
Unit 1 Study Skills Project for Access to Higher Education Diploma in Midwifery


Added on  2023-06-09

20 Pages5558 Words221 Views
Access to Higher Education Assignment Brief
Student Name ULN
Diploma Title Access to HE Diploma
Module title: Study Skills
Unit title: Unit 1 Preparing to Study
Non-Academic Subject
Unit Code:
Unit Status and
credit value
Level 2 Level 3 U

Level 3 G
Credit Value: 3 credits
Grade descriptors: N/A
Tutor/Assessor Name:
Set Date: Week 1 Due Date: Week 4
Method of Submission: Via e-Assessors
Date Submitted: Approved Late
Submission Date
Assessment method: Written task
LO/AC Ref Level Three criteria applied to this assignment*
Tick if
Unit 1 Study Skills Project for Access to Higher Education Diploma in Midwifery_1

LO 1 Understand how study
is organised and planned.
AC 1.1 Analyse factors affecting planning and organisation of
AC 1.2 Produce and evaluate a detailed, time-scaled study
LO 2 Understand how to
apply theories of learning in
relation to personal
to learning.
AC 2.1 Evaluate at least two learning theories.
AC 2.2 Evaluate personal learning strengths and weaknesses
in relation to a learning theory.
AC 2.3 Indicate a strategy for addressing learning
LO 3 Understand a range of
constraints upon study
AC 3.1 Develop and evaluate a range of strategies to address
the factors which may impact on study
LO 4 Understand the
importance of assessment
AC 4.1 Discuss the value of feedback, and the appropriate
Task Description (including word count) Assessment
Criteria Ref
Mapping to:
In order to successfully complete this assignment, you must pass all assessment criteria
You are required to produce a written piece of work where you have considered your
preparation for study. The word count for this task is 2000 words (+/- 10%); minimum
word count = 1800 words: maximum word count = 2200 words.
Within this task you are required to analysis different facts that can affect planning and
organisation of study for yourself and students in general (AC 1.1) Remember analysis
means to break an issue into its constituent parts and look in depth into each part. When
AC 1.1
AC 1.2
AC 2.1
Unit 1 Study Skills Project for Access to Higher Education Diploma in Midwifery_2

evaluating consider how planning and organisation can impact/effect your studies -
remember your criteria asks you to produce a detailed, time-scaled study plan which
needs to be evaluated. (AC 1.2) (As a guide your response should be approx. 500
The written task also needs to include an evaluation of two recognised learning theories.
(AC 2.1) Learning theories are approaches to learning that attempt to explain how
people learn and are used to improve learning. The resources available on e-Assessors
should be accessed for support. (As a guide your response should be approx. 500 words)
You also need to include an evaluation of your learning strengths and weaknesses in
relation to a learning theory. (AC 2.2) You should also include a statement identifying
practical and realistic strategies for addressing your learning weakness. (AC 2.3) Note:
ac 2.2 and 2.3 must link together (As a guide your response should be approx. 750
Within the written task you need to develop and evaluate a range of strategies to address
the factors which may impact on your study (AC 3.1) You could consider, for example,
your study environment or distractions; resources available on e-Assessors should be
accessed for further support (As a guide your response should be approx. 250 words)
The final part of this task requires you to discuss the value of feedback, and the
appropriate response. (AC 4.1) You need to include notes outlining your discussion
with your tutor as evidence.
The work submitted must include in text citations and a reference list which follows
Harvard Referencing conventions
Additional guidance:
The written task should be word processed and include a title page; the title page should
include your name, the word count and the date of submission
It is your responsibility to upload the work through e-Assessor; failure to submit may
AC 2.2
AC 2.3
AC 3.1
AC 4.1
Unit 1 Study Skills Project for Access to Higher Education Diploma in Midwifery_3

result in work not being marked.
NOTE: Extensions for mitigating circumstances must be submitted to Course Leader
before submission date.
Student Comment:
Student declaration: I confirm that this
assignment is my own work and that it
complies with this centre’s plagiarism policy.
AC 1.1 Analyse factors affecting planning and organisation of study.
Please provide an overview why this would affect your planning and organisation of study. Ensure you
write at least 6-7 sentences. Answer each of the questions below to help:
From my point of view, organized study plan plays a crucial role as it directly impact the performance
of the students. The biggest challenge which is being faced by every student is maintaining the
studying balance with the social life. Excess of one thing could lead failure to another like if I am
studying hard, at one point it would make me depressed or be stressed (Spiteri and Chang Rundgren,
2020). That is why it is essential to be socialized with friends or continue any hobby which helps to
recharge my batteries to study back.
Why this would affect your planning of study?
Unit 1 Study Skills Project for Access to Higher Education Diploma in Midwifery_4

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