
To identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs


Added on  2023-01-19

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Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big Data
Research Project
(To identify techniques for motivating
employees working in restaurants and
pubs. A case study on “The Beehive
Restaurant and Pub”. )
To identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs_1

The present project is based on identify techniques for motivating employees working in
restaurants and pubs. In this The Beehive Restaurant and Pub is the chosen organisation, as this
is a famous British restaurant and pub which is mainly famous for its historic culture and it is
London's oldest pub. In the present investigation area proper analysis is based on analysing
techniques for motivating employees working in restaurant and pubs. In this an appropriate
introduction section is being conducted to providing proper detailed analysis over the chosen
subject area as in this an appropriate overview, background, rationale is executed to provide
proper detailed research. In this predetermined aim and objectives are effective in providing
support to the overall work in assisting the investigator to moving ahead in right manner.
Literature review is effective in conducting an in-depth study, thus in this information
accumulation is based on secondary sources like books, journals, published research articles.
This part of investigation is effective in conducting a detailed theoretical framework in which
suitable analysis is being done over the area of analysing the techniques for motivating
employees working in restaurant and pub. Along with this, in this suitable selection of
methodologies are effective in assisting the overall work in right manner. Therefore, this
investigation is based on qualitative research tool as it is effective in conducting detailed
evaluation over the chosen subject area. In addition to this, both primary as well as secondary
sources are applied by the researcher as to reaching at the key outcome. Secondary investigation
is viable in conducting literature review and primary investigation is being executed via the
support of questionnaire, therefore this is most suitable sources of gathering information from the
wider population. In this present investigation work, data analysis is being done with the support
of thematic analysis as in this themes are created to cover aim and objectives of the research.
Discussion and conclusion has been made over the findings of the research, thus this is effective
in developing an detailed analysis over the outcome of the research.
To identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs_2

Table of Contents
Abstract ...........................................................................................................................................2
TITLE: ............................................................................................................................................1
Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................................1
Chapter 2: Literature Review ..........................................................................................................6
The concept of motivating the employees at restaurant and pubs..........................................6
The technique of motivating the employees in restaurant and pubs......................................9
The importance of motivating employees for business growth............................................11
Chapter 3: Research Methodology ................................................................................................14
Research Setting ..................................................................................................................14
Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Results ...........................................................................................18
Theme 1: The concept of motivating the employees at restaurant and pubs........................33
Theme 2: The technique of motivating the employees in restaurant and pubs....................33
Theme 3: The importance of motivating employees for business growth...........................34
Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion ........................................................................................35
Appendix .......................................................................................................................................40
To identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs_3

To identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs. A case
study on “The Beehive Restaurant and Pub”.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Overview of the Research
In the recent scenario, the key concern of a business is to developing their profit and
customers base via satisfying the needs and wants of people within market place. In addition, the
basic motive of each size of business is to attaining higher growth and success within
commercial centre, thus, the success and growth of business is mainly based on the performance
of employees at work place. Employees were mainly recognised as an input to the production of
the business, therefore the performance of employees will lead the firm towards attainment of
growth and success. For the purpose of developing organisational performance, businesses are
concern over motivating employees in order to developing their courage and enthusiasm to
putting their efforts in showing hard work. This create value in increasing business performance
via the help of contributing hard efforts of employees (Bolino and Grant, 2016). In an
organisation employee motivation is refers as the major considered area of human resource
management. Thus, the key role of management is to motivating employees at workplace for the
purpose of increasing sustainability and growth of business. In the context of restaurant and pub,
employees are recognised as the key asset of the firm, as the growth and success of business is
mainly based on the performance of employees at work place. For maintaining employees
working, within restaurant and pub, organisation are concern over implementing multiple
motivational techniques, as effective practices are suitable in encouraging employees at work
place. People with high motivation are liable in fulfilling the desires of customers via offering
them effective and suitable facilities. This mainly create value in developing the operations and
performance of firm within commercial centre. In the present dissertation, The Beehive
Restaurant and Pub is the chosen organisation, it is a famous British menu classics in red-brick
village pub with modern, country-chic decor, plus beer garden. The key motive of restaurant is to
motivate their employees via implementing various motivational techniques which involves
monetary and non-monetary benefits to the employees (Scholten and Ellemers, 2016). On the
ground of restaurant and pub, the success is mainly based on the satisfaction of customers,
To identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs_4

therefore, the satisfaction of customers are based on the effective performance of employees. For
the purpose of developing employee moral and productivity, organisations are concern over
implementing various motivational practices and techniques that are suitable in encouraging
employees to support the growth of business via providing their significant efforts. This report
contains the study about identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and
pubs, as in this industry development of employees performance are required to attain
competitive edge. An effective investigation is being conducted via covering various aspects.
thus in the present study area introduction will support in providing an overview about the study
area with the support of aim, objectives and background on the research (Miner, 2015).
Literature review will also be taken place in execution of literature in which in-depth evaluation
has been created on discussing the investigation issue in proper and detailed manner. In this
research methodology will also be effective in providing support to the overall work via the
selection of suitable methodologies that are effective in assisting the work in right manner. This
section basically involves the detail about the type of methodology, detail of data collection
sources and size of sample. Along with this, data analysis will provide support in analysing the
information with the support of conducting primary research. At the end conclusion and
discussion will be created to develop a summarised outcome that supports the finding of the
research in suitable manner (Bhuvanaiah and Raya, 2015).
Background of the Research
The project aim to identifying the techniques for motivating employees working in
restaurants and pubs. Thus the overall investigation area is mainly based on the tools and
techniques that are implemented by the restaurant businesses for the purpose of motivating
employees at work place. In the modern business environment, competition within market is so
high and the key consideration of businesses is to attaining higher growth and sustainability
within market via enhancing their operations and functions. For efficient business growth,
employee motivation is the most significant aspect, thus in the growth and success of business,
the key role is mainly performed by employees (Owens, Wallace and Waldman, 2015).
However, it is important for the businesses to implementing effective motivation techniques for
the purpose of encouraging employees at work place. In the context of restaurant business,
employee motivation is turns into a significant aspect for delivering better and effective services
to the customers. The Beehive Restaurant and Pub, is a famous and large restaurant, which has
To identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs_5

its major motive to satisfying the desires of customers via offering unique and effective services.
The Beehive Restaurant and Pub is a British restaurant and pub which is placed in Waltham
Road, White Waltham, Maidenhead, UK. It is London's oldest pub which is established in the
year of 1884 and offer facility through friendly country pub and eating house. The average salary
for Bar Staff jobs is £19,000. These employees work in this sector with full motivation and
satisfaction. As it will be beneficial for company to retain employees for long time. Different
motivation techniques used by company to motivate their workers. It includes pay, healthy
working environment, job rotation etc. It is a large British menu classics in red-brick village pub
with modern, country-chic decor, plus beer garden. In the Restaurant and Pub, the salary of
Bartender is based on Hourly wage which is around £7 to £11 an hour with including tips.
The company is having large number of employees who are contributing their significant efforts
in the growth and success of business. The restaurant provides delicious seasonal menu with the
Britain culture by suing their wonderful taste (Liu, Aungsuroch and Yunibhand, 2016). The
dishes offered by restaurant are affordable, packed with full of flavour and heart warming. The
company is concern over implementing effective techniques for motivating employees at work
place, thus the company is mainly focuses over encourgaing employees for strengthen their
workforces for the purpose of attaining higher position within market.
People Work in The Beehive Restaurant and Pub
The Beehive Restaurant and Pub, is focuses over effectively managing their staff for the
purpose of rendering effective facilities (The Staff You Need to Hire to Run a Restaurant, 2019).
The staff detailed of Restaurant and Pub is descrived as below:
Nature of the Restaurant
Salary of employees
Manager Managers are getting the pay of around £35,000 to £60,000.
Executive Chefs Executive chefs typically earn between £53,000 and £76,000. This is
a basic salary for a chef in restaurant and pub.
Cooks Cooks are the key part of restaurant and pub business and the pay of
cooks is around £575 to £650 at monthly basis.
Dishwashers Expect to pay minimum wage to minimum wage plus £1.50 an hour.
To identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs_6

Service Staff The are also get paid at hourly basis and the hourly pay of Service
staff is around £15 to £20.
Hosting Staff In Restaurant and Pub the salary of Hosting Staff is around £150 to
£200 as hosting staff is also works as the cashier in the Restaurant.
Bus-persons The expected salary of Bus-persons is around £35 to £30 in
Restaurant and Pub which is a basic salary for Bus-persons.
Rationale of the Research
The investigation into consideration is based on the area of analysing the techniques for
motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs. Thus, the study area is wide as it is
effective in developing the idea and knowledge base of individual, that supports in attempting
future project in more liable manner. The major reason for conducting the research is the
personal interest of researcher as the investigator is executing the research for exploring their
own knowledge and skills that might be effective for them in enhancing their personal as well as
professional skills. The present investigation is effective for an individual or reader in developing
idea in the area of the tools that are effective for the businesses to motivate their employees. This
study has personal as well as professions significance (DeCenzo, Robbins and Verhulst, 2016).
Therefore, the chosen subject area assist an individual in developing their personal knowledge
that is beneficial for them in enhancing their personal skills that might help them in their
academic life. On the other side, this study is effective in enhancing professional skills of an
individual which could be effective in attempting professional ability which is beneficial in
attempting their professional tasks in more liable manner, Thus this resulted in developing their
career path in effective manner.
Research Aim
This refers as the primary consideration of an investigator is to design an effective aim
for the purpose of providing appropriate direction to the overall over investigation work, thus
this refers as a predetermined statement which is effectual in clearly defining research purpose
and assist the investigator in right manner to carry out the investigation activities in effective
manner. The key aim of this particular investigation is "To identify techniques for motivating
To identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs_7

employees working in restaurants and pubs". A case study on “The Beehive Restaurant and
Research Objectives
Research objectives are also recognised as the key area which is requires to be considered
by the researcher for assisting the work in right manner. Research objectives are based on
research aim and in this variables of research are explained in different statements, Thus, this
provides an effective way to determine the purpose of research (Sanghi, 2016). Research
objectives refers as clear and concise statement which are effective in clearly defining the areas
which will be cover in the exploration work. The main objectives of this particular investigation
are associated as below:
To identify the concept of motivating the employees at restaurant and pubs.
To determine the technique of motivating the employees in restaurant and pubs. To evaluate importance of motivating employees for business growth.
Research Questions
This area of investigation is mainly relay upon aim and objectives of the research, as in
this clear questions are implemented that are effective in leading the work in right manner via
execution of literature (Navimipour and Zareie, 2015). Research questions plays imperative role
in assisting the investigator in carry out the work in right direction. The main questions of the
research are associated as below:
What is the concept of motivating the employees at restaurant and pubs?
What are the techniques of motivating the employees in restaurant and pubs? What is the importance of motivating the employees for business growth?
Research Structure
The key obligation of the researcher is to design an outline specification in respect to
executing overall investigation action in effective manner (Dutta and Sahney, 2016). The
effective completion of an investigation is based on multiple chapters and this investigation
contains a structure of five parts which is depicted underneath:
Chapter 1: Introduction
In the principal area of this exposition there is a review about the present theme of study
and bearing in which this will proceed. It support in building up a comprehension in regards to
the paper subject in the mind of researcher with the goal that they would have the option to
To identify techniques for motivating employees working in restaurants and pubs_8

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