1. Give a clearer indication of your findings in your abstract.
2. The introduction is still quite lengthy, think about whether this could be refined e.g. by removing some elements that might sit equally well in the literature review.
3. While there is some useful content in the literature review try and avoid large sections without references/citations. Remember that you are critically analysing the literature, not discussing it extensively.
You might also want to review the number of sub headings that you have .... these could be condensed to avoid interrupting the flow of the narrative. Also avoid too many short paragraphs.
At times the literature review looses a critical perspective particularly towards the end. Make sure that you focus on the salient points and don’t over discuss the literature at the expense of the other sections.
Your literature is very long compared to your findings and analysis section.Is the rationale for the study element in the right place?
4. The method