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Global Marketing Analysis Report


Added on  2020/07/22

AI Summary
This assignment requires a comprehensive analysis of global marketing strategies, focusing on the book 'Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes' by M. de Mooij. Students are expected to understand and apply the concepts discussed in the book, comparing different cultures' consumer behaviors and advertising approaches. The report should be well-researched, structured, and demonstrate a critical understanding of the topic.

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Analysing concept of health and social care aspects............................................................1
1.2 How perception of specific needs get changed over time to time.........................................2
1.3 Impact of governmental laws, social policies and culture ...................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Analysing care needs of individuals with specific needs .....................................................4
2.2 Explanation of existed systems for supporting individuals with specific needs...................5
2.3 Evaluation of services present in selected locality for individuals.......................................6
Covered in PPT...........................................................................................................................6
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Explaining approaches and interventions available for supporting service users.................6
3.2 Evaluating the effectiveness of intervention strategies.........................................................7
3.3 Potential impact of emerging development on support for individual .................................8
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8
4.1 Various concepts of challenging behaviours.........................................................................8
4.2 Possible impact of challenging behaviours on organisations of health and social care........9
4.3 Strategies for working with challenging behaviours...........................................................10
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Without any incertitude, health is considered as very essential factor for every human
beings. The life of an individual depends on the well – being of its health. But various types of
diseases either infectious or non- infectious are spreading at very high speed in UK which is
creating problems for all citizens living there (Wirtz, Schilke and Ullrich, 2010). So, it is very
necessary for mass people to understand the basic dynamics of health. UK is involved in heath
and social care services aggressively. The present report is based on case study of Peter Connelly
and Brounewood case. In this project, the concept of health, illness, disability and behaviour in
relation to health and social care services users is described. In addition to that, affects of
legislation, social policy, culture and society is also explained in this assignment.
1.1 Analysing concept of health and social care aspects
Specific need can be simply defined as any of different problems such as physical,
attitude, emotional, impairment and behaviour that causes an individual for need of extra
facilities and services. Various concepts of heath and social care are described below :
Health :
It is a state of overall physical, mental and social well-being and not simply the lack of
disease as per stated by World health organisation (WHO). It can also be described as level of
metabolic and operational capacity of a living body (Callister and Rethwisch, 2011).
Disability :
Disability means complete or partial forfeiture of a people's bodily function which can be
motor functionality, walking, etc. This may occur from the birth. It is also known as mental or
physical loss which as any long or short term impact on the person for carrying out their daily
Illness :
In general terms, illness is a type of situation where people feel unhealthy physically or
mentally. It can restrict a person in doing their work in proper manner.

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Behaviour :
It is a situation where an individual behave as if he or she is having any kind of issues
related with health.
ï‚· Social model : It is a structure within extemporisation in health and well-being are
acquired by directing attempts towards identifying the economical, social and
environmental factors. The case study is about peter Connelly (Baby p), who died in the
age of 17 years in the year of 2007 in London. It has been recognised that he was
suffering from major 50 injuries from the last 8 months and it is the reason of his death.
This case has created a situation of huge shock among citizens of London and also in
ï‚· Medical model : This model shows a attribute of mental or abnormal conditions of bio-
chemical and genetics causes. This situation is treated by taking help of medical
procedures such as drug, surgery of brain, etc. The case of Peter caused shocked in
parliament as well as in society, partly because the magnitude of Peter's injuries, and
partly because Peter was living in London Borough of Haringey, North London, within
the similar child care authorities that had already failed ten years earlier. Peter was
suffering from different critical injuries like bruising, scratches and swelling on the head
and due to this he had admitted in hospital (Chen, 2011).
1.2 How perception of specific needs get changed over time to time
It has been noticed that plenty of changes has been occurred in recent times as people are
looking at the individual with specific needs. The conceptualisation towards disabilities ranges
from various cultures in-spite of informed about the reality that a more optimistic approach is
being towards accepting this case. In ancient times, inability was always attributed to wrong
spirits and this is best example which is present in historical literature and is mentioned in stories
of Roman and Greek empire. In those days, contorted off seasons are detached and are
considered to be associated with demonic spirits (Zissis and Lekkas, 2012). Some people are in
hope of struggling and making use of pain for excluding immoral spirits if any one is related
with disabled factors. It has been observed that Christian in that time are emerged with the
mentality that every health problem are not as a result of some one else's denotation but it get
people rectifying for grace of god. The educational department in UK has presented different
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approaches when dealing to the disabilities of mental state and are addressing certain
requirements. There was recorded a scam meted out to disabled person. It has been seen that the
facts and figures changes after the second world war and more than approx 300,000 ex-
serviceman and females are left along with disabilities due to war. Now a days, different types of
health advisors and specialist are present for handling various critical situations whether
associated with severe injuries or with disabilities. According to the case study of Baby P, the
condition were more dangerous as he was suffering from various injuries and illness that is
creating a problem of taking breath for a long time period. His case was send in the hand of
police for determining the real cause of death. Different doctors has given its individual
perception about the cause of death such as broken back and ribs, nails of fingers were missing,
1.3 Impact of governmental laws, social policies and culture
There are numerous of legislation that is advantageous for encouraging rights of common
people having the disabilities in various parts of the nation especially in UK. Legislation and
social policies are very important for ruling or controlling any particular sector in the society.
The industry of health and social care is also associated with the legislation and norms imposed
by government. Various laws of this sector are discussed below :
ï‚· Health and social care act 2012 : This law was confiscated by the centre of labour and
social community consisting of trade union people. Their primary motto is to identify
problem areas at legal legislation and the corporate area (Morgeson, DeRue and Karam,
2010). Its main prospect was marketization of the heath and social care that has given
impact on several facts like :
ï‚· Less funding
ï‚· Decrement in moral of staff members
ï‚· Low clinical standard
ï‚· Eroding of entitlement to care
ï‚· National health service act 2006 : This law was imposed for the allotment of funds to
various sectors or places in the national healthcare services which was done under the
guidance of government. There is a supplying of continual healthcare by the NHS. The
overall funding of NHS are provided to those which needed it very badly. In this case, the
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social communities are shocked as the similar child care authorities had failed before ten
years earlier. They are not in a situation of keeping quiet in this case. They decided it
create a big issue in order to give punishment to the real guilty.
ï‚· Disability discrimination act 2005 : This legislation sates that none of the disabled
people will be discriminated on the basis of sex, age, religion, etc. They all are given
equal and fair treatment. Such ideas was discussed in Parliament and few changes
occurred for the improvement of this law so that maximum support can be given to
required person (Treasury, 2010). Society and culture are playing a vital role in growing
industry of health and social care. The increment in awareness of people has created a
huge positive impact in their health situations which is making their growth sustainable.
As mentioned in case of baby P, government is not able to provide appropriate assistance
to that child as he was suffering from more than 50 injuries.
2.1 Analysing care needs of individuals with specific needs
ï‚· Felt needs : It is known as those needs or desires that improve the conditions or other
performance of a particular individual. It aids in finding the gap which is present between
current performance and the desired performance. It get dejected by the ignorance of
possible users or not availing services.
ï‚· Expressed needs : This is a felt need that converted into action. People here expresses
their wishes and are more frequent willing to acquire those needs. An individual who is
selected as one of two or more option such as recruiting or enrolling in certain course of
ï‚· Normative needs : It is present when expected performance of population is under the
determining norms. Thus, a fifth class which scores around 30 % less then that criteria is
advised or known as normative needs (DePoy and Gitlin, 2015). The better option is to
determine the norms and make comparison of those with the expected audiences.
ï‚· Comparative needs : Such needs are used for comparing one team from the another one.
For instance, geographical locations. It is usually associated with the routine data which
is accumulated from number of population.

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Specific needs :
ï‚· Down-syndrome : It is a type of genetic disorder that is caused when separation of an
abnormal cell occurs. This results in additional genetic material from outside
chromosome. The signs are distinct appearance of face, delays in development and
intellectual disabilities. It can be associated with the diseases of heart and thyroid.
ï‚· Dyslexia : This is mostly found in child having average capability of vision and
intelligence. The symptoms are late night talking, delay in learning new words or
ï‚· Mental health: This is a state of mental illness. People behave abnormally as they are
mentally sick.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Need :
ï‚· Safety needs : It is associated with environmental, physical and emotional safety and
protection. In the case of Baby P, these needs are not provided to him.
ï‚· Social need :This is related with need of friendship, love, care and family (Burns and
Grove, 2010). It was not at all in the case of Peter's mother.
ï‚· Esteem need : This is categorised into internal and external needs. In this case study,
baby P do not get any external needs such as power and attention as he was tortured
badly and due to this his life get fully destroyed.
PCA theory of Carl Roger
PCA is a results of a process of self actualisation. Rogers started to implement their ideas
in client centred therapy in other relation like encounter group and conflicts resolving.
2.2 Explanation of existed systems for supporting individuals with specific needs
In the case of baby Peter, some psychological welfare can be done in favour of him
because he is facing challenging behaviours and attitudes.
8 systems
There are following system of needs :
ï‚· Ergonomic : It is the practise of framing goods, system and many other methods for
making proper connection with people who are using them. Baby P was in a severe
condition because of his mother only (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010). By this way, he
was not guided properly which resulted in death.
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ï‚· School need : This is associated with the particular requirements of students. But on the
other hand, it some time classified under common problems like asthma. Peter was a
small child so it was compulsory to do his proper care by his parents.
ï‚· Health and social care services : These are the common services which was required to
be considered in the case of baby P. Fine, robust and best medical check-up should be
provided to the patients.
ï‚· Domiciliary housing services
ï‚· Voluntary
ï‚· Welfare services
ï‚· Not for profit work experiences
ï‚· Socio- technical
ï‚· Transportation services
2.3 Evaluation of services present in selected locality for individuals
Covered in PPT
3.1 Explaining approaches and interventions available for supporting service users
There are several disabilities that acts like punishment as it creates so may problems in
spending a normal or ordinary life. So, it is essential for the professionals of healthcare to
identify the attitudes and abilities of people. It is necessary for specific professionals of
healthcare is to make plan, execution and investigation of the particular authorities. For this
purpose, it is important to determine the ill health condition of a person and issues and proper
treatment should be provided to them. Some of the significant intervention are explained below :
ï‚· Alternative and augmentative communication : This type of approach is used when some
one is not capable in using a standard level of communication as this was seen in the case
of Mr and Mrs E. as there are alterations in human right and are creating vulnerable
aspect within the British norms.
ï‚· Behaviour and developmental intervention : This is used in the case of large and
different areas of educational planning and techniques (De Mooij, 2013). Such areas are
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associated with teaching and give proper amount of information about their family
ï‚· Bio-medical intervention : This term is related with medical condition of individual in
various aspects. In the case study of Mr. and Mrs. E, the boy was suffering from different
disorders and due to that he was admitted in Bounewood hospital.
SENCO is playing a vital role in fulfilling the educational needs and disabilities to the children.
They also have the responsibility of making proper strategies so that child get more benefit from
3.2 Evaluating the effectiveness of intervention strategies
Intervention strategies are playing a vital role in offering healthcare services to the
society. They are essential for the individual having specific needs. The effectiveness of
Intervention strategies are discussed below:
ï‚· Behavioural and developmental intervention is one of the important intercession that
involves a large and different range of educational strategies, techniques and activities.
This includes teaching and coaching. This is proved to be very helpful for the
individuals with specific needs by executing educational and other development
ï‚· Bio-medical intervention strategies are observed to be very successful for the users
having particular requirements. These strategies of intervention aids in overcoming from
various bio medical issues such as gastrointestinal abnormalities, detoxification
abnormalities, or any nutritional imbalances.
ï‚· Health and service based interventions are proved to be helpful in the areas of
employment, educational activities and various other jobs.
In addition to these, it also supports in removing disabilities. Several intervention
strategies and approaches are used for this purpose (Fowler, 2011). Bio-medical intervention
strategies prevents from different abnormalities occurring in the body like gastrointestinal,
nutritional and detoxification abnormalities. This all may leads to the disability of an individual.
But effective strategies are made by healthcare organisations for eliminating these disabilities.
3.3 Potential impact of emerging development on support for individual
There are some emerging development that is giving impact on the medical, social,
technological, educational and legislative implementation. There are various cases which are

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practically incurable in nature. But the emergence in the development in medical research and
social care is assisting in checking of the patient's conditions. By this way, illness or disabilities
can be recovered effectively in these days. Advanced machines are used in detection of any
disease in an individual and also helps in knowing the present condition of that patient. This aids
in making sure about the particular reason of illness either it is physical or mental. Different
legislation or laws are imposed by government in improving the condition or quality of
healthcare services. For example, Health and social care act 2012, National health service act
2006, Disability discrimination act 2005, etc. Such norms assist in securing the basic rights of
health and social care users. Disability act 2005 is made for the purpose of removing the
discrimination done among the patients. In earlier days, patients are not treated fairly and
equally. One who has more money gets the treatment very easily (Rosenberg, 2010).
Discrimination was also done on the ground of age, sex, caste, colour, religion, etc. But now
government of UK stated that no one is being treated unequally on such basis. All should be
offered equal and fair treatment in health centres. In addition to that, now the education related to
heath is also provided in healthcare organisations which helps in creating awareness about the
disease and its treatment.
4.1 Various concepts of challenging behaviours
Challenging behaviour is also known as problem behaviour which help in deal with
different behaviour of person within an organisation. The behaviour of challenging nature can
not doing wrong thing which create harm to the other firm. Behaviour show the signal which is
not good for working location in any more. This will demonstrate the uncompleted needs and
wants which is a major problem of communication channels (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016).
Mainly three theories which is used for describing the challenging behaviour between large
number of person. In this first is pre scientific and other one is superstitious belief which was
believe by people for long time period. These person are totally belief in giving power and
demons which help in various ways and have different sources for managing behaviour concepts.
Another belief is the biological belief which relates to challenging behaviour.
This is fully based on biological and logical bases. This is mainly focus on finding the
actual behaviour of people who defects the physical biological body. This concept will provides
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medical support and extra care to the challenging behaviour. With the help of this concept, the
people will better for defects the behaviour (Locke and Bailey, 2013). The concept of behaviour
is based on medical theory of disablement and other is social structure concept which is almost
same with social model of disability. As per this concept those people who have these type of
issue they are normal person and also identified various needs and demand of kinds of behaviour.
So that these people are not disable by their metal test and other special type of person. In this
case, they are totally fine and provide help to the social and declared as normal people.
4.2 Possible impact of challenging behaviours on organisations of health and social care
There are many significance and effects which are caused by challenging behaviour in
the health and social care organisation. Some of the consequence which includes legal impact,
high turnover rate of employees, unnecessary expenses, irritation among staff members and
many other. There are various challenging services in the health and social care firm, their
workers and other employees of the health centre service require for giving support in medical
care and other extra care for the users. The service consumer are challenging behaviour which is
difficult and harder for employees ad doctors to work within the organisation of health care.
Employees have heavy work load which required to be covered in proper manner. It will
enhancing the work load and stress which caused by extra work pressure. Pressure and stress of
work will irritate the employees regarding their job and they need to be complete the job
activities in effective manner. Increase in the frustration of employees and staff member and they
are not willing to do this work any more (Kietzmann, and et. al., 2011). Employees should be
designs by the help of organisation and firm have less number of trained staff members at the
time of leaving. An organisation can spend more amount in the recruitment and selection process
of new candidates who are best suitable for the job profile and training and development session
are also required for improving employees skills and knowledge in proper manner. With the
increasing of stress rate, the employees do mistake and create errors not intentionally so that this
will increased cost of operations which are performed within an organisation. These actions are
directly affect on quality of business operations and different functions in appropriate manner.
4.3 Strategies for working with challenging behaviours
There are various strategies which are used by health and social care organisation and
they will maintain behaviour of employees for giving them different situations. The impact of
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behaviour on various people are challenging the health and social care firm to eliminate and
reduces for making business operations and its functions which are performed in effective
manner. This will assist in performing jobs in easy way and there are different employees who
perform activities. In behavioural challenges, holistic assessment of people help in health and
social care firm for better evaluation of behaviour and other requirements of individual persons
who take different challenges within an organisation (Tomlinson, 2014). It will also assist in
understanding the need of individual person which are able for supporting the demand and wants
in specific manner. They are also give the effective form of help which are needed by firm. Other
strategy will help in making policies and plans for employees in the organisation by the health
and social care departments. This social and health care organisation rules or norms are followed
by staff members for better dealing in challenging behaviours in the problems and issues and
they can help in fulfilling all needs and wants of customers in effective manner.
If an organisation will deal in challenging behaviour, then it can help in taking
responsibilities and duties for proper environmental changes. Psychological practices is
important for create and develop sound environment within an enterprise (Du, Bhattacharya, and
Sen, 2010). Health and social care assist in taking effective responsibilities to all the individuals.
Increase in social care activities help in providing different safety and security services which are
required for the company employees.
As per the above mentioned report it can be concluded that every person has different
needs and wants of specific individual for better increment in quality of goods and services
which are provided to their customers. There are different point of views of disability in various
communities and some time this will negatively impact on disabled people health. The concept
will shows the disability perception which need to change by society people for changes their
mind and thinking. There are various types of needs which includes mental, physical and many
other kinds which help in different situations to the individual. Some are concepts and
approaches which have to take in health and social care sector which help an individual for
development and growth of organisation in proper manner. As per this concept those people who
have these type of issue they are normal person and also identified various needs and demand of
kinds of behaviour.

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Books & journals
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Tomlinson, C. A., 2014. The differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs of all learners.
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