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Business Strategy for TUI Group


Added on  2023/01/12

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This report discusses the business strategy of TUI Group, a multinational travel and tourism organization. It covers the company's vision, mission, goals, stakeholders, competitors, and leadership style. The report highlights the importance of business strategy in achieving organizational objectives and gaining a competitive edge in the tourism and hospitality industry.

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Tourism and Hospitality
Business Strategy

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..............................................................................................................................................3
Goals & Objectives..................................................................................................................................5
Competitors & Markets:..........................................................................................................................7
Leadership Style......................................................................................................................................8
Organisational Culture.............................................................................................................................9
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Business strategy is the set of competitive actions or activities that use by business to
enchant large number of consumers, complete business projects in successful manner,
empowering performance of organization and its employees for achieving business goals and
objectives (Okumus and, 2019). Business strategy proved beneficial in outlining the
objectives and goals to reach at the desired end for gaining sustainability of market. Respective
report is based on TUI Group which is an Anglo German multinational travel and tourism
organization headquarter is in Germany. Respective report is based on significant of business
strategy for an organization and its relevance in gaining desirable outcomes. Further it includes
the vision, mission and business objectives that are important kind of deliverable that contributes
in business strategy. Finally it includes organisational leadership style, competitors, shareholders
and culture that plays very important part of business strategy and collaboratively contributes in
gaining organisational goals.
For an organization vision plays very much important role in giving one of best
experience to the end users. Their organisational vision is values and customer proposition from
their action and attitudes from the inside and outside (Murphy, Gretzel and Pesonen, 2019).
Respective organization a vision is discovering world’s diversity, exploring horizons and foreign
countries culture in broadens people mind. To achieve respective vision of organization their
administration and team build business strategy to provide one of best experiences to the end
users. In that regards their main business strategy is to provide no. of travel and tourism services
under one roof so that they collaboratively work in benefit of people and enlarge consumers base
potentially. In their products and services includes hotels and resorts, cruise, destination
experience, tour operators and airlines. In order to serve consumers in positive manner they
provides one of best products and services by taking continuous feedbacks from them (Metaxas,
Chatzoglou and Koulouriotis, 2019). they are not operated at domestic level but widen their
business practices to the international level in that regards they provide national and international
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tour to their consumers in order to enlarge business opportunities in potential manner. The part of
their business strategy includes as people more aware about the environment or climate as it is
primary responsibility of an organization to work in protection of it. As it has been observed that
tourism constitutes the growing part of world’s greenhouse gas emissions. As together 5% of
global carbon emissions arise from the aviation industry in that regards it is very much potential
to save the environment as people prefer to avail the services of organization that devotes their
activities in favor of it. As it has been evaluated that vision and mission statement of an
organization directly contributes in business strategy. Both provides the purpose and goals that
are potential elements of strategy (Martin-Rios and Ciobanu, 2019). It helps in underline the
objectives for business and factors that is very important for audience evaluated with help of
respective factors. In that regards it is very much potential for an organization to define their
vision and mission by considering all the necessary aspects in their mind so that potential
outcomes should be achieved. To bring into practice the respective business strategy respective
organization find out best places to visit and attributes that helps to attract large no. of
consumers. In that series by collecting potential knowledge regarding consumers interest, age,
likings and family background so that they can offer their favorable packages to them. in that
regards the unified information and provide roles to each and every individual in order to serve
the end users in potential manner.
Mission statement plays very much important role for an organization that depicts about
the reason behind organisational existence by identify the goal of their existence in potential
manner. in context of TUI Group their mission is to with help of holiday makers harnessing the
most positive impact of tourism is to build the difference for people and places in destinations
around the whole world. Respective mission statements shows its depth that TUI Group is very
much concerning for their consumers and they are also very much dedicated for their employees
as they contributes in making difference in their products from their fierce competitors that helps
to consumers in taking potential kind of decisions (Jones and Wynn, 2019). In that regards to
achieve their mission statement they build distinctive kind of business strategy that helps to
satisfy their stakeholders expectations in positive manner. To provide distinctive products and
services to their end users respective organization blend quality and feedback from their
consumers. They by tracking their consumers self interest that helps to acknowledge about their

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products and services to them in potential manner (Ivanov and Webster, 2019). In their business
strategy to bring distinctive effect they use sustainable holiday and to make possible it focus on
the respecting local culture as photos always consider the souvenir of holiday but always take
into account the culture of localities which plays important role not only for tourist but also
contributes in local economy. They always by choosing responsible kind of entertainment
without harming the culture and ethnicity of others helps in build a distinctive image in the
marketplace potentially. The another aspect of their mission statement is collaboration with
holiday makers as it has been analyze that respective stakeholders plays very much important
role in framing one of best products and services for the end users. in context of TUI Group in
their business strategy for holiday makers that they perceive one of most valuable assets of their
organization and work in their self interest by using smart remuneration and other kind of
benefits they always build positive image in marketplace and gain productive outcomes from
them. To bring into practice the respective business strategy they firstly conduct the research and
competitors analysis. in which they analyze the way competitors are better and way to improve
the consumers experiences in potential manner (Saner, Yiu and Filadoro, 2019). in that regards
with help of experts they collect necessary information by framing goals and objectives and then
assign roles so that each and every individual can give one of their best efforts.
Goals & Objectives
Goal is determined as idea of future or desire result which an individual or group of
individual want to attain and for that they develop strategies so that they achieve it at proper time
(Altinay, Paraskevas and Jang, 2015). Goal of TUI group is to be a hospitality firm who play a
pioneering role for the sustaining of business for life time. They also want to use tourism’s
creative as well as innovative power in order to maximize their benefits at the tourism industry in
successful manner. For attaining this goal respective company conducts analysis which helps
them in decision making process so that they can attain goal successfully.
On the other hand, objective is considered as action which a company wants to conduct in
order attracts more and more customers so that they can sustain in marketplace for long time by
enhancing their profitability and market shares successfully. In respect of TUI their objective is
to increase or leveraging their market as well as customers so that can gain high profitability as
well as market shares. Moreover, respective company’s another objective is to expand their
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business at the worldwide level so that they can attract more and more audience which lead to
growth of business. In order to attain aim and objective a company needs to develop different
business strategies so that they can work accordingly. In respect of TUI, their management also
conducts or develops several business strategies that will help them in attaining their goal as well
objectives in successful manner. In respect of this, they can adopt new technology which they
help them in providing quality and effective services to customers as well as they also need to
develop business strategy for train their employees so that conduct their allotted work in
effective manner. This will also lead to improvement in work quality which directly leads to
attainment of desire goal and objective of enhancing business by increasing profitability ratio as
well as market shares.
IN the corporate world, stakeholders are the members of Groups without their support
organization can not cease to exist. It is very important for an organization to work always in self
interest of their stakeholders so that they contribute one of their best efforts in organisational
development and enhancement (Hwang and Lee, 2019). The main stakeholders of TUI Group are
customers, colleagues, shareholders, industry partners and local communities. In business
strategy for stakeholders involved that they work for their self interest by keeping their every
kinds of expectations from their organization so that they can give one of their best efforts in
organisational development and enhancement potentially. Respective organization is the group
of opportunities for their consumers, shareholders and for their employees. They by uniting
under the one roof getting help in unique hotel portfolio, their cruise lines, six European airlines
and distribution strength with tour operators by using both online and offline travel agencies all
over the market. In their activities of working in self interest of employees consist of that they
potentially work against the Corona virus disease. During the night of 16 March, as per the
guidance of government respective organization suspend their majority of their travel activities
that includes the tours, cruise and operations related with hotel for the further notice so that TUI
Group protect their valuable assets of organization. In today’s competitive world the safety and
well being of employees plays very much important role to remain competitive. By using the
Corona virus ticker that support media in their work in best possible manner that proved very
beneficial for organization by providing transparency to their stakeholders so that they can
evaluate potential aspects (Hall and Williams, 2019). In that series their business strategy that
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they work in most sustainable manner that not only proved in gaining positive response from the
side of consumers but also from the employees that enhance their retaining rate within the
organization. It has been research that TUI is one of most sustainable travel brand as per the
Swedish consumers. It described in 2020 sustainable brand index that is Europe’s largest
independent brand study rely on sustainiability. To bring into practices the sustainability
approach of respective organization they potentially evaluate the market scenario and current
problems that are encounter by organization and people and then build tactics to eliminate the
same. In that regards respective organization evaluate that people suffer from adverse kind of
environmental situation and then build strategies accordingly.
Competitors & Markets:
Competitors and market plays very much important role in organization as it prepare the
other organization in improving their processes, works and other tactics to remain competitive in
the marketplace (Chen, 2019). In context of TUI Group they build distinctive business strategy
to beat their competitors in positive manner. competitors of respective organization is
Jet2holidays, Rainbow Tours limited, easyjet and many more. Their market of operations
includes the leisure, hotels, travel and tourism, cruise many more. To remain always competitive
they opens door for the Thomas cook employees as insolvency of Thomas cook impact on their
market and sustainability. Respective step proved very much beneficial for organization in
gaining desirable outcomes. The another major step taken by respective organization to beat their
competitors involve provide products and services in both online and offline mode by providing
consumers the dynamic packages as well airline operators also provide the accommodation that
directly contributes in consumers experiences. By combining the travel agencies to hotel and
flight offering provides customers proved very beneficial in gaining desirable outcomes. By
using online platform they play leading role in selling air tickets and hotel rooms that not only
enhance their profitability but also sustainability into market. They consistently preparing oneself
as largest travel group in every situation by using block chain and artificial intelligence that
directly contribute in enhancing consumers experience potentially. By developing work culture
that equally digital in nature is just not a matter of availing the technologically advance tools or
gadgets but using in benefit of consumers. By visiting their office of Stockholm shows that it
totally rely on transparency, collaborative working of team and innovation in positive manner.
they by conducting the virtual meetings can be able to cut down their cost and time that plays

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important role in organization (Boella and Goss-Turner, 2019). To bring into practice respective
business strategy that is technological advancement they invest heavily on up gradation that
required skill labour force and knowledge of utilization of it. In that regards they by scheduling
training practices and by appointing new employees that possess adequate knowledge can be
able to gain desirable outcomes potentially. In that regards it can be said that technological
advancement plays very much important role in improving consumer experience that provides
sustainability in marketplace.
Leadership Style
Leadership style is considered as approaches through which an organization provides
direction, able to implement plans or strategies, motivate employees, and develop strategies and
many more (Aragon-Correa, Martin-Tapia and de la Torre-Ruiz, 2015). Different leader or
manager has different leadership style which helps them in conducting their work in effective
manner so that they can attain their goal as well as objective in successful manner. Through
proper leadership style a company work or perform are conducted in appropriate way which help
in boosting business at the potential marketplace. There are different types of leadership styles
autocratic, democratic, transactional, transformational, laissez faire, coaching and many more
(Harrington and et. al., 2014). In respect of TUI group, the leadership which is implement by
their leader and manager is democratic leadership according to that every employee at the
workplace get equal chance to take participation in decision making process.
By implementing this leadership style manager and leader of respective company able to
motivate their employees properly that will lead to enhancement in staff performance. Moreover
this will also help a company in attaining their desire goal and objective in successful manner as
well as in given time duration. In addition to this, TUI manager and leaders also implement
situation leadership style according to which they can develop or change their decision according
to situation that current company is facing. By implementing respective leadership style manager
and leader able to conduct their work according to the situation or condition from which
company is currently going. Both leadership styles are mostly used and effective tool through
that a company can successfully attain their goal as well as objective. In addition to this, in order
to implement both leadership styles i.e. situation and democratic manager as well as leader of
TUI need to develop various business strategies. That will include provide training to employees
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so that they feel motivated at the workplace as well as manager and leaders also need to involve
every employees in decision making process so that that they can put their viewpoint or
suggestion. In addition to this, another business strategy which manager as well as leader needs
to implement is that they need to conduct internal and external analysis on regular basis so that
according to situation decision can be developed.
Organisational Culture
Organization culture is considered as system which is based on sharing of value, beliefs,
assumptions and other factors. Through this behavior of a person can be determined within an
organization or at workplace (Rahimi and et. al., 2017). Culture or values have a strong influence
on an individual in a company as well as it dictates how a person dressed, act, and perform their
job and so on. For very firm it is essential to develop an effective and appropriate organization
culture because that will directly or indirectly impact on the employee’s performance. Positive
organization culture not only attracts and retains employees it will also help in increase market
value of a company at the potential market place. In respect of TUI group their organization
culture is based on trust, uniqueness and it is inspiring in nature. Through this type of culture
employees feel motivated as well as encouraged to conduct work in effective manner because
they feel valuable at the workplace (Xu and Gursoy, 2015).
Respective company also trusts on their employees as well as they adopt unique idea and
technology so that their performance get enhance or improved. In order to implement this type of
organization culture management of TUI need to develop as well as different business strategies
as that will also help them in attaining desire goal and objective successfully. That will include
involving employees in decision making process and considering every staff opinion or
suggestion. In addition to this they also need to adopt unique and advance technology so that
performance of employees get enhance as well as it will also help in motivating employees for
attaining desire goal effectively. TUI also need to conduct analysis on continue basis as that will
help them in developing effective as well as appropriate business strategies for the attainment of
goal as well as objective.
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From the above report it has been concluded that business strategy plays very much
important role in gaining potential outcomes within the organization. It able to show the path of
people that determined in achieving success in project potentially. It has been evaluated that for
an organization it is very potential to evaluate various factors such as internal and external
business environment as it impact on wider scale. In an organization each and every aspect
required the business strategy as not a single attribute refrain from it. It potentially evaluated that
leadership style that helps in leading other people in gaining desirable outcomes required
business strategy to imply it in successful manner.

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Books and journals
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