
The Role of HR in the Organisation


Added on  2020-10-22

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityLanguages and Culture
The Role of HR in the Organisation_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................4TASK 1............................................................................................................................................4a) Purpose of HR function and its importance to the organization.............................................4b) Roles and responsibilities of Human resource manager officer.............................................6c) Advantages and disadvantages of current selection methods used by organisation andcomparison with other approaches of selection methods............................................................6d) Improvement that could be done in current selections method .............................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8a) Create a person specification for the role................................................................................8b) Provide a rationale for a suitable medium for placing the advertisement..............................9c) Advantages and disadvantages of the previous methods of advertising jobs in theorganization.................................................................................................................................9d) Questions asked at the interview for Receptionist................................................................10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................11a. Benefits of both employer and employee..............................................................................11b) What developmental opportunities are available to staff once they are in a permanent jobrole?...........................................................................................................................................12c) Benefits of the approach Microsoft has taken in respect of flexible working practices.......12d) Explain how Microsoft motivates its workers through its job design and systems of reward...................................................................................................................................................13TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................13a) What is meant by the term employee engagement ..............................................................13b) Why is employee engagement an integral strategy of employee relations...........................13c) Identify some of the key approaches to engaging workers ..................................................14d) Main pieces of employment legislation in the UK .............................................................15CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................16
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The Role of HR in the Organisation_3

INTRODUCTION Human resource management term can be understood as an effective strategy throughwhich a company can gain many competitive advancements. Apart from this, it is being foundthat business organisations in modern world, consists with various departments so that theiroperations can get done in a successful manner. Here, HR department within an enterprise playsa crucial role which looks at different things like provides training, manages and controls staffmembers so that they can perform well (Anderson, 2013). On the other hand, it has beenanalysed that HR manager stays responsible for various tasks like he/she recruits or hirecandidates who are having distinctive talents. Away from this, it can be said that effectivenessamong this department can be helpful in hitting targets of the organisation. In presentassessment, firm which has been taken i.e. Say it with Chocolate. It is an organisation thatmanufactures greeting cards made up of tailor made chocolates. Company deals in all overUnited kingdom and sells their products with an aim of hitting their targets. Report will showdifferent things like purpose along with functions of HRM which can be applied to workforceplanning and various employment legislations that will help company in running business in asmooth manner.TASK 1a) Purpose of HR function and its importance to the organizationHuman resource management is the crucial department that facilitates bettermanagement, controlling of business operations. Their main responsibility is associated withrecruitment and selection of desired candidates for company which have the capabilities toenhance organisation's productivity and profitability. They also formulate plans and strategieswhich facilitates employees and employers to manage their work properly and achieve theirfuture targets within specified time limit (Aswathappa, 2013). Say it with Chocolate is acompany that is established in North Yorkshire and is famous due to their different tastes andinnovative chocolate flavors and designs. It is established in an area where rate of unemploymentis high unemployment rate, so in that scenario, it is beneficial for company to attract eligiblecandidates towards their company. As they are implementing assessment test on EnglishComprehensions and maths in order to evaluate candidates and selected candidates will appearfor informal interview. These all procedures are undertaken by HR department and manager.
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Already large workforce is working with company and it is responsibility and duties of HRmanagers to manage them effectively so that their organisation can meet desired targets. Purpose of HR functions: HR department is responsible for performing various activities and functions that helpcompany to achieve set goals and objectives. Following are some purposes of HRM: Management of employee relations: HR managers should work towards betterment ofemployees working in the organization (Brewsterand Hegewisch, 2017). For this they canorganize different activities in company which will allow every employee to come together andperform activities. This will lead to interaction and communication between them and thus willlead to development of relations between employees.Developing healthy atmosphere: It is responsibility of HR manager to create healthyand stress free atmosphere so that employees can perform their work effectively and result inmore outputs. In “Say it with Chocolate”, HR professionals are responsible for developingpositive environment within enterprise. They can do this by celebrating employee's birthdays etc.HR FUNCTIONSTraining and development: It is an important function of HR department to identify theneed of training and provide appropriate training classes to needy employees. It is a necessaryrequirement for employees to undergo training if they are unable to perform their activitiessmoothly and properly. Proper development of employees will enhance company's profits andwill earn more revenues. Compensation and benefits: This is another function of department to providecompensation and benefits to deserving candidates (Cascio and Boudreau, 2010). By providingnecessary benefits, it will boost their motivation and confidence level and they will work harderin order to get more benefits. Recruitment and selection: This is the major function of HR department as they hireeligible candidates who can maximize company's profits and achieve goals and objectives ontime. Problems:Say it with Chocolate company is facing problem with recruitment and selections as therewere few complaints against fairness of the test and number of few recruits which have failed theprobationary period. This can be improved if HR manager concentrate more on equality and
The Role of HR in the Organisation_5

provide equal chances to ever candidates. They should also give numbers according to theirabilities and performance and avoid partiality. b) Roles and responsibilities of Human resource manager officer.As mentioned above, there are various functions and responsibilities performed by HRdepartment in order to achieve all goals and objectives set by company. This facilitateorganization to achieve desired success and establish a good position in the market (Chelladuraiand Kerwin, 2017). HRM Officer is appointed within organization in order to perform HRfunctions in right directions. As I am a HR officer in Say it with Chocolate, I have to performdifferent responsibility such as for attracting, hiring, developing and looking after subordinates.Following are some responsibilities that are performed by me as HR officer:I have to attract individuals for vacant job position and hire them according to needs ofcompany.It is responsibility of HR Officer to provide pensions and necessary compensations toemployees who will go on retirement in sometime.It is my duty to approve job description and advertisements which is developed bymarketing department in order to attract desired candidates.I have to provide positive and healthy atmosphere to my employees so that they canperform their duties in better manner and produce maximum outputs. c) Advantages and disadvantages of current selection methods used by organisation andcomparison with other approaches of selection methodsRecruitment and selections are two crucial procedures which is carried out by HRdepartment in order to hire eligible candidates who is most suitable for vacant position incompany (CHUANG and Liao, 2010). HR manager first analyze characteristics andrequirements of vacant job post and then attract candidates according to those features. Is anycandidates fulfill all criteria, then that person is selected for particular job post. Say it withChocolate is one of the growing company and following are some advantage and disadvantagesof current selections methods used by them:Assessment test:Advantages: Company is using Assessment Test in order to scrutinize talented andeligible candidates on the grounds of skill, knowledge, talent, etc. This help in measuringactual knowledge and skills present in the candidate. Company might use both online and
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