
Unit 4: Management and Operations - Leadership and Management in Business


Added on  2024-05-21

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Leadership Management
Unit 4
Management and Operations
Unit 4: Management and Operations - Leadership and Management in Business_1

Introduction.................................................................................................................... 4
LO1 Differentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a manager........5
P1 Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a
LO2................................................................................................................................ 10
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 10
P2 Examine examples of how the role of a leader and the function of a manager
apply in different situational contexts....................................................................10
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 13
P3. Apply different theories and models of approach, including situational
leadership, systems leadership, and contingency................................................13
M2 Access and evaluate the strength and weakness of different approaches
to situations within the work environment..........................................................15
D1 Critically analyze and evaluate the different theories and approaches to
leadership using examples from your chosen organization.............................16
LO3 Demonstrate an appreciation of the role leaders and managers play in the
operations function of an organization......................................................................17
P4 Explain the key approaches to operations management and the role that
leaders and managers play......................................................................................17
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 17
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 27
Unit 4: Management and Operations - Leadership and Management in Business_2

P5 Explain the importance and value of operations management in achieving
business objectives..................................................................................................27
M3 evaluate how leaders and managers can improve the efficiencies of
operational management to successfully meet the business objectives of
your chosen organization.....................................................................................34
LO4 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between leadership and
management in a contemporary business environment..........................................35
P6 Using examples from your chosen organization, assess the factors within
the business environment that impact upon operational management and
decision-making by leaders and managers............................................................35
M4 Analyse how the relationship between leadership and management affects
the business environment and wider community of your chosen organization.
D2 Critically evaluate the application of operations management in your
chosen organization and the factors that impact on the wider business
Unit 4: Management and Operations - Leadership and Management in Business_3

This unit is describing the operations and the management of an organization. The role
and the characteristics of the manager are compared. It includes the role of leader and
the functions of the manager according to different situations. Different theories and
models are included with leadership and all management functions. Different
approaches are described with their weakness and strength within the work
environment. The model of approaches and the theories of leadership and function of
manager are described by effectively by applying the range of theories and the
concepts. Moreover, the importance and the value of operations management in
achieving business objectives are explained. To meet with the business objectives the
managers and leaders how can improve the efficiencies of operational management are
described in brief. The factors which impact in decision making and operational
business by the managers and leaders are also described. It has analyzed that how the
relation of management and the leadership can affect the business and the wider range
of the community.
LO1 Differentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a manager.
The given task will explain the definition of management and leadership, along with their
roles & responsibilities in the organization. The task will also discuss the important
management functions developed by Henry Fayol and various leadership roles provided
by Mintzberg to develop the organization thoroughly.
Unit 4: Management and Operations - Leadership and Management in Business_4

P1 Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a
Management refers to a process that includes the terms planning, organizing, leading
and controlling with respect to its implementation on the organization. Management is
nothing but a simple process of dealing with people and resources for achieving
organizational goals.
Leadership refers to leading a group of individuals or a business organization by a
leader to achieve various business goals. Leadership is a mindset of a good leader to
influence other ones through organization’s vision and mission.
The various management functions developed by Henry Fayol are;
Planning is an initial stage of the management function that involves a path to
achieving business goals through pre-planned strategy. According to Henry
Fayol planning is one of the hardest processes of the management function. The
most significant function of manager of Jaguar is to set an effective plan to boost
its car manufacturing (Realentrepreneur, 2017).
After planning, the important function of management is to organize the business
structure according to available resources, capital, and staff. The proper
functioning of organizing is essential to achieve the business goals. For the
management of Jaguar, it is important to utilize the available resources and staff
for smooth functioning of the business.
Under the directing function, leaders mainly give instructions to the employees of
the organization to perform various tasks related to achieving some specific goal,
along with proper guidelines, directions, and communication. The managers of
Jaguar allocate the different tasks to employees to perform better according to
their ability.
Under the controlling function of management, the actual verification is held
between the actual results and desired result of the organization. Manager of the
Jaguar must check out the upcoming results and problems for better
implementation of management strategies (Richtopia, 2018).
Following are the three groups of leadership roles;
Interpersonal roles
The interpersonal roles of manager include the further three terms: figurehead,
leader, and liaison. As first manager figurehead all the important information of the
company related to staff, customers, suppliers and employees that further helps in
Unit 4: Management and Operations - Leadership and Management in Business_5

smooth functioning of the Jaguar. The second one treats a manager like a leader
and force manager to act like a leader with better coordination. The last subhead
shows a different role of a manager by establishing a link between the company and
outsiders through conferences and meetings (salesforce, 2014).
Informational roles
The manager of Jaguar control and monitor the activities of the company, along with
better coordination between the environmental factors; external and internal (RAO,
2013). The manager always searches current information about the business
decision making processes and transfer important information regarding changing
policies, plans, and technology upgrade to the employees.
Decision roles
In the decision making roles of the organization, the manager performs further tasks
on the basis of all given information; business as well as environment information
(RAO, 2013). Manager and leader of Jaguar make business decisions with creative
ideas along with leading all employees smoothly, for continuing development &
growth of the company.
Unit 4: Management and Operations - Leadership and Management in Business_6

M1 Analyse and differentiate between the role of a leader and function of a
manager by effectively applying a range of theories and concepts.
There are different types of theories that apply to the management of the company that
involves scientific management and Elton Mayo's Hawthorne Effect theories. The roles
and functions of manager and leader are defined according to different types of theories
ranges, along with their approaches to handling the employees and other factors.
Scientific management theory
The scientific theory of the management focuses on every individual and helpful in
performing several technical tasks on every floor of the company. The main aim of
implementation of this scientific theory is to boost the production of the company
through advanced technology and workforce. The major roles of a leader and functions
of a manager according to this theory are;
Manager records the list of performing tasks by the employees to record
transactions and duration of working. On the other hand, leader helps the
employees at the time of performing tasks, and find out the solutions to
employees grievances.
The manager makes several business decisions to achieve goals and relates
them to technology advancement for the development of Jaguar's business plan.
Along with, leader helps the employees to achieve those objectives and goals
according to their duration; short term and long term (Tipschief, 2016).
Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne Effect
Elton Mayo is one of the famous management theories, also known as Hawthrone effect
that explains the organization effect on employees; includes that simply remuneration is
not so enough to encourage the employees they need more facilities along with it i.e
refreshments and short time breaks between the work. Under this theory, the
employees mainly affected by their surroundings and belongings.
Manager exercises different functions related to company's organization
structure. Besides, a leader focuses on employees, along with solving their
The manager controls the system and employees of the company. Besides,
leader guides and remove uncertainty between the lower and upper level of
Manager performs mainly all the functions of the company; planning, organizing,
controlling and more for the better coordination between the employees and
managers. Besides, leader performs only one function of management that is
Unit 4: Management and Operations - Leadership and Management in Business_7

The overall task concludes the different types of management and leadership
theories that further explained the role of leader and function of a manager to the
successful running of the Jaguar. The task mainly focuses on the scientific
management theory and Elton mayo's theory that can improve the overall
performances of manager and leader.
Unit 4: Management and Operations - Leadership and Management in Business_8

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