
Effect of Team Building on Performance of Public Sector Organization


Added on  2023-01-04

43 Pages16278 Words69 Views
Team building in public
sector organization
Effect of Team Building on Performance of Public Sector Organization_1

Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................2
Project Title: Effect of team building on performance of public sector organization. A research
project on Public sector organization...............................................................................................1
Background to the study.........................................................................................................1
Rationale and importance to a business sector.......................................................................1
Aim and objectives.................................................................................................................2
Research questions.................................................................................................................2
Literature Review.............................................................................................................................2
To evaluate about the concept and main theories of team building within a firm.................3
To review about the main advantages and challenges of team building prcatises within a
public sector organization.......................................................................................................8
To determine the possible effects of team building prcatises on the performance of Public
sector organization................................................................................................................11
To recommend best suitable team building prcatises for Public sector organization in order to
have improvement in its efficiency and performance level..................................................13
Research Methodology..................................................................................................................15
Research findings...........................................................................................................................20
Reflection addressing personal development.................................................................................38
Effect of Team Building on Performance of Public Sector Organization_2

Project Title: Effect of team building on performance of public sector
organization. A research project on Public sector organization
Background to the study
The term team building is mainly associated with and represent the process of turning a
group of employees or people into a cohesive team which represents an organised set of
individuals who are working together to meet or accomplish a common organisational goal or
purpose. Further, the team building also includes leading an effective daily interaction and better
bonding among them through engaging all members of a team to properly carry out their set
requirement (Christensen, Lægreid and Rovik, 2020). This, Public sector organization is
responsible for maintaining stability in the national currency along with ensuring monetary and
financial stability thus, a high level of efficiency and work coordination become most vital and
important among the team members and employees. therefore, current investigation is lead out to
determine and evaluate about the effect of team building on performance of public sector
Rationale and importance to a business sector
The selection of current research topic based on concept of team building is rationale as
team building practices are significant and vital for an organisation as it creates a stronger bond
among employees that reduces the chances of chaos and conflicts. Apart from this, the concept
of team building is vital and important for public sector as it lead and creates a sense of respect
among employees and mitigate their differences to direct them towards achievement of a
common goal. Further, the main purpose of effective team building prcatises is to motivate
employees to work together in order to develop better strengths and address weakness in a better
way to have enhanced and better performance of public sector firm (Woodcock, 2017). Thus, it
can be observed that selection of current research topic is important and rationale as it encourage
enhanced collaboration among employees to perform and conduct daily routine practices in more
efficient and better manner to have better performance by a public sector organisation with
enhanced workplace efficiency. Further, selection of current research topic is also vital and
important from the view point of researcher as it meet and fulfil its personal and educational
interest along with supporting better development of skills and interpersonal competencies.
Effect of Team Building on Performance of Public Sector Organization_3

Aim and objectives
Research aim
To evaluate about the concept and theories of team building along with its effect on
performance of a public sector organization. A research project Public sector organization
Research objectives
To evaluate about the concept and main theories of team building within a firm.
To review about the main advantages and challenges of team building prcatises within a
public sector organization.
To determine the possible effects of team building prcatises on the performance of Public
sector organization.
To recommend best suitable team building prcatises for Public sector organization in
order to have improvement in its efficiency and performance level
Research questions
What is meant by the concept and main theories of team building within a firm?
Which could be the main advantages and challenges of team building prcatises within a
public sector organization?
What possible effect could be lead by team building prcatises on the performance of
Public sector organization?
Which would be the suitable team building prcatises for Public sector organization in
order to have improvement in its efficiency and performance level?
Literature Review
This section forms out to be an important part of every dissertation work which comprises of
survey and analysis of scholarly sources available and present in secondary form. Literature
review is vital and essential as it leads out a complete base and provide a better framework to
conduct a research in more effective and viable manner through providing survey and review of
existing knowledge. The current literature review is based on the topic of team building prcatises
and its objective which are reviewed with the help of existing online journal and article a
discussion and analysis of which is provided below in a systematic and orderly way:
Effect of Team Building on Performance of Public Sector Organization_4

To evaluate about the concept and main theories of team building within a firm.
As per the view point Cregård, (2020), the concept of team building is associated with
forming and leading out a cohesive group of individual to form and carry put various types of
activities in a better and effective manner. Thus, team building activities are aim at leading and
enhancing social activities and bonding among employees through clearly defining their team’s
roles and responsibility which often involves a high level of collaboration to achieve and
accomplish a desired target most effective way. The main purpose and aim of team building
activities comprises of building trust and engaging different individuals in an ordinarily way to
aligning them effectively around a goal and along with building effective working relationship.
Beside this, it has been also observed that the team building prcatises are vital to have enhanced
coordination and collaboration among team members to reduce the caches of workplace conflicts
and chaos along with finding effective and common solution for all team problems by a way of
enhanced mutual understanding. Thus, a vital role is lead out by team building practises in
enhancing and increasing the workplace efficiency through leading effective communication and
team bonding along with reducing chances of chaos and confusion.
According to Ihlen and Fredriksson, (2018), team business referring to the activities that
undertaken by group of people with the aim of increasing their motivation and at the same time
also boost corporation between them. In addition to this, team building activities are also based
in increasing cohesiveness and better corporation within group of people that assist in developing
positive relation. The main purpose of team building is to set solid and measurable targets that
help workers in executing their task activities in more efficient manner. By setting clear goals
and objectives, each member of team knows exactly what needs to do to accomplishing all the
pre-determined targets in a stipulated time frame. In relation to this, leader also play a significant
role in developing team because he/she always focus on forming an effective team along with
clear activities and goals. Basically, a team cannot do well unless and until each and every
people is focused about their roles and responsibilities. Team work is an effective way to get
thing done with the efforts of team members for attainment of all the common goals in an
allotted period of time. As, it is something very important to connecting a group of people and
also working for one ultimate goal. Thus, it is significant for company to understand the
behaviour of team members so that each team members can do well and achieve their targets. In
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this context leader also responsible in making an effective team in which they lead as well as
motivate their team members to perform well along with proper collaboration.
Furthermore, an effective team and its members have common goals, objectives and
better collaboration that help them in accomplishing all the set targets in an appropriate manner
without any kind of issues and obstacles. Along with this, in a team each member must
complement with each other’s and also work with unity. This can be beneficial in improving
positive relationship with each other’s. Generally, team development also created an effective
and healthy atmosphere by motivating as well as encouraging co-operations, proper teamwork,
building trust among all the team members. With the assistance of this, team can be able to share
their views and opinion with others and also increase the possibilities of attainment of entire set
goals with higher efficiency. In order to lead as well as develop an effective team by using
appropriate theories so that all the group members can improve their performance level at
working area.
As per view point of Chapman, (2020), Tuckman’s Model of team stage theory is a
crucial theory of team development as it explains that team develop with maturity and ability,
relationship establish and at the same time leader also changes leadership style in order to
develop an effective team. This type of theory beginning with directing style, moving through
proper coaching and then participating and finishing with delegation over the point that they are
almost detached. Along with this, team also produce a successor leader and previous leader can
move on towards the development of new team. One of the main advantage of this theory is to
train people within the group work and also male them enable to fulfill all the potentials to attain
all the set goals and objectives in an effective way. As, it includes different stages by that used
by business organization with the aim of team development. These can be understood by
following stages:
Forming: This is an initial stage in which team is assembled and task is allocated to the
team members. As each people of team tend to behave independently as they do not
know each other’s. Along with this, all the team members are dependent on the leader
guidance and direction because individual are unclear with their roles and
responsibilities. Under this stage of team development, leader must be prepared to answer
lots of questions on the basis of team purpose, objectives and external relationship. This
Effect of Team Building on Performance of Public Sector Organization_6

can be assist in developing coordination with team mates so that task activities can be
easily completed on time.
Storming: This stage of team development is also an effective wherein group members
are starts to sort itself and also gain trust of others. Along with this, conflicts may arise
between team members due to different views and opinion towards the task activities.
When the team members start work together then they start learn about individual
working and their styles that make them comfortable to manage their task roles. It also
creates positive and polite atmosphere and people that they have different feeling of
excitement, towards the allotted task and activities. In addition to this, leader or
supervisor of team in this phase more accessible and remain directive in decision making
process of team. As all the team members will resolve their differences and also be able
to take participate with others so that each activities can be done successfully in a team.
Norming: It is also an important stage of team building in which all the disagreements
that results as a greater intimacy and also improve co-operations among team individuals.
Furthermore, each and every team member are aware about all the roles and
responsibilities. In this team members are rake responsibilities and at the same time also
have the ambition to work for attainment of set goals and objectives in allotted period of
time. As, they are accepting others and make better efforts for executing team roles
successfully. The main focus of team members is to prevent conflicts and share
controversial ideas to improve their abilities. With the assistance of this, team can
increase their productivity level by attaining positive results from the allotted job roles.
Performing: With the development of groups and team, roles are also established as
team members are highly focus on attaining common goals often reaching high level of
success. At this time, workers as well as team members are motivated and also have
enough knowledge to perform their team roles along with higher efficiency. Along with
this, team members are able to handle complex situation and make appropriate decision
making process without any kind of supervision and direction of leader. Team will make
all the necessary decisions that provide them assistance in improving their productivity
level. With the assistance of this, team members are successfully complete their task and
achieve their set targets in allotted period of time without any kind of circumstance
among team members.
Effect of Team Building on Performance of Public Sector Organization_7

According to Moga, (2017), Belbin’s theory of team roles is an important theory of team
building as it includes different roles in which individual are perform. Basically, each and every
person has a tendency to behave in a particular way at the time of working in a team. An
effective team required a variety of personality that can assume different roles within a team. In
this, leader of team assign team role as per employee’s abilities and shortcomings in an
appropriate way to develop an effective team. As each and every people of team can perform
well and also try to attain their targets in an allotted period of time. By using this theory leader
established team role and also determine team roles to each individual so that they get enough
motivated towards their job roles. This can contribute in attaining efficient teamwork in an
organization. As, it includes different roles that can be understood by following points:
The Monitor Evaluator (Through- oriented): This stage is focus ion making decision on
the basis of faced and rational thinking. In this role, individual are normally serious and
also work for strategic planning and critical thinking to take right judgement. Basically,
monitor evaluator will carefully include all the aspects possibilities to make insightful
solution in an appropriate way. This type of people not prefer to get involved with the co-
workers and also contributes to their objectivity. They also give their best efforts when
challenges and uncertainties are arising as it required analytical ability to resolve problem
The Specialist (Through- oriented): Under this type of group development, team
members are expert in specific field and area. As they have detailed or in-depth
knowledge about the particular subject and area of interest. This can be contributing in
successfully completing the task activities along with this higher efficiency. In this, top
management of company provide them project on the basis of their knowledge and their
specialisation. Along with this, they become very helpful and engaging at the time of
specific task and activities as they also share their views and opinion with their team
members to complete the given project in successful manner.
The Plant (Through- oriented): This type of individual is highly creative in nature and
also find ways to solve issues in unconventional ways. This is the reason that company
accept these type of roles because they think creatively that leads to innovative solution
for resolving particular issues. In a team activity, this type of role individual
Effect of Team Building on Performance of Public Sector Organization_8

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