
Impact of Macro Environment on Uber


Added on  2022-12-28

16 Pages4145 Words79 Views
Leadership Management
Impact of Macro Environment on Uber_1

Business is a separate legal entity that used specific idea. To run the business successfully
it is essential to use those strategies which are helpful to maintain the each and every operations
of the business. To accomplish the business objective is the most preferable things for the owner
that help to gain high market growth. For this study, Uber , which is operating business in British
and providing transportation services to their customers instead of this it provide food for the
convenience of their customers. It mainly operating business in almost 69 nations . The main
purpose of this report is to discuss about the internal and external environmental factors. This
report also conduct five force model .Moreover , this report also use Ansoff model to achive the
business objectives.
P1 Impact of Macro Environment
To identify the impact of macro environment it is essential to use PESTLE analysis that
help to determine the external factor of the business and also analyse the impact of outside
factors and identify that which factor affect the most to the Uber company. The description o0f
these external environmental factors are given below-
Political Factors – This factor consider the rules, regulation, policies and procedures that can
give the direct impact on the business operations. Political factors related to the government
issues that can affect the over all business activities of the company. In context of Uber, it affect
the most because Uber is a global company and sometime it is difficult for the company to deal
with the every country government (Astrachanand et al., 2019).Sue to uncertainty of covid and
Brexit, company faced many critical situations and the market of the company become low.
Economical Factors – In this factor, economic growth, trade regulation, influence of economy ,
inflation and recession rate, salary, wages are considered. Uber is doing their business
internationally so it is quite difficult for the company to maintain the economical situation in
every country. Uber usually set price according to the countries growth whether it is developing
country or developed countries.
Social Factors – This factor depend on the age, gender, culture, religion , taste , preferences and
buying habits of the customers. This factor direct affect the purchasing power of the customers
Impact of Macro Environment on Uber_2

so that it is essential to focus on this factor. In context of Uber (Bigelowand Barney, 2020).The
requirement of the people can be depend upon their comfort zone and due to uncertainty of the
Brexit, Uber experienced many losses so it is necessary for the company to prepare the effective
market strategies to cover the losses and adopt those strategies which are helpful to attract most
Technological - This is in light of the fact that erupt of epidemic onslaught of Covid-19, where
consumers are needed to utilize web buying applications for buying articles of clothing and
various things or organizations. In any case, it has influenced emphatically on UBER due to its
online beingness and affirmative contribution of its consumers as for with movement of
advanced type of its things, on bewildering esteem charges.
Legal - This factor fuses those points of view which are associated rules and rule arranged by
legitimate ability to keep up good work practices in firm. Comparing to UBER, association is
working in various business areas at around the world. Therefore, it is basic for huge business to
use these limits in suitable way, this is also important to relationship in carry off its abilities.
Practically identical to current condition of UBER there are various standards and rules which
influence on UBER. It is using sensible employed exercises where it completing all regulation
and rules in affiliation. A bit of these is business rule enactment, remuneration enactment and
some more. This assist concern with meandering redeeming legitimate possession of company
and keeping up liberality in marketplace.
Environment - This is critical cause for undertaking, this is because it aid relationship in
compliance up extraordinary image in marketplace and achieving goals and focuses in
appropriate manner. Additionally, UBER using situation welcoming pattern. These are 0 carbon
move in environment, exploitation reasonable force source in company in kind of daylight-based
sheets for conveying power, using Light-emitting diode bulbs and no usage of moldable in
affiliation (Browne and et al., 2018). This aides UBER in gathering the objectives of affiliation
relating to social group and situation. This also assist in structure dependable representation of
company in actual instance.
It will in general be evaluated from the recently referenced content that there are different causes
which are accompanying to affiliation and can utilize to play out its ability in reasonable boss.
There are helpful for relationship to sort amended judgement and accomplish its concern
objections in lucky mode.
Impact of Macro Environment on Uber_3

Critically analyse the Macro Environment
For the business serious and produce benefit it is needed to make examination of specific
factors that incorporates both inward and outer. Every one of these components is having sway
over procedures inside an association for limiting effect over organizations. Uber confronted
political difficulties as Brexit has influenced business as far as innovation as conditions
referenced in this effect serious edge existing inside market. Brexit has been influencing different
sorts of variables inside an association like Uber. Since Brexit happened different strategies
additionally changed which affected working of association both inside and remotely. Serious
edge can be acquiring by a business association through its systems and strategies
(Drobyazkoand et al., 2019).
P2 Analyses of internal environment
Accordant to introduce concern situation, it is fundamental for company to look at both
interior and extrinsic environment for accomplishing scores and targets. In setting of Uber, its
concern methodology is for the most part established on conditions that are open in wholesale
marketplace, to catch advanced care of customers. Thus, SWOT and VRIO examination are
practical for choosing limits of UBER with recognizing evidence of inward cause that originate
issues in accomplishing its concern focuses, as explained underneath:
SWOT Analysis:
Strength Weakness
Powerful brand picture is first nature of
UBER. This is because affiliation is offer
choice things to consumer which aid
company in devising good image in
marketplace (Goode and Negoro, 2018).
One more strong motivation behind
UBER is that affiliation has its
quintessence in overall marketplace. This
is accommodating in administering pay
Leading defect of company is that it
is capable to UK marketplace. This is
on the evidence that, 70% of dead
offer of organization is counted
marketplace of UK. This consequence
organisation perversely as pecuniary
check in UK marketplace can
punctual bad luck in financial gain of
Depressed level of R&D is in addition
Impact of Macro Environment on Uber_4

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