
Project Management Assignment Sample Online


Added on  2021-02-21

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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................
1.1 Background .........................................................................................................................
1.2 Rationale of the study..........................................................................................................
1.3 Research aim and objectives...............................................................................................
1.4 Significance of the study......................................................................................................
1.5 Structure of the dissertation ...............................................................................................
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................
2.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................
2.2 Overview of construction project management...................................................................
2.3 Identifying the significant challenges in the construction projects of
Australia and Scotland...............................................................................................................
2.3.1 Cost escalation, schedule delays and local governmental pressure .............................
2.3.2 Safety issues in construction projects ...........................................................................
2.3.3 Technological challenges...............................................................................................
2.3.4 Skills shortage and labour issues...................................................................................
2.4 Different ways to deal with the construction project challenges..........................................
2.4.1 Planning and management of safety measures.............................................................
2.4.2 Effective cost and time management techniques..........................................................
2.4.3 Involvement of advance strategies to enhance the quality...........................................
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................
3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................
3.2 Overreaching approach........................................................................................................
3.3 Research approach..............................................................................................................
3.4 Research design...................................................................................................................
3.5 Data collection methods......................................................................................................
3.6 Sampling design ..................................................................................................................
3.7 Data analysis........................................................................................................................
3.8 Ethical consideration............................................................................................................
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................
4.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................
4.2 Key themes..........................................................................................................................
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION..........................................................................
5.1 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................
5.2 Recommendations ..............................................................................................................
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1.1 Background
Project management has critical importance in construction; yet its execution
possesses has major challenges (Winch, 2010; Assaf and Al-Hejji, 2006). In this
context, in order to keep a project on track, the decisions often have to be taken on
the basis of available information. Construction projects are typical to manage
globally because time management, inadequacy of financial and human resources,
ineffective leadership of project manager etc. causes delay in the completion of
construction projects (Winch, 2010; Hussin, Rahman and Memon, 2013). Further,
developing countries face the critical challenges in mega construction projects to
achieve sustainable development of constructions (Othman and Ahmed, 2013;
Fellows and Liu, 2012). Furthermore, construction projects face a challenge in
adoption of modern technologies because construction managers are not remained
confident to acquire latest techniques in construction (Hewage, Ruwanpura and
Jergeas, 2008). Additionally, construction projects lag behind because unavailability
of technical experts and least use of time frame strategies to complete the projects.
On the other hand, construction projects deal with the challenge of requirement of
remote areas for the construction (McAnulty and Baroudi, 2010). In this context,
Australian construction industry faces the issues related to large, remote and
isolated areas for the effective construction projects. In remote areas, project
managers can easily manage all the resources, materials and equipment on a single
place to minimize the further transportation issues (Qi-hu, 2012). However, remote
construction projects deal with the issues related to communication and
management of resources reason that remoteness of construction sites (Arayici,
Egbu and Coates, 2012, p.75). On the other hand, Scotland, is engaged with large
scale infrastructural projects but these countries are dealing with the severe issue
of shortage of skilled labour which hinder the growth of the construction sector (Ho,
2016, p.533; Agapiou, 2002).
Currently construction projects have entered into green construction projects for the
sustainability of environment; however, green projects require the adequate skilled,
knowledgeable and professionals to execute green constructions (Hwang, 2013;
p.272). In this context, the project managers demand skilled workers for the quality
constructions. Similarly, delivery of Green Building (GB) projects are typical in
comparison to conventional construction projects because activities of GB are
associated with hidden cost and uncertainties which are not easily accepted by
stakeholders (Qian, Chan and Khalid, 2015, p.3615; Powmya and Abidin, 2014).
However, construction industry is at boom and focuses on rapid growth with
assessment of new infrastructure projects. Nevertheless, countries face the issues
related to enhancement of sustainable built environment and emphasizes on better
building practices (Hussin, Rahman and Memon, 2013). Therefore, the current study
has been done on the challenges of construction industries which are faced in
construction projects during construction. Hence, different techniques and
approaches has been identified and accordingly analysed to improve the
effectiveness of projects and resolve the challenges which occurs in construction
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1.2 Rationale of the study
Construction projects are important for the growth of the economy and
infrastructural development of the society (Song, Haas and Caldas, 2006). However,
the issues related to failure in completing the project on time and cost overruns
affect the overall economic growth of the country (Acharya, Dai Lee and Man,
2006;Ala-Risku and Kärkkäinen, 2006). These issues also have direct impact on the
overall growth of the construction sector since project management practices are
not applied effectively (Sambasivan and Soon, 2007). This makes it necessary for
leading construction sectors to identify the potential challenges and accordingly
take the corrective step for the success of entire sector. Thus, it is crucial to study
the challenges which are being faced by the construction sector of the specific
countries like Scotland and Australia as these are fast growing countries in terms of
economic growth. For this purpose, the current study is important to uncover the
specific challenges which impede the growth of the related sector and entire
1.3 Research aim and objectives
To identify the significant challenges in construction project management; a
comparative analysis of the Scotland and Australian project cases.
To provide construction project management overview
To identify the significant challenges in the construction projects of Australia
and Scotland?
To critically evaluate different ways to deal with the construction project
1.4 Significance of the study
Different types of construction projects are helpful for the success of construction
industry which is characterised by quality delivery (Elattar, 2009, Shehu, Endut and
Akintoye, 2014). However, the rate of failure of construction projects become higher
because several challenges leads to failure. Further, cost over runs causes failure of
most of the construction projects because maximization of cost is a major challenge
faced by construction industry in all over the world (Rahman et al., 2013, p.1963).
Hence, this needs to take serious attention and strategies to alleviate the causes of
failures. In this context, the current study is important to take in course because it
identifies the several challenges and problems of construction projects which harm
the success of industry. Further, the study claims to apply different adaptive ways
to enhance the quality of construction and reduce the issues which are generally
faced by project managers.
1.5 Structure of the dissertation
A typical dissertation is normally classified in to specific chapters like introduction,
literature review, research methodologies and results and conclusions. In this
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context, the structure of current dissertation is significantly bifurcated on the basis
of notified chapters.
Chapter 1: Introduction- This chapter includes a brief overview and
background of the study, objectives to conduct the study, rational,
significance etc. This chapter helps to reader know about the study in brief by
knowing the aim and objectives.
Chapter 2: Literature Review- The second chapter describes about
overview, significant challenges and strategies to deal with issue of
construction projects in Australia and Scotland. Further, literature review
helps to know about previous studies which are done by different scholars so
that a new insight can be assessed on the basis of past studies.
Chapter 3: Research methodology- The third chapter explains about
philosophy, research approach, design, data collection methods, sampling,
data analysis and ethical consideration of the study. Collected data helps to
analyse the entire study and provide the adequate results on the study.
Methodology helps the researcher to know about different tools and
techniques for the study.
Chapter 4: Data analysis- Data analysis chapter describes about key
themes for the analysis of collected data. On the basis of themes, it is easy
for the researcher to get the results of the study along with proper
Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendations- This chapter provides
effective conclusion and suitable recommendations for the effectiveness of
construction projects. So, with the help of the suggestions, construction
industries implement the new ways to resolve the issues and challenges.
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2.1 Introduction
The literature review section of the current study critically examines the
management of construction projects which focuses on the overview, challenges
and ways to improve the construction project management. The previous studies
about construction projects would assist researcher to derive detail data which
further helps for the current study of specific context Australia and Scotland. In this
context, various themes have been constructed by considering the aim and
objectives. For this purpose, effective secondary sources like journals, books, annual
reports, newspaper etc. has been used to complete the study.
2.2 Overview of construction project management
Construction industry is bifurcated due to involvement of different stakeholders
such as general public, workers, investors etc. in construction projects
(Nitithamyong and Skibniewski, 2004; Song, Haas and Caldas, 2006). This
fragmentation leads to several challenges like time, cost, quality, technical issues,
skill shortage etc. However, theses issues are resolved with the help of the effective
management of construction projects by time and cost management techniques,
training to unskilled labours, proper communication with parties etc. (Kanapeckiene
et al., 2010). In this context, Rivard et al. (2004) stated that information
technologies are used in construction projects on regular basis to enhance the
quality and reduce the issues which arises due to competitiveness. Furthermore, El-
Mashaleh, O’Brien and Minchin (2006) asserted that involvement of advance
technologies in project management helps to manage material handling, workforce
management, waste and environmental safety management etc. Nevertheless,
several studies notified that ineffective management of construction projects leads
to higher cost, time and impact on the productivity of labours (Aibinu and Jagboro,
2002; Sweis et al., 2008; Belout and Gauvreau, 2004). Further, Eriksson and
Westerberg (2011) mentioned that involvement of various tools and techniques
helps to manage the entire construction project and improves the level of
competency. For instance, according to Australian case study of construction of
forensic health hospital and large tunnel infrastructure project got success by
involvement of construction time performance (CTP) and flexibility approaches to
manage the entire construction project (Walker and Shen, 2002; p.31). Therefore, it
reflects that construction project management is helpful for the construction
industry; however, it required extra efforts to manage all the activities of material
handling, labour availability, time flexibility etc.
2.3 Identifying the significant challenges in the construction projects of
Australia and Scotland
Large construction projects are typical to manage globally because it faces several
issues and challenges in context of labour, cost, time etc. (Mahamid, 2013). Further,
large as well as small projects also deals with critical challenges such as safety and
security, technical and skill shortage and labour etc.
2.3.1 Cost escalation, schedule delays and local governmental pressure
According to several studies, road construction projects are runs with large project
contracts which require volatile and extensive capital resources in order to timely
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accomplish process of construction (Mahamid, Bruland and Dmaidi, 2011; Mahamid,
2011; Mahamid, 2013). In this context, Kaliba, Muya and Mumba (2009, p.522)
asserted that road constructions get delays in process due to weather inclination
such as heavy rains and flood which confirms the cost escalation and schedule
delays. However, Al-Momani (2000) stated that proper planning and time allocation
in such a way helps to complete the construction during seasons of clement
weather. On a contrary, Sweis et al. (2008) mentioned that it is not possible to run
the construction projects only in fine weather; however, the weather changes in any
season and damage the planned construction project. Additionally, inappropriate
weather conditions lead the project to time delays and ultimately overruns the cost
of entire project. On the other hand, few studies claimed that highway construction
projects get delays to local governmental rules and polices disrupts the process and
leads to excessive time to complete the projects (Shen, Platten and Deng, 2006;
Faridi and El‐Sayegh, 2006). For example, according to Government Accountability
Office, it has been found that 77% projects in USA experienced to cost escalation
due to mis-management of time frameworks and non-identification of governmental
factors (Flyvbjerg, Holm and Buhl, 2002). However, AlSanad (2015) asserted that
governmental factors help to strengthen the economic infrastructure of the country.
Therefore, it shows that construction projects face the challenges of time and cost
overruns which lead to disruption of overall project. Further, governmental
accreditations also bother the time frame of constructions and higher the cost and
delays the projects.
2.3.2 Safety issues in construction projects
Several studies revealed that large and underground construction projects face the
issues related to safety of labours and security of equipment (Kartam, Flood and
Koushki, 2000; Koehn, Kothari and Pan, 1995; Tam, Zeng and Deng, 2004). In this
context, Zhou, Goh and Li (2015) asserted that underground construction projects
required adequate safety and security of workers due to higher risk. However,
Wang, Dulaimi and Aguria (2004) mentioned that risks in construction projects
reduces with the help of effective design for safety, accidents statistics and safety
competency in overall project. In this regard, Aksorn and Hadikusumo (2008)
identified that least enforcement on safety measures rise the chances of higher
number of accidents at construction sites. For example, according to census of
1997-2002, accidents rate is higher in construction projects in Scotland in compare
to Great Britain and still accidents are occurring in lack of safety measures. The
accidental ratio of construction site is more than 50% than Britain (Cameron, Hare
and Davies, 2008, p.692). Additionally, the higher ratio of accidents in Scotland
shows that there are more manual workers instead of professionals and technicians
than rest of Great Britain. On the other hand, Hinze and Godfrey (2003) examined
that use of complete safety measures and professional training to use technical
equipment, machineries help to reduce the ratio of accidents in construction which
may be concerned with underground or over the land projects. Nonetheless, Carter
and Smith (2006) proposed that total safety design supports the construction
projects to reduce the rate of accidents and improves the level of hazardous factors
in the construction projects. In this context, Aminbakhsh, Gunduz and Sonmez
(2013) notified that for the management of health and safety related risk in
construction projects, a theory of Cost of Safety (COS) model helps to reduce the
level of risk. It supports to set the rational budget as per the project and includes
the realistic goals by considering the safety measures which supports to reduce the
injuries as well as cost of injury (refer figure 1). Thus, it indicates that construction
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projects deal with the issues and challenges related to safety of workers because
insecurity measures increase the chances of accidents on construction sites.
However, complete safety measures, designing of safety plans and professional
training helps to reduce the ratio of risk in construction projects.
Figure : COS model to save the injury cost
(Source: Aminbakhsh, Gunduz and Sonmez, 2013)
2.3.3 Technological challenges
According to Tam (2009), modern construction projects are based on the use of
technical instruments and advance machineries, equipment to enhance the quality
of construction. However, Porwal and Hewage (2013) mentioned that organizational
and workforce centred issues causes the greater challenges for the implementation
of technologies. On the other hand, Gann and Salter (2000) asserted that
involvement of technologies in construction resulted in least errors, improved
quality and effective coordination with parties etc. Nonetheless, Merschbrock and
Munkvold (2015) notified that construction companies lags behind in the
implementation of new technologies due to lack of qualified and professional
labours. On the contrary, Goodrum et al. (2010) stated that use of technology in
current construction projects helps to reduce the time factor for the entire project
but rise the overall cost of the project. For instance, most of the construction
projects uses the new technology as Building Information Modelling (BIM) with the
specific design and effective construction procurement process. Thus, 39%
construction projects using the almost BIM technique to manage the quality and
effective processing of projects (Porwal and Hewage, 2013). However, several
studies claimed that execution of BIM technology in construction leads the project
cost higher because labour force demands for training to operate the particular
system with safety and security (Khosrowshahi and Arayici, 2012; Becerik-Gerber,
Gerber and Ku, 2011; Hardin and McCool, 2015). Further, few studies experimented
that use of risk and project management techniques such as Critical Path Method
(CRM), programme Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT), Simulation, game
theory etc. (Tatum, 1986; Jessen, 2011). In this regard, Merschbrock and Munkvold
(2015) asserted that use of technology Highers the cost of project but supports to
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