
Organization's Power, Culture and Politics PDF


Added on  2021-02-22

12 Pages3712 Words76 Views
Leadership Management
Unit 12
Organization's Power, Culture and Politics PDF_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO 1.................................................................................................................................................1P1 Culture, politics and power...............................................................................................1Recommendation....................................................................................................................3LO 2.................................................................................................................................................3P2 Motivational theories.........................................................................................................3Recommendation....................................................................................................................5LO3..................................................................................................................................................5P3 Effective team as opposed to an ineffective team ............................................................5Recommendation....................................................................................................................7LO4..................................................................................................................................................7P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organizational behaviour.........................................7Recommendation....................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8References......................................................................................................................................10
Organization's Power, Culture and Politics PDF_2

Organization's Power, Culture and Politics PDF_3

INTRODUCTIONOrganization behaviour is basically a study of human beings and also the interactionbetween the human and the organization. In order to explain organizational behaviour the reporthas taken Sainsbury. This report will analyse organization's power, culture and politics thatinfluence team & individual performance. It will also include two motivational theories whichhelp to motivate the employees. It will also state effective team as different from ineffective.And at last it will apply different concept and approaches towards organizational behaviour.LO 1P1 Culture, politics and power Culture : In organization culture plays a major role it includesorganizational expectations,experiences as well as guide member behaviour. it is based on shared belief, customs andwritten and unwritten rules. As it is very important to have a positive culture in the organisationthat help employees to grow and work in the effective manner. Handy Culture ModelPower – In some company where power remain in the hands of only few people as they areresponsible for making important decision in the social group. They enjoy their position and therest has to follow the instructions. The employees have no freedom to express their point of viewand innovative ideas. If Sainsbury follows this type of culture then it will affect the team andorganisation performance in the negative manner sometime this type of culture can be partial. Asit effect employees efforts as well as enthusiasm (Overall, 2018).Role - It is the type of culture which is based on proper rules and regulations. In whichemployees are delegated roles and responsibilities according to their interest and specialization.In these employees are prepared to accept the challenges and also there is clear structure of roles.If Sainsbury follow this type of culture then it is run by strict procedure and seems bureaucraticone which effect the team and individual performance (Kuo and Tsai, 2019).TaskThis type of culture is very effective one as it followed by Sainsbury as in these teamsare formed and targets are given which has to be achieved by the team or critical problems are tobe solved. In Sainsbury common interest of people are together to form a team. It influences1
Organization's Power, Culture and Politics PDF_4

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