
Professional Identity Formation in Nursing


Added on  2020-10-04

16 Pages4321 Words241 Views
Professional Identity and Practice.
Professional Identity Formation in Nursing_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3PART 1............................................................................................................................................4An introduction and overview of organisation............................................................................4Skills and competences expected by the employer for specific roles in your chosenorganisation.................................................................................................................................4Benefits and importance of undertaking ongoing professional and personal development andhow it can enhance career prospects...........................................................................................5Range of different learning theories and approaches used for personal and professionaldevelopment................................................................................................................................6A critical evaluation of your own abilities, skills and competences for one of the job roles inthe organisation, using at least two self-evaluation models to undertake an audit of your hardand soft skills...............................................................................................................................7Abilities:......................................................................................................................................8Consideration of the best development approaches to enhance your own professional andpersonal development..................................................................................................................8PART B............................................................................................................................................9PART C..........................................................................................................................................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16
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INTRODUCTIONHospitality industry is one of broad category in service industry in which lodging, foodand drinks service, theme parks, event planning and cruise line with travelling are part of traveland tourism industry. Tourism industry is one of the largest sector that helps in enhanceemployment opportunities and helps in growth and enhancement of economy. This report isbased on Thomas cook group which is an British global travel company and it formed or existedafter merger of Thomas cook Group plc with Thomas cook AG. This report is based on selfassessment program of an individual with benefits of on going professional development. It assesskills and competencies by using different learning and development approaches. It also accessdevelopment plan to evaluate skills and capability in an individual and range of service industryand skills for a job application.
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PART 1An introduction and overview of organisation.This report is based on hospitality industry which is an Broad sector and includeslodging, event planning and theme parks and transportation, travel and tourism are major areasthat includes in it. In that assignment the chosen organisation is Thomas cook which is an Britishglobal travel and tourism industry (Trede, Macklin and Bridges, 2012.). That group of traveland tourism has no. of tour operators that gives a whole tour packages and services under oneroof to give delighted experience to consumers. In February 2007, it merge with Thomas cookAG and MyTravel Group plc to gain competitive advantage to enlarge business opportunities.Skills and competences expected by the employer for specific roles in your chosen organisation.In an hospitality industry contribution of employees in giving pleasant experience toconsumer base plays very important role to enlarge business opportunities. The main skills intravel and tourism industry consist of communication skills, better serving style of consumersand coordination in various works and activities and comply with to attain desirable goals andobjectives (Wald and et.al ., 2015.). According to designation of human resource manager theyrequire skills and potentials such as communication, analysis of capabilities of other,relationships building and leadership development skills and development. To achieve goals andobjectives organisation have to select and retain one of best employees that give their best inorganisational enhancement and fulfil individual and organisational goals. Hence in case ofThomas cook that is an multinational brand name in travel and tourism industry so to alwaysremain enough competitive into marketplace they have to retain best employees to get desirableoutcomes.Coordination:In Thomas cook which is an international brand name perform and provides variousworks and activities under one roof in an effective way (Wenger-Trayner and et.al 2014). Inthat case it would be expect from employees that they and their manager coordinate and controleach and every sphere of organisation to give their best attributes. It is one of important foremployee's because it helps in share roles and responsibilities to perform in better way.Willingness to learn:
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