
Understanding Customers with Specific Needs in Health and Social Care


Added on  2024-05-17

25 Pages4727 Words102 Views
Understanding customers who have
certain needs in health and social
Understanding Customers with Specific Needs in Health and Social Care_1

Table of Contents
Task 1: Understand perceptions of health, disability, illness and behaviour.................................................4
Q1. Analyse concepts of health, disability, and illness and behaviour in relation to users of health and
social care. [P1.1].......................................................................................................................................4
Q2. Assess how perceptions about specific needs have changed. Link your answers to the case study.
Q3. Analyse the impact of past and present legislation, social policies, society and culture on the ways
services are made available for individuals such as Mr Pen and his family [P1.3, M1]...........................4
Q4. Analyse the care needs of individuals like Mr Pen with specific needs. [P2.1, M2]..........................8
Q5. In the second part of your brochure you should explain current systems for supporting individuals
such as Mr. Pen in the case study with specific needs. [P2.2]...................................................................9
Q6. Evaluate the services available in a chosen locality individuals with specific needs. [P2.3, D1] In
your response you should focus on a specific locality...............................................................................9
Task 3: Understand approaches and intervention strategies that support individuals with specific needs..12
Q7. Explain the approaches and interventions available to support individuals with specific needs.
Q8. Evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies used for an individual with specific need(s).
[P3.2, D2].................................................................................................................................................15
Q9. Discuss the potential impact of emerging developments on support for individuals with specific
needs. [P3.3, M3].....................................................................................................................................16
Task 4: Understand strategies for coping with challenging behaviors associated with specific needs.......20
Q10. In the first section explain different concepts of challenging behaviour. [P4.1]............................20
Q11.The second section you must describe the potential impact of challenging behaviour on health and
social care organisations. [P4.2]..............................................................................................................21
Q12.Finally, in the third section of the fact sheet, you must analyse strategies for working with
challenging behaviours associated with specific needs. [P4.3, D3]........................................................22
Understanding Customers with Specific Needs in Health and Social Care_2

It is necessary to meet up with the diverse demand of the different service users with their
specific requirements that is essential in health and social care services. As, a care worker it is
important to know about the services that the user’s needs to respond to the demands and to
develop, different perceptions of the service users with the influencing the needs and changes
over the period of time. The care requirements of the services users are investigated together
with the service support, organization and legislation that supports the needs of the individual.
Every individual makes choices for being healthy and well being. The report focuses on
understanding the certain needs of the individual in the health and social care. The report’s aim is
to gain the knowledge about the concept of the disability, health and illness and the behaviour
with relation to the health and social care. Further on, it explains the concept of the challenging
Understanding Customers with Specific Needs in Health and Social Care_3

Task 1: Understand perceptions of health, disability, illness and
Q1. Analyse concepts of health, disability, and illness and behaviour in
relation to users of health and social care. [P1.1]
Q2. Assess how perceptions of specific needs have changed. Link your answers
to the case study. [P1.2]
Q3. Analyse the impact of past and present legislation, social policies, society
and culture on the ways services are made available for individuals such as
Mr Pen and his family [P1.3, M1]
Health and social care is the very important path of the individual life. But in the recent period of
time, the perspective has changed a lot with regarding the Health and social care services. In
previous time people use to take the Health and social care services at the time when they need it
but in the present era, the individual become health conscious and they are more aware of the
importance of being fit and routine check-up. Similarly, it is quite important for the Mr Pen and
his family to aware of the importance of the health and social care. It plays an essential role in
improving the conditions as he is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Due to the death of his
Understanding Customers with Specific Needs in Health and Social Care_4

wife, its progress got worse over the period of time and its cognitive skills are decreased. The
current symptoms he is facing are tremor that usually occurred in the hands and arms and
sometimes when there are relaxation and resting of the limbs. Another symptom that is present
includes slowness of the movement in which physical movement is working much slower than
the normal. It makes difficult in performing the task on the daily basis and its results in the
distinctive shuffling walk from the very small steps. Another includes tension and muscles
stiffness that makes it difficult for the making the facial expressions and its results in painful
muscles cramp. Mr Pen has been advised to use the wheelchair (Mattocks, et. al., 2014).
Mr Pen is also suffering from the hearing problem and visual impairment. There are many people
in Care home who is suffering from digestion problem, heart diseases and the breathing problem.
The Parkinson's disease is the neurodegenerative problem that is characterized by the non-motor
symptoms and motor and both are having a negative impact on the health-related quality of life
for the several service users. The stigma is experienced by the Parkinson patients and their
caregivers. It may affect the life of the patient’s and their relational perceptions that lead to the
frustration and isolation (Bury, 2013).
The beliefs and perceptions have been changed over the period of time. These are publically and
professionally managed by the various home cares, institutions and various agencies. It changes
the perceptive of attaining the specific needs of the individual that are based on the demands and
requirements of the family members for the patient and who are suffering from the diseases. The
disability is the condition that makes the person unable with the certain social, mental and
physical activities. When the individual is suffering from the serious diseases, it becomes the
concern of the family, so it is necessary to admit the disabled person and their families in the
social care homes. Definitely, there has been changed in the perceptions of the individual
perceptions of the specific needs. The earlier perception of the individual is about the casual
condition in the mind of the people (Lupton, 2013). With the increase in the education and
awareness, there is a change in the perceptions of the people and become clear to the society that
the people who are suffering from the Parkinson’s disease need to take care properly and should
be heard as the patient needs more their family members. Beside this, there is one more
complexity such as visual impairment and hearing problems, several heart complexities,
Understanding Customers with Specific Needs in Health and Social Care_5

digestive problem and breathing problems. Fortunately, the families of such of the people are
having vigilant regarding the diseases that have been taking to the health and social care centres.
There has been a great impact over the legislation, social policies and the culture on the ways in
which services are delivered to the Mr Pen who is the patient of the Parkinson’s disease and
suffering from various diseases. As per the legislation and the social policies Mr Pen has proved
the following criteria’s that are as follows:
There must be the availability of the disable machines that could be taken into the parks,
social rooms and entertainment purpose in order to meet the social needs.
In the social care homes, there must be the availability of the representative at the full
time who takes care of the specific needs of the patient (Slade, et. al., 2014).
There must be the regular visit to the doctor to analyze the impact of the healthcare
If all these services are provided to Mr Pen then it would like to say that the patient has been
treated in the proper way in the social care rooms. Legislation in social care and health services
plays a very crucial role. The health and social care have been facilitated by the government
services that are as follows:
Health and social care 2012: It provides various guidelines and direction to the patient and the
sector to precede the procedures in the very smooth way. It gives various rules and regulations
which are needed to be followed and that perform better facilities operations management which
is related to the workers that involved in the health and social care centres.
NHS act 2006: This act states the fund allocation to the various sectors that are placed under the
suppression of government from NHS. It works to perform the functions smoothly without
concerning the monetary stuff (Slade, et. al., 2014).
Director of NHS
Understanding Customers with Specific Needs in Health and Social Care_6

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