
Primary and secondary research using appropriate methods


Added on  2023-01-13

19 Pages3522 Words54 Views
Primary and secondary research using appropriate methods_1

Table of Contents
P3: Primary and secondary research using appropriate methods ...............................................3
P4. Analytical tools to analyse research findings and data.........................................................6
P5: Research outcomes in an appropriate manner....................................................................17
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods ...............................................................17
P7. Alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes...............18
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P3: Primary and secondary research using appropriate methods
Research methodology is determined as the effective section of every investigation as it
is consisting range of tools and techniques which are acquired by investigator at the time of
conducting research in adequate manner. This sections also supports in completing project in the
systematic manner. Different methods used in this research are stated as below:
Type of investigation:- Qualitative and quantitative methods are determined as two main
form of investigation through which investigator analysis overall research. For performing this
investigation in effective manner, researcher will use quantitative method by interpreting overall
information in statistical form (Zhou, Yan and Xin 2017). It is a time saving activity and helps
investigator in obtaining valid research outcome in systematic manner.
Research approach: Inductive and deductive are acknowledged as two main forms of
research approach which are acquired by researcher for conducting investigation in lucrative
form. In this research, deductive form of research approach has been chosen by investigator in
order to perform present research quantitative manner. Inductive approach is also supportive in
conducting research in in-depth manner but for present study it is not all suitable as it consumes
huge time researcher thus, it wont be possible for them to conduct research in the provided time
Research philosophy- Research philosophy is determined as the belief or assumptions
that are developed by investigator while conducting research in systematic manner. These are
mainly categorised into two parts that is Interpretivism and positivism. For this research,
interpretivism research approach has been chosen as it is highly suitable and supportive in
finding outcome from the overall gathered information on proposed research topic.
Research strategy- Every investigator makes use of different strategies for conducting
research effectively. These strategies are finalised on the basis of research topic and type. Some
of the main types of strategies are case study, survey, observation and many others. In this
research, investigator has mainly used survey method in which questionnaire has been chosen as
the main strategy. Incorporation of this strategy will help investigator in gathering detailed
information from respondents within lesser period of time (Clark and et. al., 2017).
Data collection- Investigator uses different methods for gathering required information
on the research topic. Researcher mainly collects information from two types of data collection
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method that is primary as well as secondary form. In primary method, data is directly gathered
by investigator. Whereas, secondary method information is gathered from past data. For the
current investigation, both the primary and secondary method of data collection has been used.
Here, in primary method, questionnaire will going to be adopted researcher in order to gather
authenticate information from chosen respondents. Whereas, in secondary method books,
journals, online articles and others will going to be used as main source from where detailed
information will be gathered by researcher (Sutrisna and Setiawan 2016).
Sampling- This is acknowledged as the effective method by which investigator chooses
sample from the overall population. Primary information towards this research are gathered by
investigator from these chosen respondents. Sampling is mainly done through probability and
non probability method. With reference to the current study, non probability method has been
adopted by investigator. In this, random sampling has been specifically adopted by investigator
which means that each and every respondents gets equivalent chance to get selected as the
sample population. For this study, total 40 respondents has been chosen who belongs to
managers and employees level workforce of Premier Inn hotel.
Instruments of data collection- Data collection can be performed effectively by making
use of questionnaire, observation, interview and other methods. Here, main preference is
provided to questionnaire as the instrument of data collection. It is mainly consist range of
questions that are developed by researcher which is further filled up by respondents. The overall
attained data from this helps investigator in completing research project and attaining required
outcome in quicker manner.
Relatability and validity of study- For maintaining validity as well as reliability of
research investigator has adopted questionnaire as its main instruments. The proposed instrument
states that all the information is authentic and is highly reliable as it is directly gathered from
respondents. This directly ensures validity of the research and contributes in obtaining research
outcome quickly (Irwin and Springgay 2017).
Cost, access and ethical issue- Every investigation requires adequate amount of money
for executing overall research work in appropriate manner. It is essential for investigator to
complete research in the provided money. This can be effectively done by using available
resources in appropriate form. Apart from this, investigator is having authority to access sample
population and gather information it. Furthermore, it can be said that investigator is required to
Primary and secondary research using appropriate methods_4

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