
Planning for Growth in an Organisation


Added on  2022-11-24

24 Pages6348 Words380 Views
Unit 42 – Planning for
Table of Contents
Planning for Growth in an Organisation_1

P1Evaluate the growth opportunities in an organisation.............................................................3
P2 Evaluate growth opportunities with the implication of Ansoff Matrix..................................5
M1 Explain the options for growth using a range of different frameworks to demonstrate the
understanding of competitive advantage within the context of the company.............................6
D1 Critically evaluate specific options and pathways for growth, taking into account the risks
of each option and how they can be mitigated............................................................................6
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................7
P3 Assess the potential sources of funding available to businesses and discuss benefits and
drawbacks of each source............................................................................................................7
M2 Evaluate potential sources of funding and justification for the adoption of an appropriate
source of funding for a given organizational context..................................................................9
D2 Critically evaluate potential sources of funding with justified argument for the adoption of
a particular source or combination of sources, based on organizational needs...........................9
Task 3...............................................................................................................................................9
P4 Design a business plan for growth that includes financial information and strategic
objectives for scaling up a business.............................................................................................9
M3 Develop an appropriate and detailed business plan for growth and securing investment,
setting out strategic objectives, strategies and appropriate frameworks for achieving
D3 Present a coherent and in-depth business plan that demonstrates knowledge and
understanding of how to formulate, apply and achieve business objectives successfully.........12
Task 4.............................................................................................................................................12
P5 Assess exit or succession options for a small business explaining the benefits and
drawbacks of each option..........................................................................................................12
M4 Evaluate exit or succession options for a small business comparing and contrasting the
options and making valid recommendations.............................................................................14
D4 Provide critical evaluation of the exit or succession options for a small business and decide
an appropriate course of action with justified recommendations to support implementation...14
Planning for Growth in an Organisation_2

Planning for Growth in an Organisation_3

In today's modern world, there is great rivalry in the market, which brands it very important to
make the right strategies to achieve future development and achievement. Here are many chances
emerging in the market, for both minor and big companies, but it is significant for commercial
leaders to define the possibility of development and make key plans to achieve these goals in a
real context (Bruton, 2021). To this end, it is necessary to make real strategies that help to keep
up with the growth of the business and generate higher sales and profit margins. Through
planning, commercial objects can kind efficient usage of obtainable capitals to the best of their
ability. So, to ensure about the following strategies that is being used in the company is about the
planning that could be used in by the manager in order to enhance their planning process. So,
planning brings more innovation and effectiveness in the organisation and this results in bringing
more profits and revenues of the business. This description is founded on Kaffeine Cafe, a small
cafe in UK and has a wide range of drinks, coffee and extra to see client demands. He is
enthused by the coffee ethos in Australia and New Zealand and now works at two sites in
London. Today, they are look to grow their commercial for important income. This report
comprises customs to assess development chances with the application of Ansoff Matrix. In
addition, different sources of funding and their own advantages and limitations have also been
comprised in the report. The business growth plan is also mentioned in the next report along with
various commercial recovery plans. In addition, planning for development is actually significant
to effectively deal with future worries and problems.
P1Evaluate the growth opportunities in an organisation
According to analysis, achieving growth is the chief goal of each business. To do this, they
must classify chances that exist in the market. By classifying growth chances, it is informal to
express real plans to achieve expected goals in a real environment. Growth chances deliver
commercial objects with a space to discover income chances in the market, which is vital for
commercial achievement in the future (Chung, and et.al., 2021). The reason is that many tools
are used to determine the degree of market growth. PESTLE is such a tool, extensively used for
the exact drive of evaluating external marketplace circumstances. It delivers full info around
Planning for Growth in an Organisation_4

external marketplace chances that company personnel can use to significantly expand their
business. In the context of caffeine, PESTLE examination used to classify chances in the external
setting is stated:
Political factors: This issue involves political conditions, administration rules, and
regulations that have a deep influence on the group. With the changes in the current government
and political gatherings, current policies have been revised, requiring commercial proprietors to
revise their strategies and policies so. As for Kaffeine, they are too pretentious by the present
political situation in the UK (D’Arco, and et.al., 2021). The political situation in the country is
said to be stable, allowing companies to easily conduct business in a meaningful way. Further, at
the time of partnerships and collaborations, the political factor should be consider in minds and
company should have to make effect relations with the government.
Economic factors: including numerous factors, like inflation, interest rates, demand, price,
supply, etc. When preliminary or operating a commercial, the financial situation of the country
must be considered in an important way. For Kaffeine, they are seriously pretentious by the
present economic situation, in which the buying control of persons is declining. It is negatively
affecting the organization's current sales levels and profit margins.
Social Factors: Social issues show the importance of individual features and customer
characteristics to the success of business operations. It comprises various factors like buying
behaviour, character, arrogance of clients which ultimately significantly affect the performance
of the business. According to Kaffeine's benchmark, this is essential to regulate their method to
work based on changing customer buying conducts. In popular words, they provide take-out and
door-to-door vehicles to efficiently meet customer demand.
Technological factors: These issues are linked to technological progress, originality and
invention in companies (Shamshuddin, and Venkateswarulu, 2021). Today, technology has
develop an vital share of commercial and also plays an important part in creating modest
advantage. As part of Kaffeine, it usages state-of-the-art selling machines and gear to finest serve
customers. In addition, they are similarly compulsory to apply advanced methods to produce
crops in the arena.
Legal Factors: Legal issues include a number of guidelines and regulations precisely
expressed by higher system so that commercial organizations can operate smoothly. It deals with
the legal outline that every business must follow. As part of Kaffeine, they are too influenced by
Planning for Growth in an Organisation_5

the instructions and the rule of law. Now, they are compulsory to trail standards connected to
buyer defense, a healthy working setting and additional in order to operate their commercial
legally and consistently.
Environmental factors: They are connected to the adoption of environmentally
welcoming practices. It is too significant to create a optimistic copy with the target section. In
which, administrations take essential measures to protect the situation. Referring to Kaffeine,
they trail all essential ecological procedures to reduce environmental contamination and deliver a
harmless and fresh atmosphere for clients.
With the overhead conversation, it can be seen that the external situation consists of many
opportunities (Sunarsi, and et.al., 2021). To take advantage of those chances, it is significant to
primary have vital info near the various external factors, which helps to make the right strategies
for the growing and achievement of the business. further, the collaborations and mergers and
partnerships will help the organisation in growing of their business and creating opportunities for
them. By conducting this external analysis, organisation will be able to make aware about their
threats and opportunities and this helps them at the time of development of any new products and
services. also results in growing of business and making profits and revenues.
P2 Evaluate growth opportunities with the implication of Ansoff Matrix
Ansoff development matrix is deliberate structure that are created for measuring the
development chances that will demonstrated at the market place. As there are various sort of
sections in the business of management that have a growth as it is authoritative to choose one
suitable manner of the method for receiving higher term of the constructive result as for further
section of duration (Mukhopadhyay, and Das, 2021). Business can be inflamed by introducing
of new product & facility and also by targeting new market. By such role of manner it involves
various plan of action of Ansoff matrix that are as follows –
Market penetration In the manner of business of management that are to be
implemented in present period at the market place with present manner of the goods and
facilities. It have the suitable manner to expand the trades and turnover margin. Here,
they initially implement research for present manner marketplace and it will prepare
appropriate approaches as per to it. In market penetration, there are need to concentrates
on various field of the areas through which, it will be easy to gain the consideration of
consumers as effectively.
Planning for Growth in an Organisation_6

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