
The Structure of Travel and Tourism Sector


Added on  2020-10-22

12 Pages3222 Words299 Views
Travel and TourismSector
The Structure of Travel and Tourism Sector_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 History of travel and tourism sector......................................................................................11.2 Examining the structure of travel and tourism......................................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................32.1 analysis the function of government local and national, government sponsored bodies andinternational agencies in the development of the travel and tourism sector of United Kingdom......................................................................................................................................................32.2. Local and national economy policy influencing the success of the travel and tourism.......42.3 The implication of political change on the travel and tourism sector in various countries...4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................53.1 Explain the factors affecting tourism demand......................................................................53.2 Examining how supply has changed to meet the effect of demand.....................................6TASK 4...........................................................................................................................................64.1 Explain the positive and negative economic, environmental and social impacts of tourism. .....................................................................................................................................................64.2 Explain strategies that can be used to minimize negative impact while maximise thepositive impact. ..........................................................................................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
The Structure of Travel and Tourism Sector_2

INTRODUCTIONIn today's era of sophisticated market travel and tourism sector have boosted very rapidly.In the era globalization people are very smart and crazy towards their work as well as to theadventures. Tourism is not an ordinary services, it is the part of luxurious services provided bydifferent organization all over the world. There are lots of agencies are providing travel andtourism services to people. The big segment of the market is tourism sector which is contributinglarge to the economy of United Kingdom. There are various factors which affect the tourismfactor such as environmental, social, economical and political factor. The whole project is aboutthe history of travel and tourism sector. The report also came to know the structures of travel andtourism sector. The assessment is also evaluating the strategies which overcome the negative andpositive impact on travel and tourism. Furthermore, the report also determine the other factorswhich affect the tourism and travel sector such as technological factors, dynamic working patternand working force. TASK 11.1 History of travel and tourism sector.The travel and tourism industry is very crucial old industry and in today's it is one of thefastest growing industry over the world. Many people are interested in to purchasing the holidaypackages of tourist sectors by which they can get information and knowledge about the touristdestination (Giaoutzi, 2017). People are purchasing these packages of holidays because thefacilities given by travel and tourism sectors can be enhance and improved. They help customer'sto plan for a tour in an inexpensive price. There is very interesting and unique history of traveland tourism. Travel and tourism did not provide all the facilities which are providing in moderntime before 1945. Travel and tourism sector has no share of contribution in the growth ofeconomy. There are lots of so many factors which influence the development and growth of thetourism sector such as better infrastructure, advancement in technology, social and politicalconditions, amended accommodation services and hygienic destination point and so on.Government bodies also plays a critical role in developing and growth of travel and tourismsector. There are many local and international policies which has great impact on the favour andpromoting of travel and tourism sector and sometimes they also have negative effect on tourismsector. In today's era the formation of tourism industry is highly affected by the number ofindustries developed in travel and tourism sector (DANGI and SINGH, 2017). 1
The Structure of Travel and Tourism Sector_3

The division of travel and tourism sector is in three different parts like:Before 19451945-19791980 to current time.Travel and tourism is playing so many roles in operation before 1945 which was not consistent.In 1945-1979 travel and tourism is improved to high level as it boosted free time availability,improved the holiday packaged by providing more appropriate offer to people (Mahrous andHassan, 2017). YearHistorical DevelopmentPictureBefore 1945At this time only richer peoplecan travel alone and enjoyleisure and travel. 1945-1979In this year, the developmentand growth of the travel andtourism take place. Middleclass people also makeopportunities of holidaypackages. 2
The Structure of Travel and Tourism Sector_4

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