
Undergraduate Major Project Integrated Case Study


Added on  2023-06-16

20 Pages5124 Words267 Views
Undergraduate Major Project Integrated Case Study_1

Project integration is defined as the part of managing a task or project that aims at smooth
working of that with proper utilization and co-ordination of given elements of work. For
improving and making every assignment complete many firms adopt this policy as their standard
practise. As well as aids managers to analyse, observe and forming strategies for resource
management and gaining competitive advantage. The report focus on 'Age UK' which falls under
the category of top non-profit organization based in U.K. and their impacts on the working.
Analysis shows about what is Brexit withdrawn plan, it's negative impacts on economy and plans
for overcoming various issues with impactful solutions used by industry. The report also delivers
about various internal and external challenges faced by organization while they access in market.
Further, the analysis showcase about various solution enterprise come up with for solving varied
issues in regarding staff, market and resources of firm. Lastly, it shows about strategies or plans
company initiated for responding directly to the challenges and overcoming them.
Undergraduate Major Project Integrated Case Study_2

Table of Contents
2.0 SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................................2
4.0 MAIN BODY.............................................................................................................................4
4.1- Strategic issues.....................................................................................................................4
4.2- Challenges............................................................................................................................5
4.3- Solutions.............................................................................................................................10
4.4- Implementation...................................................................................................................13
5.0- CONCLUSION......................................................................................................................15
6.0- RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................................................15
7.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................17
8.0 APPENDICES.........................................................................................................................19
Undergraduate Major Project Integrated Case Study_3

4.1- Strategic issues
Brexit withdrawal, is an official agreement under which Northern Ireland and United
Kingdom of Great Britain withdrawal themselves from the European Union and Atomic
European Atomic Community (Carl, Dennison and Evans, 2019). Different situations like anti-
establishment of politics, immigration of people, sovereignty were major reasons for agreement
to happen. The withdrawal agreement being entered into force on 1st February 2020, and majorly
have been agreed from 17th October 2019. After the implementation of agreement EU experience
a rapid decrease in population of around 13% in between 1 January 2019 and 1 January 2020.
Labour supply: With the exit from European Union impacts in major labour shortage in
the economy, as results in lack of workers in hospitality services and decrease in working
condition for firm (Fahy and et.al., 2019). Apart from this company also faces shortages of
skilled labours for fulfilling various jobs required in firm. As well as it may became hard for
organization to work in such market conditions.
Costs: Another impact cause by agreement as, increased in costs for enterprise, company
may not able to earn even a decent amount to cover the major expenses incurred (Sipido and
et.al., 2020). Not just that but additional costs of training employees and labour for converting
them workable in accordance to firm. Moreover, cost of automation, various indirect costs for
monitoring required for organization to work.
Sexism in society: This problem arises post agreement as various firms tends to choose
male labour more in comparison of female one's (Anderson and et.al., 2020). The company may
facing huge labour disadvantages and wants employees that may work more than given time
period and more efficiently results in social sexism discrimination raised in economy for
enterprise to handle.
Access to markets: With the leave of Great Britain results in negative impact caused to
'Age UK' in terms of firm may faces huge challenge in regard to getting access in markets
(Bastos and Mercea, 2019). Apart from this enterprise find hard to gather funds and incurred no
support from the financial markets also leads toward losses for company to face.
Strategic issue: The organization also faces strategic issues which simply means
precarity or uncertainty and insecure working environments. The issues arise about uncertainty
in working hours for firms and working conditions (McCulloch, 2018). Missing about various
Undergraduate Major Project Integrated Case Study_4

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