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Understanding and Leading Change


Added on  2023/01/11

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This document discusses the importance of organizational change for business success and growth, and explores the impact of change on enterprise strategy and operations. It also analyzes the ways in which external and internal drivers of change affect leadership, team, and individual behaviors. Additionally, it examines measures that can be taken to reduce the negative impacts of change on organizational behavior, and describes barriers to change and how they influence leadership decision-making. The document provides examples from Jessop Group Limited and Enterprise Rent, and offers insights into different leadership approaches to dealing with change.

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Understanding and
leading change

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Table of Contents
TASK 1......................................................................................................................................3
P1 By adopting organisational examples compares them where there has been impact of
change on enterprise strategy and operations.........................................................................3
TASK 2......................................................................................................................................5
P2 Analyse and evaluate ways in which external & internal drivers of change affect
leadership, team & individuals behaviours............................................................................5
P3 Examine measures that are taken to reduce the negative impacts of change on OB........6
TASK 3......................................................................................................................................8
P4 Describe barriers for change & evaluate how they influence leadership decision-making
in relevance with organisation................................................................................................8
P5. Different leadership approaches to dealing with change...............................................10
Books and Journals...............................................................................................................12
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Organisational change plays an important role for success and growth of business
firm. It is necessary for entity to bring changes in order to boost profitability level at minimal
risk. In addition to this, due to increase in level of competition, it imposes direct impact on
organisation at wider level. Therefore, it is vital to bring the changes in order to cop up with
uncertainty arises at workplace. Jessop Group Limited as well as enterprise rent both are
located in UK. JGL is well known photographic company across the world. On the other
hand, Enterprise rent is famous for offering leasing cars to its customer at relatively less
price. It is important for the firm to change their structure and functions as per the demand of
client. In this report, there is assessment of organisational instance, peripheral forces of
changes imposes direct impact on leadership, adverse effect of changes as well as barriers in
implementing change and approaches of leadership (Hoover, 2018).
P1 By adopting organisational examples compares them where there has been impact of
change on enterprise strategy and operations.
It is necessary for business organisation to adopt effective strategies, policies as well
as tactics to cope up with the changing marketplace. It is the duty of supervisor of enterprise
to formulate ensures the changes are implemented in an appropriate manner. In addition to
this, the changes impose direct impact on JGL as well as enterprise rent at wider level. For
instance, in context of Jessop Group Limited, the firm deal with pictorial apparatus which is
founded in the year of 1935. Beside form this, traditionally real firm were adopted by persons
but due to advanced technology, it is necessary to bring changes so that it is accepted in the
marketplace easily. On the other hand, Enterprise rent is most compassionate industry which
is selected by buyer. It is important to bring awareness related to market and its product.
Moreover, there are number of penalty of changes named as Bohner as well as Arnold
changes effect which is going to be mentioned below:
The Bohner & Arnold Change Impact Analysis: This is the strategy which is adopted
by business entity to assess the consequences as well as imposes direct impact on operation
and functions of organisation. . It takes too much time in order to product effective result at
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minimal risk. It is quantitative research technique as well as need competence in order to
execute changes in better way. There are three levels which are going to be mentioned below:
Traceability: This is the first and foremost of Bohner as well as Arnold change effect
assessment which signifies that it is important to monitor the need of changes for performing
further process. Through this process, it is easy to target those locations and persons who are
going to have the impacts of change. Relating to JGL, the laws of UK had been putting
various effects on the business, due to which they reacted in an appropriate manner by
contributing to national funds which could turn up their market value (Aitkenhead, and
McCann, 2017).
On the other side, in comparison with endeavour holdings, they are quite much
familiar with the updated modifications and improvised sectors and this aspect makes them
unique among the rivals.
In terms of this point, the organisation looks for the elements which a company depends on
and the ones which are dependent on it. With respect of JGL, the dependency on digital era
tools and impact analysis affects their business module. On the other hand, enterprise
holdings were based on consumers’ which would surely affect their operating strategies and
enhance their profits (Huesing, Johnson and Ludema, 2019).
This point of Impact Analysis which is quite much about authorities’ experience,
JGL has been affected deeply with type of leadership style. The reason of this is also
related to unexpected changes in photography industry, which sprinkled management and
cooperation. Even while in enterprise stakes, the facts experienced by Taylor from Jessop
Group Limited was not same as he targeted the various aspects of changing market and
customer preferences which represented him as a great risk player. Thus it can be stated
that view of expert experience too plays a big role in handling glitches of changing
By considering above description, we can assume that IA has a strong importance in
business organisation. By using this effective source, a firm can various conflicts of
change in the organisation. This is how Bohener and Arnold Change Impact Analysis can
be used by a business entity appropriately to measure the changing aspects.

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BASIS Jessop Group Limited Enterprise rent
Meaning In context of Jessop
Group Limited, the firm
deal with pictorial
apparatus. Beside form
this, traditionally real firm
were adopted by persons
but due to advanced
technology, it is necessary
to bring changes so that it
is accepted in the
marketplace easily.
Enterprise rent is most
compassionate industry
which is selected by
buyer. It is important to
bring awareness related to
market and its product.
Dependency With respect of JGL, the
dependency on digital era
tools and impact analysis
affects their business
On the other hand,
enterprise holdings were
based on consumers’
which would surely affect
their operating strategies
and enhance their profits.
Focus Herein, the organisation
provides pictorial
apparatus to its customer
for increasing profit
On the other hand,
Enterprise rent is famous
for offering leasing cars to
its customer at relatively
less price for increasing
profit margin.
P2 Analyse and evaluate ways in which external & internal drivers of change affect
leadership, team & individuals behaviours
The effective approach of Enterprise holdings has taken a great portion of market through its
technical abilities and management qualities with market changes. This has not only resulted
as desired outcomes but also the expansion of organisation’s operating activities widely.
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External and internal drivers may be affected by the changes applied by the organisation and
can also collision team members.
These drivers are described as followed-
Internal Drivers-
Technology Capacity- The ultimate changes in technological era can easily be experienced
by the world today. Due to different aspects of customers’ preferences and needs, it is
essential for each organisation to implement the modified technology and eliminate the old
systems for better execution and performance (Espedal).
Organisational Culture- This driver called organisation culture tends to bring
changes by being influenced of the team members. It can be very useful for the firm as in
such kind of environment, the team members are prepared to face challenging tasks
In reference of Enterprise holdings, the subordinates are risk handlers and accept the
changes in business with true cooperation.
External Drivers-
Economy-Apart from internal drivers, even some barriers from external sources can
affect the organisation’s operating activities. This factor is called economy. It can affect a
business due to various processes such as inflation, deflation and taxation.
Rivals & competitors-If take some other examples of external drivers,, rival and competitors
are the ones who are into same business industry competing with our business. In relation
with Jessop Group Limited, the entry of new players in the market can bring drastic changes
in behaviour and managing activities. It’s a responsibility of team leader to adapt the risk
factors in a positive way and bring out the productive solutions to cope with such issues of
organisation (Lambert, 2019).
Thus it can be stated that various elements of internal and external drivers may
impact the leadership style and team at wide level. This is why, appropriative steps are
required to be taken to escape from such issues. A team leader and the leadership can
surely be exaggerated by such drivers and it becomes really important to take proper
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controls of management at right time.
P3 Examine measures that are taken to reduce the negative impacts of change on OB
Organisational behaviour consists of changes which are implemented over a certain
period of time and can affect the management procedure. In context of Enterprise Holdings,
the authorities may change business procedures, guidelines, modal and regulations to meet
the requirements in changing time. It becomes essential to be responsive with positive and
negative aspects of market changes to avoid misunderstandings and unwanted issues in
upcoming time. Here are some measures which might eliminate negative effects of change-
Define the change-
It is essential for the firm to properly draw the need of change and purpose of its
implementation. The mistake done by many of the business organisations is that they just
miss to execute this step which often leads to negative impact on organisation behaviour.
Hence to eliminate such issues it is necessary to define the aspects of change in the
beginning. With reference of JGl, it is important to meet up with purpose of change before
implementing it into business (Jham, 2017).
Determine impacts-
The next phase after defining the change is to evaluate the effects that it can bring on
managing operations and the organisation. This can guide in taking appropriate actions. JGL
needs to examine the change and its effect on organisation behaviour to execute the correct
Develop communication strategy-
To get the eligible streams, it becomes essential to adopt right policies and communication
strategies in the organisation. This is the reason why Jessop Group Limited applies
communication policies to make every team member understand about the need and reason of

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change in the company. It also helps in making it convenient to adopt the change in an
effective way (Bondurant and Armstrong, 2016).
Effective training-
This step includes the part of training for employees to effectively operate and manage their
jobs within the organisation. It is a duty of team leader to arrange proper training resources
and support for subordinates to help them grow and empower their knowledge and work
skills. .
Support structure-
A business organisation must be cooperative and supportive towards the expectations of
employees. The support structure is compulsory so that the working staff could accept the
purpose of change and puts best efforts. In reference of Jessop Group Limited, the manager
comes ahead and provides proper support to his subordinates for new task and assigned jobs.
This step lets us know that the activity which is being considered for change must be
evaluated in a better way for right outcomes. This is essential as it can be in role of
understanding business objectives, purpose of change and more tactics. In relevance of JGL,
the authority puts its best efforts to identify and measure implemented changes to operate
business activities efficiently (Abernethy, 2017).
By analyzing the above study, it can be stated that it is very much important to handle
right measurements and make sure that organisation is safe from negative aspects which may
affect organisational behaviour.
P4 Describe barriers for change & evaluate how they influence leadership decision-making in
relevance with organisation
Some barriers are very tough to avoid within the organisation. They might affect the
operational activities in a large manner and need to be identified. In reference of JGL and
Enterprise Holdings, following are some of the barriers which may put impact and influence
leadership decision making in aspect of particular organisation.
Inadequate resources-
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Once the changes are implemented, several concerns arise like significance of need for the
elements to justify the change in the organisation. In reference of JGl, to optimise the change,
they can acquire various approaches such as workforce, tools and an effective system. Lack
of funds might create an issue in this (Popovic and Plank, 2016).
Cost of change management-
Another factor or barrier can be defined as cost associated to change management the
reason of this may be seen as the expenses occurred due to formation of new structure of
management. Hence, JGL plans for needful funds to execute such changes appropriately.
Employee resistance-
There is no purpose of change if it is not advisable by the working staff. The subordinates
also reject the change because of unfixed shifts and long duration of job etc. Thus, it becomes
challenging for team leader to encourage team members for change. Jessop group limited too
has to cope with such issues.
Political barrier-
Political barrier is linked with the government regulations. If the governing authorities of a
nation plan for some updates in laws and policies, it can encourage operating movements of
the manager and it becomes mandatory to ensure whether it brought up change in the
encouragement too or not (Salman and Broten, 2017).
In context of JGL and Enterprise Holdings associated with aspects of the customer
preferences and wants, the company focused on delivering the products and services to the
potential customers as per their laws and regulations.
If it is essential to form up updates in rules and regulation appear change in entity, the
manager needs to adjust in organisation, the manager needs to update in other essentials as it
can affect the formulating policies of the manager.
Lack of employee involvement-
One of the major factors which can affect an organisation and its operating activities is lack
of employee involvement. Sometimes companies face an such issues when they bring some
new changes in the organisation structure. Due to a complete new environment, the
employees deny to cooperate with it. The fear of adapting new changes and not being familiar
with them, stops employees to accept a change, that’s why their involvement & productivity
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decreases with time. The bad part about this factor is that it can put a negative impact of the
work aspects. The team manager should arrange essential training and development activities
and courses to help the subordinates engage better and enhance their skills (Dickey, 2016).
Social concern-
This too acts as a barrier which encourages the decision making of the manager. The
organisations should focus on people around them to acquire knowledge about end
customers’ needs and wants. If the company fails to deliver desired products and services to
its customers, this can be a bad news for the company that the customers would have an
option to attract towards other companies of same industry. It can affect the leadership too.
Such barriers can put a big impact on decision making of leadership to attain organisation’s
goals of JGL and Enterprise Holdings as through this way the companies get knowledge
regarding the actual expectations of their customers and the ultimate contribution of their
workforce who try their level best to keep the customers connected with the firm by clearing
their issues and satisfying them with the services (Struthers, Tilbury and Williams, 2017).
A change in organisation can lead to the encouragement of the leadership decision making at
huge level which is described as followed-
Force Field Analysis
This tool of analysis is used by the company to take right steps by identifying the
factors influencing the change and also the elements which force for change. It is an ideal
and quite much effective technique which is used to evaluate the factors and glitches which
enforce the organisation for change. Force field analysis is an effective technique for taking
appropriate decisions. It consists of following aspects-

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Describe plan for change-
Once the change is executed, it is required to describe the purpose and strategy behind
the need of implementing it. Elaborating the plan helps in identifying the effect and value of
change in an appropriate way.
Identify forces-
There might be several reasons behind initiating the change, thus it is essential for the
team leader to acknowledge such factors which lead towards the change in the organisation.
With reference of Jessop Group Limited, the needful drivers which enforced the change are
digital tools, communications and the regulations of the company.
Analyse force against change-
Analysing the forces which are adjacent to change makes it easier to evaluate the drivers and
take adequate methods in the course. In context of Jessop Group Limited, it was challenging
to implement the changes completely due to government laws and premises (Drago-Severson
and Blum-DeStefano, 2018).
Through the mentioned concerns it can be assumed that by applying field force
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analysis it goes convenient for a firm to implement change related decision within the
organisation in an effective and powerful way.
P5. Different leadership approaches to dealing with change
Leadership approaches
Various kind of leadership approaches are implemented within the organisation with a
motive to regulate improvisations. The approaches executed by JGl and Enterprise Holdings
are as mentioned-
Qualities or traits approach-
This states that the leaders are built and they do not happen to be like this by birth. In
reference to Enterprise holdings, targeting the ability development of team members is
Functional Approach-
This approach focuses on the concept that manager’s skills can be educated and initiated. In
context of JGL, manager and team activities are determined (Doppelt, 2017)
Behavioural Style-
This indicates the essential need of an individual’s behaviour plays a big role for
results and outcomes of the company’s work.
Model of change management
Various models depicting change management can taken by the firms such JGL and
Enterprise Holdings to handle the change. Here is a detailed study about Kurt Lewin’s
Change Management
Kurt Lewin’s Change Management
It conists of three main stages for understanding the need of organisational change.
This phase includes the process where respective organisations introduce the employees
about the possible changes which are to be happened within the organisation so that they
become ready to adopt it.
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This is the step where change is initiated in reality. In reference of Jessop Group Limited and
Enterprise Holdings, focus on implementing several changes such making a plan,
encouraging modifications and involving people. The ultimate success of initiated change
depends upon how the leaders are getting successful in building trust of their subordinates
and convince them to accept the environment of change (Hauck, 2017).
This step includes the process of moving towards a stable condition. After introducing the
workers with the new work procedures and responsibilities the organisations come to a point
where the things are stabilised. It is important to follow these changes by the workforce to
achieve desired results and the motive of these efforts.
Thus it can be considered that change management as well as leadership both are important
for the success of a business (Gowrisankar and Clark, 2016).
This can be well understood that change management is a vital element for the success and
achievement of the business. Several kind of drivers and factors can be evaluated as effective
points for organisation behaviour. A company can face and win any challenges by applying
right tactics and leadership style.

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Books and Journals
Gowrisankar, Y.V. and Clark, M.A., 2016. Angiotensin II induces interleukin-6 expression in
astrocytes: role of reactive oxygen species and NF-κB. Molecular and cellular
endocrinology, 437, pp.130-141.
Hauck, A.K., 2017. The Role of Protein Carbonylation in the Adipocyte Nucleus (Doctoral
dissertation, University of Minnesota).
Doppelt, B., 2017. Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for
business, government and civil society. Routledge.
Drago-Severson, E. and Blum-DeStefano, J., 2018. Leading change together: Developing
educator capacity within schools and systems. ASCD.
Struthers, K., Tilbury, C. and Williams, G., 2017. Young People Leading Change in
Domestic Violence Prevention: R4Respect. Children Australia, 42(3), pp.205-216.
Dickey, C.C., 2016. Leading change during changing times: simple leadership lessons to
guide academic leaders. Academic Psychiatry, 40(3), pp.415-417.
Salman, Y. and Broten, N., 2017. An Analysis of John P. Kotter's Leading Change. CRC
Popovic, C. and Plank, K.M., 2016. Managing and leading change. Advancing practice in
academic development, pp.166-178.
Abernethy, K., 2017. Brief Guide to Leadership: Leading Change, Strategy, and Culture.
Bondurant, P.G. and Armstrong, L., 2016. Nurses: Leading Change and Transforming Care—
Expert Opinion. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 16(3), pp.155-160.
Jham, V., 2017. Leading change at Al Asafa in the Gulf. Emerald Emerging Markets Case
Lambert, D.E., 2019. Addressing challenges to homeland security information sharing in
American policing: Using Kotter’s leading change model. Criminal Justice Policy
Review, 30(8), pp.1250-1278.
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Espedal, B., Leading change: enabling conditions. Beta, 30(02), pp.174-189.
Huesing, T., Johnson, A.A. and Ludema, J.D., 2019, July. The More You Give, the More
You Get: Shared Leadership for Leading Global Change. In Academy of Management
Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 19001). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of
Aitkenhead, S. and McCann, S., 2017. P-276 Leading change, adding value: positioning
nursing, midwifery and care staff as leaders in driving change and improving outcomes.
Hoover, K., 2018. Leading Change: A Phenomenological Study of Presidents Leading
Community College Baccalaureate Degree Pilot Programs. California State University,
Force field analysis strategy. 2020. [Online].Available.
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