
Impact of Globalization on Economic Development


Added on  2020-10-23

26 Pages6377 Words279 Views
Research Project
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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................1
Research aim..........................................................................................................................1
Research objectives................................................................................................................1
Research questions.................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................2
Concept of globalization.........................................................................................................2
Impact of globalization on increasing trade among countries for ASOS Plc.........................3
Major challenges faced by ASOS Plc due to globalization....................................................4
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................5
Types of research....................................................................................................................5
Research approach..................................................................................................................6
Research techniques...............................................................................................................6
Data collection........................................................................................................................6
Analytical technique...............................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 4: TIMELINE OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES............................................................7
CHAPTER 5: DATA ANALYSIS..................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................19
CHAPTER 7: REFLECTION .......................................................................................................20
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TITLE: To analyse the impact of globalization on increasing trade across
borders. A study on ASOS Plc”
Globalization is considered as an important and broad term that refers to the global
outlook in which different companies and people develop as well as start their operation on
international scale. As per current scenario, concept of globalization has developed due to
advancement in technologies, transportation, communication. It directly contribute in increasing
international trade, ideas and culture through which organizations can easily operate their
activities at global level with the aim of attaining success. Mainly, it is integration of economics,
market, culture, industries around the world (How Globalization Affects Developed Countries,
2017). Furthermore, the term globalization is used in different ways like context of economic, it
is related to the reduction of issues that arise between national borders. It provides opportunities
like free flow of goods, labour, capital services and many more through which companies can
easily establish their positive image at global market. Current research is based on ASOS Plc,
which is a British online fashion and cosmetic retailer. Company was founded in 2000 in London
which sells approx 850 brand to customers. The headquarters of this company are in Camden
Town at Greater London House. By using globalization concept, company can easily operate
their business at global level and also improve their brand image in the market as well.
Research aim
It is one of the important and primary aspect for researcher to determine the main area of
undertaking research activities. Mainly, it is a clear statement that defines the research issues that
is based on the dependent and independent variable (Baylis, Smith and Owens, 2017). By this,
researcher easily gather relevant data and information to draw a valid conclusion. In context of
this, the main aim of this research is:
“To analyse the impact of globalization on increasing trade across borders. A study
on ASOS Plc”.
Research objectives
Research objectives play vital role in undertaking entire research activities through which
investigator ca easily study about the research variables (Deresky, 2017). Mainly, research
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objectives is related with its aim that assist in analysing the overall research activities in
appropriate manner. The main objectives of this research are as follows:
To understand the concept of globalization.
To ascertain the impact of globalization in increasing trade among countries for
developing operations of ASOS Plc.
To evaluate major challenges faced by ASOS Plc due to globalization.
Research questions
Research questions define the main area of the study in which investigator evaluate the
whole study in systematic manner. With the assistance of this, researcher carry out the literature
review that contribute in drawing valid conclusion of the study. In this context, research
questions are as follows:
What is the concept of globalization?
What is the impact of globalization in increasing trade among countries for developing
operations of ASOS Plc?
How to evaluate the major challenges faced by ASOS Plc due to globalization?
Literature review consider as an important part of the research through which researcher
easily carry out in depth study based on the particular research problem. Mainly, it is consider as
a scholar paper that is based in the substantive findings which may contribute in determining
research issues in an appropriate way.
Concept of globalization
According to Croucher, (2018), globalisation is a term that used to determine increasing
interaction of social, economic and political which help in enhancing the international trade and
flow of cash as well. Mainly, it help in creating as well as maximizing returns within the
economy. Due to advancement of technology, telecommunication, global integration is grown.
This create various opportunities in-front of business who wants to expand their business at
global level. In addition of this, globalisation is consider as the free movement of good and
services across the world that may contribute in increasing trade between different nations. .
Along with this, concept of globalisation also permit the flow of people and capital from country
to country which assist in generating revenue. It also improve business opportunities through
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which company increase their profitability and brand image as well. Thus, it is important for
business organization to effectively analyse the global market before expanding their business
activities at global level. It is related with the international division of labour which develop the
skill intensive manufacturing services that develop the economic condition of the nation and
market as well. It also create new market and wealth for business organization by reducing the
barriers among nations and companies as well. Apart from this, concept of globalisation also
bring benefits and risk which is important for organization to managed. One of the main
advantage of globalisation is to increase the free trade and communication among nations by
enhancing technology, consumer good and other resources. By this, business organization can
easily enhance their positive brand image at global market.
Impact of globalization in increasing trade among countries for developing operations of ASOS
According to Johnson, (2014), Globalisation play vital role in developing the economic
condition and has resulted in interaction among markets in around the world. It also increased
communication and awareness of the companies opportunities across the globe. In addition of
this, new investors of business organization can also access new investment opportunities before
expanding their business activities at global level. In recent years, significant changes in the
national economics to global value chains. In this with context, it also develops strong growth of
FDI in all the countries which remove the tariff barriers and increase the free trade zones that
assist ASOS Plc to operate their business at global market. In concept of globalisation,
international economics shows the foreign trade that is related with the economic transaction
among domestic and foreign organization. In addition of this, concept of globalisation positively
impact on the international trade among different countries. It create opportunities for ASOS Plc
to make their brand presence more strong by trading their goods and services around the world.
Apart from this, increase the demand of labour which contribute in enhancing the profitability
level at market place. As it increase the trade which remove the issues between different
countries and also make economic strong. It also contribute in determining opportunities in
which ASOS Plc operate their operational activities in the global market. In this context there
are some major impact of globalisation on trade among countries for ASOS Plc are as follows:
Foreign direct investment: Trade is positive aspects of globalisation which increased
FDI in the nation which contribute in making economic condition more strong. It directly
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