
Unit 1: Organisational Structures and Culture


Added on  2021-04-27

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentHealthcare and ResearchStatistics and Probability
Unit 1: Organisational Structures and CultureName: Aishah IrfanTutor: Perry RyanTitle: Effective Teamwork1
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Contents Page1.Introduction: Page 32.Different approaches to management styles in public services: Page 33.Role of management and the most appropriate management style for various tasks: Page 54.Organisational behaviour concept: Page 85.Relationship between motivation, organisational behaviour, reflection and howit impacts the workplace: Page 126.Advantages and disadvantages of the theories of motivation and reflection: Page 147.How management approaches, motivation theory, organisational behaviour can affect the public service teams performance: Page 168.Conclusion: Page 229.References: Page 232
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IntroductionThis journal article will be exploring the effectiveness of teamwork in organisations inthe 21st century. This will be done by researching the different management styles in the public sector, the examples that will be researched are; scientific, bureaucratic, quantitative and systems. Additionally, it will also explore the different management roles in public services and how effective they are against different tasks.Furthermore, it will explain the concept of organisational behaviour. It will also be explaining the link between; motivation, organisational behaviour, reflection and how these factors can impact the individual’s performance at work.It will also illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of the motivational and reflection theories. This will be done by using one of the public services as an example.Different approaches to management styles in the public servicesManagement: The definition of management is defined as “a single group of individuals who challenge and oversee a person or collective group of people in efforts to accomplish desired goals and objectives” (The Strategic CFO, 2020).Management theory: Management theories are defined as a “collection of ideas that recommend general rules for managing an organisation or a business” (Indeed, 2020)There are different approaches and theories to management styles; the main types are known as scientific, administrative, bureaucratic, and quantitative and systems.Scientific:Scientific management theory was put forward by Fredrick Winslow Taylor. It was a revolutionary idea during the 1990s, it stated that employee training 3
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and implementing standardising best practices would increase productivity. Taylor’s theory was called ‘scientific’ because he used techniques that were borrowed from botanists and chemists. Additionally, he also analysed it by observing, synthesis, rationality and logic. Scientific management focused on efficiency and productivity. Jobs that implement this management style will newer employees trained quicker.Administrative: Administrative management is where a set of activities are carried out in order to lead an organisation in a rational manner, by doing tasks, efforts and using resources. However, this can be very long and a tedious way of managing.Bureaucratic: Bureaucratic management theory was put forward by Max Weber. The theory focused on “structuring organisations into a hierarchy so there are clear rules of governance” (Indeed, 2020). The main principles of bureaucratic management is to; “have a chain of command, clear division of labour, separation of personal organisational assets of the owner, strict and consistent rules and regulations, meticulous record keeping and documentation and the selection and promotion of employees based on their performance and qualifications” (Indeed, 2020). This management style is commonly used in most organisations.This is commonly used in nursing since they need to make sure that the patients’ health and safety comes first, so, by upholding bureaucratic management, they will be responsible for maintaining rules and to make sure that other nurses follow the rules. For this to work, the employees need to follow the rules and there needs to be clear communication amongst employees and the employer.Quantitative: Quantitative management is based around using computers and mathematical techniques to look through the financial statistics and to select stocks. The police use this in order to choose what equipment they need.4
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Systems: Systems management consists of a broad range of IT functions or groups that are aimed at maintaining or improving the infrastructure, network, application services, Oss, as well as other things. Role of management and the most appropriate management style for various tasksThe type of management style and approach is important when it comes to motivating and implementing plans in situations.Autocratic – An autocratic management style is where the person in charge will make all the decisions with little or no input from their group members. The decisionswill also be made by the person in charge based on their ideas and their judgement, additionally, they will hardly ever accept advice from their group member, regardless of the advice will aid the group.There are several advantages of using the autocratic management style. One of the advantages is that it maintains discipline and order, this is very important for the armed forces. This is because it is very quick and efficient when emergencies occur. Additionally, young and inexperienced recruits will be told what to do and how to do itvia orders, this will cause them to learn more efficiently and better.On the other hand, it can also cause a high turnover of staff due to the fear of punishment and because of additional stress. Additionally, the staff may also feel devalued, this can negatively affect their morale and work performance. Also, due to the team members constantly relying on the person in charge for instructions, it will cause them to lack initiative and the team might also have less responsibility for theiractions.5
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Alternatively, one of the strengths of the autocratic management style is that it is veryefficient. This is because as soon as the order is made, it will be carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, there are some cases where groups arenot used to doing work as quickly as possible, this can cause high amounts of absenteeism and having a high staff turnover because of the amount of stress that the workers are facing.One example of the autocratic management style being used is in the army. The scenario where this would happen is if a young soldier was deployed to another country and if they were told to “get down” then the soldier will have to get down, or they would die. This style is commonly used in most army regimens because the nature of it demands that someone is told what to do and where they have to be.Another example would be in the NHS as a nurse. The scenario where this style would happen would be if a patient was going into cardiac arrest, one of the nurses would have to alert other nurses and doctors in order to stabilise the patient.To conclude, autocratic management is very effective in public services because the public will be satisfied with the public services efforts. Additionally, the choices that the leader will make will benefit the team.Democratic – The democratic approach, is where the leader and the team membersboth freely think of ideas and where all ideas are respected.The democratic approach gives workers higher self-esteem because their ideas are being considered. Additionally, they will also feel more inclined to the changes because they have been a part of the process to make the changes. Additionally, as the leader, will generate loyalty between the leader and the workers, as well as confidence and cooperation. Also, having workers actively participating in the 6
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