
Tourism Management and Sustainability


Added on  2020-06-03

17 Pages5228 Words58 Views
Tourism Management and Sustainability_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Determine the impacts of present and recent trends and developments in tour operatorindustry........................................................................................................................................12.1 Assessment of the stages and time-scale engaged with creating occasions .........................32.2 Description on the evaluation of variety of methods, contracting for different componentsof the holiday...............................................................................................................................42.3 Calculation of the selling price of holiday with provided information.................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................73.1 Evaluation of arranging choice taken for plan of pamphlet ................................................73.2 Description on the Assessment on the suitability various alternatives to traditionalbrochures for number of tour operators. ....................................................................................83.3 suitability in different methods used by different tour operators:.........................................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10P4.1 strategic decision made by different organizations:..........................................................10P4.2 Tactical decisions taken by tour organizations:...............................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
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INTRODUCTIONThe Tour and travel agencies is one of the fastest growing enterprise and it is working asto generate maximum revenue in UK market. It is need to be provided in effective manner, theindividual need to have good and memorable travelling experience. In order to make it servicesimpelling it is essential to take alteration in the operational, customer services and distributionsystem. Thus, it can be said that Tour operators must take various initiatives in to provideeffective travelling experience to customers (Cazcarro, Hoekstra and Chóliz, 2014). He need tofacilitate each arrangement in systematic process. The duty of Tour operator is start from airportto destination of tourist. The present report will outline the activities of the Thomas cookcompany, it is the travel company and providing its services being tour operator. It has almost 29travel centres in UK. In addition to this, the present report will focus to gain the depthunderstanding about differed kind of tour operators and their product and services. In this touroperators need to perform their job as to create effective holiday travel packages to customers. TASK 1TOUR OPERATION MANAGEMENT1
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Determine the impacts ofpresent and recent trends anddevelopments in tour operatorIndustry.This term can be defined as thecompany or an individual whoare working as to offer holidayand holiday packages totravellers. They take initiative inmanner to makingarrangements as to bookingreservation for travelling. Theyare the individual who areresponsible to provide effectiveservices to customer so thatthey can get good travelexperience. In this it can bestated that the current trends intravel and tourism industry canaffect the overall working ofenterprise. With the help ofhaving changes they are able toattract the large number ofcustomer in market. In this thefollowing trends in relation totour operator industry as are-Internet and othertechnologicalequipment’s- Theinternet plays the vitalrole in relation toattract differedThese activities will behelpful in order tomaking proper decision.Environmentalawareness- this will canaffect the working ofenterprise, asgovernment takesvarious initiative in orderto control and to protectthe environment frompollution or restrainedentry in some area. Itcan be understood withthe help of example asare in London there iswild life sanctuary butdue to rules andregulations of legalauthorities the visitorcannot visit such place.Thus, this kind of issuecan affect the working ofenterprise in wide mode.Inbound tour operator- Theywork as to deal with makingarrangement with foreign touristin order to visiting the country.Under this they represent asthemselves as host. Their role asto provide effectuate services tothe customer at the time ofarrival and departure. In thesevarious services are included asare services of transfer,transportation, accommodation,entertainment, sightseeing,insurance services currency, etc.in order to make it moreeffective they need to create theholiday packages byunderstanding the need ofcustomers. They are also havingmaximum contribution inrelation to enhancing the foreignexchange earnings. This will beassistive in order to promotionand growth of tourism market. 2
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