
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power


Added on  2023-01-19

19 Pages6892 Words58 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power can influence individual and
team behaviour and performance...........................................................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7
P2. Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques
enable effective achievement of goals in an organisational context......................................7
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................11
P3. Demonstrate an understanding of what makes an effective team, as opposed to an
ineffective team....................................................................................................................11
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................14
P4. Apply concepts and philosophies of OB within an organisational context and a given
business situation..................................................................................................................14
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_2

Organisational behaviour is a set of managerial activities which are concerned with
predicting and understanding the behaviour of an individual within an organisation. It is a kind of
research whose primary objective is to analyse the need and requirement of their employees.
This study put emphasis on how their employees interact with each other and it reflects the
behaviour, values and assumptions by which their employees contribute in the organisational
environment (Kitchin, 2017). It is a social system which combines the humans and technology
with it and also apply knowledge and skills in which people take action within the organisation.
Here, people join the organisation in order to accomplish their goals and objectives as per the
requirement of structure. The researchers use scientific research in order to understand and
develop the life of organisation as it helps in analysing that what people do in specific situations
or circumstances. This report is based on the Intercontinental hotels group which is a British
multinational hospitality company headquarter in Denham, England, UK which is founded in
1946. It has approximately 180 hotels and resorts and they serve at the global level. This
assignment is going to focus on how the culture, power and politics influences the team and
behaviour of organisation. Moreover, it also evaluate the various theories of motivation and
techniques which helps in the achievement of goals and demonstrate the understanding of
effective team. Furthermore, various theories, concepts and models are applied in an
organisational context.
P1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power can influence individual and team
behaviour and performance
Organisational culture is a system which is based on the values and beliefs and also
governs the behaviour of employees in an organisation. Every organisation has its own and
unique culture which helps them in addressing the behaviour of their employees. It contribute to
the psychological and unique business environment (Wood and et. al., 2016). Moreover, it helps
in influencing the people and manages the resistance of employees for the certain changes. From
the view point of James, “Organisational culture is helpful in managing, controlling and
scheduling people in an organisation”. OB influences many factors such as type of product,
technology, strategy and style of management. This culture includes vision, mission, values,
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_3

norms, symbols, environment and many more. To describe the culture of organisation, Handy's
model is used in order to reflect the culture of organisation of Intercontinental hotels & resorts:
Handy's model is used to define the culture of an organisation which is uncertain and
develops the various groups of an organisation. This model include four types of culture which
helps in understanding the how to comfort employees when they work in an organisation. For
this, various cultures are described as under:
Person culture: In this culture, employees consider themselves as an important part of an
organisation. As individuals are concerned about themselves instead of each other and in order to
fulfil the individual purpose or goals organisations suffer (Burrell and Morgan, 2017). This
culture defines that individual needs and goals are more valuable than organisational goals and
those organisation who adopt this culture which get suffer as it can damage their reputation and
also decreases their productivity. Moreover, these organisations does not have loyal employees
because here employees work for their own interest. Here, cooperation among employees are
very low and if Intercontinental hotels & resorts adopt this culture then it could negatively
impact the performance of employees as there is lack of cooperation and coordination among
employees as because of this they cannot share their work with each other.
Task culture: Organisations who made to achieve the targets and solve critical problems
will follow this culture. In these organisations, group or team is made of those people who have
common goal or interest as it is beneficial for the organisation in order to increase the
productivity and performance (Handy's Model of Organisational Culture, 2018). Here, each and
every team member lend their efforts equally which helps them in attaining their targets in an
appropriate manner. As per this culture, teams are made with those individuals who are
specialised in certain knowledge and skills. In this culture, the coordination and cooperation
among employees are very high. If Intercontinental hotels & resorts adopt this strategy as it
could positively influences the performance of team. Moreover, it increases the sales and
revenues as it maintain good relationship with their employees and flexible in nature.
Role culture: This culture is relies on the rules and responsibilities. Here, employees are
highly managed and controlled by everyone in the organisation. In this culture, the power is
determined with the help of position in the structure of organisation (James, 2017). This culture
is used in the large business organisations in order to increase the level of productivity and
performance. Moreover, it attempts to reduce the confusion at the workplace by specifying the
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_4

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