
Managing Successful Business Project


Added on  2023-01-12

25 Pages4979 Words93 Views
Unit 6 - Managing
Successful Business Project
Managing Successful Business Project_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Aims and objective of the project...........................................................................................1
P2 Project Management Plan.......................................................................................................3
P3 Work Breakdown structure and Gantt chart..........................................................................5
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7
P4 Qualitative & Quantitative research methods.........................................................................7
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
P5: Analyse your research and data using appropriate tools and techniques..............................9
P6 Recommendations................................................................................................................12
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12
P7 Reflection.............................................................................................................................12
Managing Successful Business Project_2

In modern business era, businesses emphasises on including diversified activities so that
they can easily execute their operational activities in lucrative form. It has also been seen that by
involving diverse and inclusive workforce its easier for businesses to develop better working
environment. It is essential for higher authorities to consider each and every staff member in a
positive manner so they can motivate their employees to perform their activities effectively.
Executing equality & diversity within the organization help in accomplishing all the goals as
well as objective of the organisation in an effective as well as appropriate manner. For the
present research, Vodafone is taken as a base business entity works within a telecommunication
industry. The company was founded in 1991 and is a public limited business company which is
based in London. Vodafone was established by Gerry Whent&Ernest Harrison. The company
have business in all over the world and develop ample number of policies and strategies in order
to develop diversified & inclusive workforce. The report consists of aim and objectives with the
help of which whole investigation is going to be implemented. Along with this, project
management plan, WBS & Gantt chart are also going to be discussed in this research so the
whole research will be concluded in a positive manner.
P1 Aims & objective of the project
Equality and diversified practices plays essential role in the growth of the company as it
ensures employees that they will get equivalent working opportunities at workplace. This report
is mainly conducted on Vodafone in order to determine range of strategies and ways that could
support them in effective incorporation of diverse & inclusive workforce. Project management
define as a written document or blue print of all the activities which is required to conduct by the
investigator for finishing the project effectively. In this, regard investigator has developed
suitable aim and objectives which are specified as below:
Research aim: To identify various strategies and its benefits gain by companies while
implementing it in order to create diverse & inclusive workforce. A case study on Vodafone.
Research objectives:
To know the importance of diverse & inclusive workforce.
Managing Successful Business Project_3

To identify different strategies implemented by organisations to develop a diverse
To examine the benefits of executing such strategies in organisation for creating
diverse & inclusive employees.
Research Questions
What is the importance of diverse and inclusive workforce?
What are the different strategies implemented by organisation to develop diverse
What are the benefits of implementing such strategies at workplace for creating diverse &
inclusive employees?
Importance of diverse & inclusive workforce
According to the point of view of Arubayi. and Tiemo, (2012)Equality is basically
termed as the state of providing equivalent opportunities to individuals. It plays essential role at
workplace as it motivates existing workforce and influences them to how their own efforts
towards organisational work. Diversity as well as inclusive workforce plays an important role for
achieving competitive advantage over rival firm. In addition to this, diversity brings innovation
and creativity within business organisation. It assists in taking effective decision which will be
beneficial for the firm. Beside from this, diversion and inclusion helps in reducing employee’s
turnover ratio. Apart from this, the significance of having a good culture that holds diversity and
inclusion boost the confidence level of company. In addition to this, it helps in accelerating
productivity & profitability level of the organisation. It also assist in raising brand image &
goodwill of company in the market.
Different strategies implemented by organisations to develop a diverse workforce.
According to the point of view ofFFine-Davs and Faas, (2014), there are different
strategies which are implemented by business organisation in order to maintain diverse
workforce which are as follows:
Make a plan: It is important to make a plan regarding diversity at all level of the
company for a longer time frame. Along with this, it is vital to establish long term plan as well as
stick to it.
Managing Successful Business Project_4

Invest in Diversity Strategies:There are different strategies which are used in diversity
such as talent development, performance management as well as sustain the competence and
talent of an individual person in future period of time.
Train your team:It is necessary to conduct an effective training in order to increase skill
and knowledge that helps in accelerating productivity level. In addition to this, it is also useful in
motivating employees to work in a team for achieving goal & objective of an organisation.
Build in inclusion:The diversity as well as inclusive workforce helps in attaining vision
and mission of organisation in stipulated period of time.
Take Responsibility:Diversity as well as inclusion may generate distress. Thus, it is not
only the duty of Human resource to develop an inclusive workforce and culture. It is necessary
for every person to generate a culture of belonging.
Benefits of executing such strategies in organisation for developing diverse & inclusive
As per opinion of Janssens and Zanoni, 2014 there are various advantages of implementing
such strategies in organisation in order to generate diverse as well as inclusive workforce such as
boosting revenue of the business firm. In addition to this, it assist in bring innovation and
creativity. And also, it helps in taking effective decision which will be advantageous for the firm
in future period of time. As per authorAshe and Nazroo,(2017) the HR manager offer
opportunities to applicant with an aim to gain competitive advantage from competitors. Diversity
and exclusive workforce increases the productivity& profitability level in organisation. And also
it reduces the employee’s turnover ratio within business firm. It assist in boosting brand image &
reputation of the company at marketplace.
P2 Project Management Plan
Project management referred to as the document that consists of all the essential actions
which is necessary for researcher for executing the project in an effective way. In this context,
various elements are mentioned below in a proper manner. Some of these factors include cost,
size, time, scope & many more.
Cost: It refers to the value of wholeresearch in context of money which is required to
start it in a proper manner. Thus, itis required by the researcher to prepare an effective budget
plan so that they can examine the overall cost required to complete the whole research. In the
present context, researcher wants to identify different strategies and its influence related to
Managing Successful Business Project_5

diversified workforce. For this, effective research is required to conduct by them which need100
pounds to create positive outcome. This would be monitored by project manager by
communicating to their research team and taking follow up from them regarding the same.
Task to perform Expenditure (Pound)
Library Cost 10
Equipment cost 15
Stationary 10
Transportation 15
Miscellaneous expenses 20
Resources 30
Total 100
Scope: The present research has wide scope at the marketplace as it assist in executing
such strategies at workplace which is related with equality and diversity. In addition to this, it is
determine that it help in grabbing various opportunities, which is prevailing at marketplace that
leads towards the enhancement of revenue and sales of the company. From the point of view of
research, this investigation consist wide scope and will assist in other researcher who will
conduct the same investigation in near future.
Time: For every researcher, it is very essential to decide the time duration required by
them in order to complete the whole project in a proper manner. In order to complete the present
investaigation almost 8-10 months is required by the researcher for developing a positive
Quality: It is required by the researcher to maintain the quality of data collected by them
in order to develop positive result. For every researcher, it is essential to identify all the
environmental situation, gather required information and develop the quality of all the collected
information. This as a result will assist them in gaining positive response from customers and
have been recognized in a good way .In reference to the present investigation, researcher
maintain the quality of gathered information which maintains the trust and faith of investigator
towards them.
Managing Successful Business Project_6

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