merits for stakeholder by planning tourism development ...............................................3
1.2 Pro's and con's of public/private sector tourism planning partnership.............................4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Feature of development planning at different level..........................................................6
2.2 Significance of interactive planning system and processes.............................................7
2.3 Methods to measure tourist impact...................................................................................8
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
3.3 Differnt stages of planning sustainability.........................................................................9
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10
4.1 Method to resolve conflicts of interest in developing tourism ......................................10
4.2 Implication of balancing supply and demand.................................................................11
4.3 Moral and ethical issue of enclave Tourism ..................................................................12
TASK 5..........................................................................................................................................13
5.1 Current issues related with the development of tourism................................................13
5.2 Recommendation for future development of tourism ...................................................17
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Sustainable tourism means maintaining suitable balance and sustainability between
economic, environment and socio-cultural aspects of tourism. This provide long term
sustainability to industry. In other words sustainable tourism can be defined as the tourism that
give importance to not only its current but also future environmental, social and economic
impact. It also responds to the need of industry, visitors, environment and host community ().
Every industry has its own impact but major measures are undertaken in order to reduce this
impact and have proper sustainable development (Hanafiah and, 2016).
In present report we have taken the Philippine tourism in account and discuss the various
method through which sustainable tourism can be used by the department of tourism in order to
create healthy environment. It further analyses about the stakeholders and the benefits they get
from sustainable tourism. Different planning planes and strategies are also mentiones to that it
can help in creating proper sustainable development in country.
1.1 Merits for stakeholder by planning tourism development
Tourism and travel industry is developing at rapid pace. Stake holders are those people
who directly or indirectly get influenced or affected by any change in organisation or industry.
Tourism is such a vast and wise sector that determining its stake holders is quite difficult but still
we cannot disregard them as they are important part of this sector. Philippine tourism provide
many facilities to there stakeholder. Through the initiation of sustainable tourism development in
Philippine stakeholder will get many advantages some of which are mentioned below. Government: Government is playing a huge role in the development of sustainable
tourism. President Gloria herself has gone to various destination to promote tourism she
expressed her view and experience she gains while visiting these plans (Chaperon and
Bramwell, 2013). New regulation and frameworks are made to make the place more
secure and attractive to people through this it will be able to attract more tourist which
will increase the revenue and over all economic stability of country. It will also bring
foreign currency in the country. This will also bring surplus funds to local government
that can be userd for further development. It will also raise the gross development profit
and living standard of people. Through this government can also promote there culture
throughout the world
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Local community: Its one of the major stake holder of this industry and have major
impact from any changes that are brought in tourism. Tourism play major part in the life
of these people it creates many opportunities and generate employment. It gives rise to
Cultural empowerment and cultural exchange. The true culture of country is seen through
the lifestyle and festivals of local people which intrigued the travllers and attract them to
phillipine. This development has major impact on the lifestyle and social consideration of
local people of Philippine. The major benefit this development will bring is sustainable
income as it provide employment to many. Local community become more aware
regarding conservation of resources.. Tourism Industry: This industry include many other industries such as hospitality
industry, travels industry, transport industry etc. With the growth of tourism in country it
will also give boost to other tourism industry. Development of tourism in phillipines will
attract more tourist to the place which lure other industry with its growth the interest of
other organisation also increase.
Tourist: Customer or tourist are most important part of this sector with development in
tourism it becomes easy for travellers to visit this Philippine with development they get
different benefit such as better accommodation, better regulatory framework, that make
the Visa process more easy it makes whole process easy for visitors making it more
attractive to people.
1.2 Pro's and con's of public/private sector tourism planning partnership
Public and private partnership is a partnership or coordination between the government
and private organisation of the country. Philippine tourism ministry has accepted this partnership
as part of there main development policies. There are many goverment organisation that work for
the development of tourism such as Philippine economic zone authority, security exchange
commision etc. In these policies both public and private sector come together for the
development and well being of tourism and local people of country.
Major advantages of public sector is that it help government in raising funds which can
be used for further development. This will help in improving the infrastructure of Philippines
such as broaden roads, better transport facility etc. Sustainable development help in preserving
the natural resources of country (Westerberg, Jacobsen and Lifran, 2013). There are also some
disadvantages like this partnership will increase the cost of development

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The biggest advantage that private sector recieve from this partnership is that they will be
able to generate better revenue with faster completion of project. IT will also enhance there
business as development in tourism will bring more travellers in country. The major
disadvantage this sector can suffer is from the legal laws and limitation which can reduce there
profit. Metioned below are some advantage and disadvantages that are commonly faced by both
These both organisation come together for the proper development of tourism. It becomes
easy for government to identify different problems or issue that hindrance the growth and
proper development of this sector.
The greatest advantage of this partnership is that it give boost to infrastructure
development. Sometime government passes the authority of heritage building to this
private organisation for the proper growth and care (Chaperon and Bramwell, 2013).
It also works in reducing the cost and make the whole process more cost efficient it helps
in creating proper managed balance for tourism services
This partnership help in creating the brand image of Philippine tourism that have direct
impact on the no. of tourist with better name and infrastructure it increases the no. of
tourist in country which lead to increase in the revenue of Govt.
The main role government play in this partnership is to create laws and regulation that
govern the different activity related to tourism. It also works to provide basic resources to
private organisation so that they can work on the development of sites that can attract
more customers.
They also share the risk which may come up with the new changes and different
regulation, this does not create pressure to single entity and make it easy for them to
overcome different issues (Hanafiah and, 2016).
It also creates many job opportunity for local people. In tourism place most of the people
get there basic earning through this tourism activity.
There is also disadvantages of this partnership any problem in any entity can have its
impact on the development process of tourism.
Lack of coordination or understanding can also hindrance the growth of tourism.
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Any economic or political crisis will have direct impact on this partnership
Misunderstanding and conflicts because of different opinion, or dominance can have
major impact on the partnership and important decision. It can also stop all the current
activities that are going on until the issue is resolved which can have negative impact in
2.1 Feature of development planning at different level
The development process of any subject start from the regional and local government.
For proper development and successful implementation of development plan its necessary to
have clear objectives and aims that is need to achieved at different level which include national
and regional level although the participation of international organisation is equally necessary
(Hanafiah and, 2016). For the proper development there is need of proper analysis at this
There are many organisations that work at international level that promote development
in countries OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is such
organisation its main feature is that it promote different policies that work to improve the social
and economic well being of developing countries. There main aim is to find solution to different
problem and share experience by working together with government. UNESCO is another such
branch or organisation that work at international level which promote sustainable development
by working with local and national strategic plan. This is its one of the major feature. The
tourism ministry of Philippine can ask for help from this organisation for proper development
and also to get international visibility.
National organisation include private or public entity the main feature of this organisation
is to take important decision at national level. It includes government, private organisation,
national volunteers etc. In current time for better development of tourism Government of
Philippine has taken important measures such as private public partnership where the tourism
ministry of country provide fund to non departmental or private organisation to promote the
tourism of Philippines worldwide (Ribeiro, Valle and Silva, 2013). They act as the tool to
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promote the tourism section of country. This organisation promotes private organisation to work
together in order to develop the tourism and also get benefited by it.
The main attention of this organisation lies on local communities. The plan made by this
organisation have there focused on city or tourism destination. In this small communities come
forward in order to promote different tourism activity. Its one of there main feature. This
organisation work to protect the destination and different attraction of country.
2.2 Significance of interactive planning system and processes
It's a planning process where different bodies come together to and designed a plan for
present which remains profitable in the future. The main principle of this planning is to put more
focus on the current situation so that it can be beneficial in the future. This system can be very
helpful to the government of Philippine to flourish tourism so that it can turn into one of the
major tourist destination. Furthermore, this activity is linked at international level which will be
in favour of country and its development (Votsi and, 2014).
With development and evolution there are many problems that arises and affects the local
community such as superstructure, traffic congestion, mega events overcrowding etc. The reason
behind rising of these many problems can be associated with unrestricted policies or insufficient
planning. Almost all the countries of the world have their own strategy and planning for the
proper development of tourism but this plans are unable to give full result because of the lack of
interactive planning
Importance of interactive planning
It helps in maintaining the security and saftey in Philipine so that it can be more secure
for the travellers as well as for the people living within.
Interactive planning assist in effective utilization of fund and also reduces unnecessary
Interactive planning help in planning of other facilities that help the government in
attaining there goal of making Philippine a tourist destination (Chaperon and Bramwell,
It supports the government or managment in resolving the problem of overcrowding
It analyses the need of tourists and assist to develop a market which can make them

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2.3 Methods to measure tourist impact
Its necessary to measure the impact of tourism so that problems like depriciation of social
culture, economic and environment impact on destination could be avoided. Through a research
it has come forward the way activities are managed has the very same impact that are mentioned
above, so its essential that there is proper measure of this activity so that this impact can be
reduced. This measurement is also useful with interactive planning. It identifies the point where
government lack and need improvment. It also assists in formulating the plan marketing plan that
is formulted by the local authorities of Philippine. Some methods are mentioned below that help
in measuring the impact of travellers.
Cambridge Economic impact model
Development in any country is associated with its economic prosperity. That's why
economic impacts are taken as the major measure that help in identifying the impact of different
tourism activity. Cambridge econmic model is used as a tool by Philippine government to
identify the economic impact of any particular activity on tourism destination. It calculates the
no. of tourist and the money they spent a day. It provides maintenance and lower cost
information (Timothy and Ron, 2013). This model provide authentic information and report
about the impact of these activities. It also helps in knowing the percepton of travellers. Increase
in employment earning, no. of job increased, business profit, revenue returns are few points that
are undertaken while measuring the impact of tourism.
Steam Model is another model to observe the economuic impact of tourism it put more
fucus on local and private sector and about the product success and failure. It collects the data on
local supply, vistor survey and tourism survey to measure the economic impact.
Environment measures
Environment impact assesment is nrew branch which has been accepted by Philippine to
measure the impact of vistors. This method evaluates environmental consequences of different
implemented activity to identify the potential risk and appropriate messure can be taken to avoid
any damage in environment (Westerberg, Jacobsen and Lifran, 2013). It gathers information
from differnt body and help local planning authority to understand the environmentral impact
which the development activity of tourism will bring.
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3.1 and 3.2
Covered in poster
3.3 Differnt stages of planning sustainability
Differnt stages of planning sustainability
Selection of stakeholder
The first stage of planning
requires government to find
or decide different bodies
that will be involve in this
whole process. It can be
stakeholder like local
communities, general
business, internationational
communities etc.
Resource analyses:
This is next phase where the
proper analysis of available
resources are done. They try to
find out the availability of
resources require for development
Implementation and
This is the last stage of whole
process. The government of
Philippines put there complete
effort in order to implement
this process. The peoper
monitioring and assesment are
also done so that management
can identify any drawback that
needed to resolve. It also help
organisation in achieving there
desired objectives (Nara, Mao
and Yen, 2014).
Setting the objectives
After selecting the
stakeholder government
Plan formation:
After collecting all the data
development and information
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come up with differnt
objectives that are needed
to be achieved with the
implementation of plan.
The main objective of this
development was
to preserve the
natural beauty of
place and
other was to
reduce the cost of
team of Philippine come together
to design a plan which can be
most effective in order to achieve
the objective of organisation.
4.1 Method to resolve conflicts of interest in developing tourism
Every action has its impact, there are many conflicts that can be raised at the time of
development. Difference in supply and demand, issues between tour organisation and local
government, tension between the stake holders etc. The case study give the perfect e.g. of
different types of conflicts there are many conflicts that has arisen with the President Gloria
photo with some coral branches some were in the favour of it while other were criticizing her
for violating the rule of responsible diving tourism (Liao and Lam, 2015). The criticiser advocate
there point and said that this development will have negative impact on the environment as with
development the inflow of tourist will increase which will exceed it limits and also different
tourist activity like underwater diving will have negative impact on the underwater ecosystem.
They further said that this will only bring negative impact which will only impact and demolish
the no. of tourist. It was not only the water but air and the nearby green area was also being
impacted and polluted by this. Which affect the tourism of country at whole. In such time its
important for Govt. to take necessary measure and methods to solve this issues (Chaperon and
Bramwell, 2013).

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Tension between the government and tourism organisation need to resolve. Through
proper use of resources and balance in the supply and demand this issues can be solved.
As this will work in the interest of both and will satisfy both the parties.
Working in collaboration can also solve many of the issue that this sector is facing.
Acculturation can also be a tool that the government of Philippine can use this will help
them in minimizing the difference and will enhance there relations with other countries.
Having a good relationship with other countries can assist them in abolishing many
conflicts they face
Conflicts like cultural issue can be solved by creating awareness, people should be teach
about the norms of other culture so that it become easy for them to adjust.
4.2 Implication of balancing supply and demand
Sustainable tourism means the development of tourist place that doesn't harm the interest
of stakeholders for this its necessary for tourism organisation to have proper balance between the
demands and supply. Its necessary to look after the tourist destination so that they can be
preserved from any harm that come with tourism activity and also make sure that tourist are
satisfied with the place and experience they gain. Philippines are seeing the continuous increase
of the foreigner people in the country with the increase in the demand of tourism industry. With
people more interest in this sector the demand of developed tourism destination has increased.
Demand in the simple term can be describe as the consumer consumption ability or the needs of
customer (Chaperon and Bramwell, 2013). On the other hand supply can be defined as the
availability of product in market. Supply, price and demands are interrelated to each other if
organisation increase the price of product it will automatically reduce the demand of product. So
its necessary to maintain the balance between this a proper equilibrium will resolve this issue and
organisation can earn more revenue through it. Proper balance in the supply and demand of
product can be very beneficial for the sustainable development of Philippine.
Local community will be benefited most with the proper balance of supply and demand
as this will make there life more easy. This implication will bring positive change to them
Finite resource of country is also majorly affected by this. If there is imbalance between
the supply and demand then it will create pressure on the resources of country leading to
many environmental problems (Timothy and Ron, 2013). Its necessary to preserve the
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natural resources and environment of country as this are the main attracting point of
Philippine that attract people towards the country for this its essential to have equilibrium
in this two.
By minimizing the misuse of these resources they can be properly use in other places for
development for example these resources can be used for the developing better
For developing Philippines as the best sustainable tourism place, balance between supply and
demand is essential because without identifying demands, tourism organizations would be
unable in order to meet expectations of visitors by supply or provide better quality of services at
right time. It has been noticed that efficient balancing among factors like economic values, social
aspects, investment and environmental indicators allows to have continuous impact on
development. By having a proper consideration of such values the tourism activities within
Philippines can be advanced in desired manner.
4.3 Moral and ethical issue of enclave Tourism
Enclave tourism can be defined as tourism that has only small geographical area and is
bound by specific destination but still provide the entire experience of tourism. This type of
tourism are mostly generated at remote area of country. Travellers are provided with excellent
services it help in developing better services. In current time government is promoting this type
of tourism more and more because its cost efficient and make profit by reducing the spends that
are wasted on different facilities. Tourism organisation are also focusing in this new branch of
tourism not only at local or national level but also at international level (Westerberg, Jacobsen
and Lifran, 2013). Many organisations have shown there interest in Philippine tourism that they
have started dominating this sector that domestic organisation has turned passive. Govt. is
accepting the help from this organisation for better development as this multinational tourism
organisation have lot of assets at there dispersal compare to local organisation that are also very
small in no. It leads to foreign ownership and management
There are many ethical issue that are involved with this branch of tourism.
It creates cultural differences in society as this tourism focuses more on foreign tourists.
Like this there are many social, culture, economic issue that can be emerged with enclave
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With increased enclave tourism in Philippine it adversely affects the ethical issue and
increase violence in it.
It has negative impact on the environment and climate condition of host place. It leads to
ecological disruption and put pressure on the finite resources of country.
Tourism create opportunity for local community but enclave tourism do not provide
much opportunity to these people (Moscardo, 2014).
It also negatively impact on the local business of individual as foreign investment is big
part of this tourism many goods used in this are imported.
Through tourism business, inclusive hotels earn high revenue, but it has very low impact
on the economy of Philippine
It also gives rise to crime and gambling affecting the moral behaviour of people.
Weakening of the economy of host country is not ethical its necessary for Philippine to
come up with different policy and strategies that not only help the economy of
government but also work for the well being of people and growth of local tourism
5.1 Current issues related with the development of tourism
For this Nepal has been choosen as developing country and Hungary is choosen as the
emerging destination. Hungary is part of central europe and has emerged a leading global city
with significant economic hub. Its city is also identified as architectural landmark medivial
Buddha Castle, and neoclassical building of 19th century. On other hand Nepal is choosen which
is an underdeveloped country because of no proper growth and opportunities available to them
for proper development (Westerberg, Jacobsen and Lifran, 2013).
There are many issues these both countries faces in the development of tourism
Hungary is developed nation and has big scope of further development in tourism sector.
The country has already been identified as economic hub and doesnot face much problem from
this sector the major issue it confronts arises from the environment of country, development of
trousim brings lot of changes with it some were beneficial while some hd negative impact on
envt. Ther major impact has been on the coastal life, The major issue that has come forward is of
the algae issue in lake Balaton eutrophication has turn major issue which not only impact the
water bodied but also the travellers. Other than this overcrowdinf is also an issue (Wray, 2013).

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Nepal is underdeveloped country and haver to face many problems because the inflow of
tourist is only for particular period the foreign currency exchange is low. The growth and
development opportunities are also less. Nepal is hilly area and appropriate infrastructure the
condition of road are not good which affect the transportation facility (Hanafiah and, 2016).
This impact the visitors as they do not find proper way through which they can visit different
places. Bad condition of road also put more pressure on vehicles leading to the increase in CO2
emmisison which cause air pollution. Having peak season lead to overcrowding in country and
also increae the crime like prostitution, gambling, murder in country. People are also very stiff
reagarding there culture which make it difficult for tourist to interact or communicate with them.
Problems Hungary Nepal
Economic Issue Hungary is developed country
and is known for its significant
economic hub. It created many
opportunities for the
development of local
community and also generate
employment for them. In 2002
It was announced as thirteen
country with the highest
visitors. Great chances of
economic development
The tourism of the country
depend on the weather which
lead to low inflow of visitors
and low exchange of foriegn
currency. The country is still
developing and have low
percentage of growth and
development opportunities
(Ali and Frew, 2014.).
Environmental issue It's emerging location and still
have big scope of
development. For better
opportunity government are
investing much in touruist
destination and inviting other
tourism industry to provide
better infrastructure and
accommodation facility.
The country lack infrastructure
and doesnot have proper road
or transportation facility.
Increase in pollution CO2
emmission, affect the visitors
of country (Font, 2016).
Has a peak season because of
weather which lead to
overcrowding and increase in
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Overcrowding, congestion
costal life distribution etc.
Lack of infrastructure affect
the traveller and have nagative
impact on there experince.
Socio-cultural Aculturation is common
practice people are aware of
the differnt cultuire of there
visitors, They also work in
order tp preserve the heritages
which include differnt
architectual caves from tome
of buddha (Lebel, Lorek and
Daniel, 2014).
Congestion of tourist attraction
Difficult for tousrist to adjust
as more focuis is given to the
culture of country.
Crime rate in nation is also
high, prostitution, murder etc.
Are common things.
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5.2 Recommendation for future development of tourism
For improving the tourism business and better development some steps are mentioned
below that can help the government of Nepal and Hungary.
Both government should work on there infrastructure and improve there transport
facilities. Nepal can spend more funds to provide basic transpotrt while Hungary can
imp[rove there railways and airlines as many of there vistors come bthrough road
They can provide there visitors with local guide so there will be no problem of
communication and it will also make there experince more easy (Pickel-Chevalier, 2015).
To fight against the crime strict measure should be undertaken by government, there is
need of strict law and regulation
There should be preservation of cultural and heritage aspect of countries so that the
intrest of tourism remmain maintained.
Overcrowding in particular season lead to discomfort so there is need of proper
accomdation, and development of hotel should be made
Bellow are given some reccomendation which can be used by the government of
Philippines for development tourism.
By having easier visa policies the whole process for travellers will become easy which
will attract more visitors to the country and enhance the development.
Tourist prefer the place which provide them with security where people can move freely.
Government need to pay extra attention to the saftey and sequrity of place. They should also develop better transport facility so that convienience of tourist doesnot
become an issue
Self evaluation
From the above report it clears that tourism play major role in the economy of country
and contribute a major part in the overall GDP of nation. Government also identify differnt

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benefit of the tourism and is putting there full effort in order to develop Phillppines as on e of the
tourist destination (Ribeiro, Valle and Silva, 2013). Phillipines is famous for its location and
exotic natural beauty which is needed to preserved so that the intrest of visitors keep remaining
in the place and its able to attract maximum number of tourist.
The current report discusses the importance of sustainable tourism development and how
important it is to have proper balance in environment and social well being. The report give
detail study of stakeholders and different benefits they achieved from this development it also
mentions the impact of private and public partnership on the development of tourism. It also
divulges in the topic of planning and emphasis on the planning at different level of society
through which proper implementation of development is possible. Furthermore, it talks about the
different issues that occurs at the time of the development planning. It also mentions different
methods that can be in order to resolve this issue or problems. It also discusses the importance of
balancing supply and demand and the moral and ethical issues of enclave.
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Journal & Book
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