
Unit 21 Inclusive Practice


Added on  2022-12-30

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Unit 21 Inclusive
Unit 21 Inclusive Practice_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................1
3.1 Summarise your own role and responsibilities relating to this inclusive practice session....1
3.2 Explain the relationship between your own role and the roles of other professional
involved in this inclusive practice...............................................................................................2
3.3 Identify points of referral available to meet individual learning needs.................................2
4.1 Key features and benefits of inclusive learning environment...............................................3
4.4 Strategies for effective liaison between professionals involved inclusive practice...............4
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................4
2.3 Explanation of how policy and regulatory framework influence own delivered inclusive
practice session............................................................................................................................4
4.2 Ways to promote equality and diversity in delivered inclusive practice session..................5
4.3 Ways to promote inclusion into inclusive practice session...................................................6
5.1 Effectiveness of own delivered inclusion practice session....................................................6
5.2 Own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to inclusion practice.........................7
5.3 Plan opportunities to improve own skills in inclusion practice.............................................8
Unit 21 Inclusive Practice_2

Inclusive practice can be defined as that process of teaching in which teachers are been
involved in recognising differences between students and this can be used to ensure that all
students make adequate use of educational content and are fully engaged in process of learning.
In this process teachers make sure that no two students are same and ensures that lessons and
activities accommodate to this. Inclusion practice is basically about ensuring that children from
any background, irrespective of their culture, value and belief participates fully in learning
activities which is being started by schools. Present report will lay emphasis on Review the
impact of personal, social and cultural factors on learning. It will also discuss about the impact of
different cognitive, physical and sensory abilities on learning. Assignment will summarise policy
and regulatory frameworks relating to inclusive practice.
(covered in Brochure)
3.1 Summarise your own role and responsibilities relating to this inclusive practice session
As one of the stakeholder in teaching institution, my first priority is to assure that inclusive
practice was being adopted by me in every learning session. I have analysed that planning,
assessing and making students learn was quite difficult task. There were so many challenges
which was being faced by me during the time of teaching. I have to assure that health and well-
being of students needs to be my first priority. I ensure that learning sessions are being
conducted in safe and secure place, so that no further issue is been faced by learners. I have
ensured to have an effective communication with my peers, so that any challenge which occurs
during the time of teaching session can be overcome. Emails were mostly used by me to
communicate with other staff members. My role was to make sure that adequate institutional
policies are been implemented (Haug, 2017). In this I have assured that all students are been
treated equally and also better supportive equipment’s needs to be provided those who are
physically challenged.
The organisational policies need to have policy related to equality and disability. This will
assist in enhancing learners experience. My role was to identify any type of inappropriate
behaviour which might be affecting learning procedure. My duty was to report such type of
behaviour. I also made sure that students are responsible for their own actions, this assists me in
Unit 21 Inclusive Practice_3

making the environment of institution better. I have also made sure that inclusive practices are
been used. In this all students are being treated equally irrespective of their colour, religion,
background. This has assisted me in making environment of educational institution better. I also
made sure that high quality teaching practices are been adopted in educational institutions, so
that learners can be able to grow.
3.2 Explain the relationship between your own role and the roles of other professional involved
in this inclusive practice
As a teacher it is my responsibility to make sure that inclusive practices are been used in
educational institutions. I will be involved in communicating with various agencies who are there
to support students. I will make sure that adequate funding is been provided to those who are in
need and are not been able to afford the education. I will be engaged in making sure that better
opportunities are been provided to those who are in need. Better resource’s will also be provided
to those learners who wanted to grow. I will also communicate with National Association of
Head teachers (NAHT), so that they can also check upon whether inclusive practices are being
adopted by organisation or not (Fedulova and et.al., 2019). I will make sure that staffing ratios
are being adequate. In this it will be my personal responsibility to keep a check on whether
adequate teachers are being available or not. I will also ask the agencies to conduct quality audit
in order to make sure that better quality of teaching and learning is been provided to students.
This will assist learners in growing and also their experiences related to learning will be
enhanced. I will also be engaged in meeting parents of different students, so that better
relationship can be developed by me and also it will lay positive impact on learning process of
learners. I would also invite learning support department so that cognitive and behavioural skills
of students can be enhanced. This will assist the learners in enhancing their ability to learn
different aspects. I will make sure that no students are been treated differently. This will assist
me in enhancing learning experience of students.
3.3 Identify points of referral available to meet individual learning needs
There are various points of referral which are being available to teachers so that they can
meet learning need of individuals. In this teachers can be engaged in making use of traffic light
skill audit system so that it becomes easier for them to identify the strength and weakness of
students. This can assist learner in growing and also because of this they will be able to enhance
the ability of learners to be increased. Legislation on inclusivity is a good reference point for
Unit 21 Inclusive Practice_4

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