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Unit 6 Project Planning for Wooden Craft Organization in UK


Added on  2023/06/16

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This report focuses on project planning for Wooden Craft Organization in UK. It covers the aims and objectives, project management plan, work break down structure, Gantt chart, secondary data, and recommendations. The report also includes primary data collection methods and data analysis. The aim is to raise organization productivity and attain the objectives of the organization.

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Unit-6 project planning

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Determine aims and objectives of organization...........................................................................3
Study project management plan...................................................................................................3
Work break down:.......................................................................................................................4
Gantt chart:..................................................................................................................................6
SECONDARY DATA.................................................................................................................7
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Project planning helps in raising organization productivity and I is define as procedure
that helps in attaining aims and objectives of organization (Marinelli, 2021). The report is based
on Wooden craft organization that is situated in UK and provide varieties of services to customer
such as furniture and many other products that make with purpose of satisfying customers. In this
determine aims and objectives, their plan and also emphasizes work break down structure by
developing Gantt chart. Further, secondary research and primary research is also study and
recommendation for determining organization is examined in the report.
Determine aims and objectives of organization
In accordance toorganization, the aims and objectives of Wooden craft is determined by
distinctive ways that plays key role in function of management (Bentumand, 2021). It
driven out purpose of organization as they provide furniture to consumer that help in facilitating
consumer through offering better services to consumer in desired manner. As their main aim of
research is to provide innovative woods to consumer that helps in driven better quality of
products and services to consumer by satisfying their needs and objectives. The objectives of
research is to determine key elements that plays main role in function of management and
emphasize target management to facilitate growth of function and boost their productivity in
desired manner.
Study project management plan
The project management strategy helps business to run in smooth manner and conducts
growth of organization by facilitating development of business (Asoba and Patricia, 2021). By
determining in various ways, that are their scope as for conducting research about organization it
derives nature of business that work in manner to provide better quality of wooden furniture to
consumer. It helps business to perform function in their managing by conducting effective
approach for business.In order to get success in business conducting and managing organization
through emphasizing by implementing effective strategy such as innovative furniture products
and services in productive manner. Through implementing into corrective measure of business
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helps in attaining aims and objectives of business, also driven achievement of organization by
attaining more and more people towards organization (Susilowati and, 2021). As in order to
this, for maintaining smooth functioning in organization by take place it into consideration in
short period of time helps in gaining organization productivity through formulating better project
management. There are issues also develop in research of organization by identifies in business
function such as increase number of competition in market that influence business of Wooden
Craft. In order to overcome this challenge by competing with competitors in productive manner
and innovate products and service, build effective communication with consumer helps in
attaining organization profitability.The cost required for organization is $ 200 that required to
emphasize organization function and maintains smooth functioning of business by proper
estimating operation function of organization. So, proper estimation of financial aspect for
business to invest capital of small amount and conducts business in productive manner. This
helps in raising organization function and boost performance of business by preserving cost of
business through determining and assessment of organization cost effectively.Through
emphasizing allocation of resources, by facilitatinghuman resource, environment sustainability
and other resources helps in functioning of project management function in effective manner. It
helps in enhancing organization productivity and efficiency in business by conducting positive
approach for business (Thesing, Feldmann and Burchardt, 2021). This helps in running
organization in smooth manner and build their productivityfunction in business. In regard to this,
helps in raising project management function of organization by estimating each and every
element in function of business in respective manner. As this help in performing project
management function and expands organization performance in perspective manner. To raises
organization efficiency and driven their operation and production function in organization for
conducting smooth functioning of business.
Work break down:
Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors
Initiation step: 50 days Tue 11/16/21 Mon 1/17/22
hire a manager 25 days Tue 11/16/21 Mon
Market research 15 days Tue 12/21/21 Mon 1/3/22 2
customer 5 days Tue 1/4/22 Mon 1/10/22 3
Flexibility 5 days Tue 1/11/22 Mon 1/17/22 4
planning step: 45 days Tue 11/16/21 Mon 1/24/22 5

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risk analysis 20 days Tue 1/4/22 Mon 1/31/22 2,3
Management plan 10 days Tue 1/18/22 Mon 1/31/22 5
Financial plan 5 days Tue 2/1/22 Mon 2/14/22 7
Other plan 10 days Tue 2/1/22 Mon 2/14/22 8
execution step: 50 days Tue 11/16/21 Mon
12/27/21 9
Technology updates 10 days Tue 2/15/22 Mon 2/21/22 10
Comparison 5 days Tue 2/15/22 Mon 2/21/22 9,10
improvement process 25 days Tue 2/22/22 Mon 3/7/22 12
Legal process 10 days Tue 2/22/22 Mon 3/7/22 13
control step: 10 days Tue 3/8/22 Fri 3/11/22 14
Management control 2 day Tue 3/8/22 Tue 3/8/22 9,13
change management
plan 2 day Tue 3/8/22 Tue 3/8/22 14
Handling 2 day Tue 3/8/22 Tue 3/8/22 15
Quality check 2 day Wed 3/9/22 Wed 3/9/22 17
closures step: 10 days Wed 3/9/22 Mon 3/14/22 18
Learning 2 day Wed 3/9/22 Wed 3/9/22 19
Reporting 2 day Thu 3/10/22 Thu 3/10/22 20
delivery time 2 day Wed 3/9/22 Wed 3/9/22 17
Meeting and
management 2 day Wed 3/9/22 Wed 3/9/22
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Gantt chart:
Primary data collection method:
The primary data means details and information which is been collected first time and
this data was never been used before. Primary collection of data help researcher to collect fresh
data directly from the people (Johnston, 2017). The process of primary data collection involve
surveys and interviews which is been face to face communication. When the researchers want to
collect fresh data, then they try to avoid secondary data collection. The secondary data collection
means details and information which is been collected by any other source. This data is usually
old and have been already used by other researchers, this type of data are not perfect an often can
lead the project into failure. The primary data have the highest quality of relevant information,
this data tend to meet all the standards of high quality details and information. There are certain
modern tools which are been used to collect data in today’s world and been collected by various
technology. Primary data have its own value and the standards.
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1. What is the objective of talent management?
Hiring of highly skilled people
Motivation and value to the employees
Staff retention schemes
2. Most recent strategies used by the company in management of talent and helping in
increasing the staff retention in the business organization?
International hiring process
Rewards and benefits to the staff members
Training and development programs
3. What are the benefits and foster for the business organization in managing talent?
Customer satisfaction is been improved
Help in promoting the brand image of the company
Provide competitive edge in the market of the business organization
4. How company can better their strategies in talent management, provide recommendation?
All the above question is been answered and was tend to be close end question, this
sample have completed all the question except the last one because the last one was open
ended. The open ended questions have no specific type of answers (Van Khuc, Pham and
Tran, 2021). The above questionnaire have addressed all the important questions and on the
basis of above questions provide all the necessary details and information to the project
management team.
Secondary data: secondary data is the collection of data taken from the primary data. The
secondary data include information about the organization, department, and workflow
management. This also include the statistics of the organisation process of the project which
they are determining the work through arithmetic process.
Literature review
talent: according to the Williams, excellent knowledge of skills or knowledge that have been
systematically acquired. refer to individual who do one or more of the following: linear
combination extraordinary skill – and accomplishment –in a variety of activities and
circumstances, or within a specialised and restrictive field of expertise; consistently show
greater professionalism in lines of business that actually recommend transferable, equivalent
ability in circumstances in which they have to be evaluated and proven to be particularly
effective, i.e. opportunities.
Definition of Talent Management

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Despite the fact that there are various logical explanations of talent management, there seems to
be a vagueness about what it really means, and an exact meaning of talent management remain
uncertain. According to Stephenson and Pandit, and the many other academics, having the
appropriate amount of individuals in the location at the correct time, with the correct specific
skills and motivation level, is crucial to talent. Talent management is concerned with all aspects
of Human Resource Management (HRM), with a particular focus on attracting, developing, and
retaining talent. In another way of putting it, talent management comprises nearly all aspects of
human resource management. Others define talent management as a pledge to use a coordinated,
technical, and planned approach to hrm that has been accepted and mandated.
Factors of Talent Management
Acquisition, Distribution, Growth, and Preservation: Attracting and retaining employees has
become one of the most important aspects of developing organisational capabilities in order to
ensure long-term competitive advantage. As a result, engaging in people management resources
such as recruitment, and these activity can give a company an edge.
Acquiring External Talents: Attracting external talents is a factor of the organisation’s goals and
also how possible nominees see the organisation; it is a function about whether the company has
a great premium in the market in which it operates or whether it only exists to survive. As a
result, among the most critical and crucial concerns that can readily attract external skills is
employer branding.
Deploying Talents: Most firms fail to put strategic plans into action. The link between strategy
plans and execution activities is called approach deployment. The first step that the organisation
should do before taking action is to examine the continuous delivery. Users will be able to assess
the deployment system's viability in this manner. As a result, companies can more effectively
implement strategic initiatives by paying increasing emphasis to the workflow.
Talent retention is influenced by a number of factors. As instance, cleanliness elements such as
health, remuneration, and geography have a direct impact on job success, whereas professional
success and tangible motivators diminish personnel loss indirectly. As previously said, some
people believe that acquiring and key employees are the two most important aspects of talent
management. Some believe that all businesses must do is recruit and develop players, and they
are unconcerned about maintaining them.
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Data analysis:
1. The purpose of talent management according to you?
Participants Respondents
Hiring of highly skilled people 8
Motivation to people 12
Practice of hiring retained employee 10
Total 30
Interpretation: the above diagram and the data show that each and very employee know the
value of the talent management, by understanding the above chart its is clear that 12
employee voted for motivation is the main cause of talent in the business organization
whereas 8 employee tend to believe that hiring retained people we be the best for the talent
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management and other 8 believe that hiring of skilled workers will be more beneficial of the
business organization.
2. Recent strategies used by the company to promote talent in the business organization:
Participants Respondents
International hiring process 7
Rewards and benefits to the staff
Training and development programs 10
Total 30
Interpretation: the above data provide the information about most recent strategies used by
the business organization to promote talent within the workplace. According to the above
data, 7 employees believe that business should practice international hiring process to hire
talent in the company whereas 13 employee believe that business should provide rewards and
benefits to the employee and 10 employee believe in training and development programs
which will help business in increasing the talent in the business organization
3. Benefits for the business in managing talent:

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Participants Respondents
Customer satisfaction is been improved 13
Help in promoting the brand image of
the company
Provide competitive edge in the market
of the business organization
Total 30
Interpretation: the above data show the insight of the business analytic which highlight the
benefits of talent management in the business organization, on the basis of above data 13
employee believe that talent management can improve the customer satisfaction whereas 9
people believe that this help business organization in promoting the brand image and 8
employee believe that talent management provide competitive edge to the company in the
market. Many employee of the company believe that this help business in retention of
customer satisfaction and promote the business in market.
In accordance to raises organization productivity and efficiency, by recommending
effective approach for business that are by emphasizing innovative products and build
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communication with peoples. This helps in raising organization performance and attaining
consumers towards their products by finding them suitable for them. By recommending this
strategies in business helps in raising organization profitability in firm for facilitating growth for
business. As this strategies and improvisation of this helps in attracting customers towards
business. Also, it helps business to grow and maintains sustainability of business in desired
manner that emphasize growth and development of business. The main objective of business is
to expand their organization and build their performance in productive manner. To boost
organization profitability and efficiency in effective manner that helps business to run in smooth
manner. Through recommending this conduct business in smooth manner and helps business to
boost their productivity in respective manner. The strategies and innovating product, services
helps in functioning of business in effective form and gaining customer attention towards them
by improvising products and determines goods efficiency (Filippetto, Lima and Barbosa, 2021).
This helps business to run andconduct organization function in smooth manner as it maintains
organization productivity and efficiency. For achieving aims and objectives of organization by
working organization function in desired manner through proper estimating of cost and financial
aspect of business helps in raising organization efficiency. In order to raise business by building
work efficiency to motivate workers that they can do more and encourage them to boost
potentiality helps in attaining objectives of business. As by workers doing their work effectively
and put their efforts in orderto gain sustainability of organization, it helps in boost performance
of their and arise positive approach for business. This helps in facilitating effective function of
management and manage smooth functioning of organization in perspective manner.
I have learnt a lot from this project. This project enhances my personal skills and also talent
management. By this project it give me help to analyse the project management by analysing the
factors and with the help of gannt chart and work break down management in this project i set a
aim and objective of the company by which I'm able to innovation in the company and by this it
also evaluate the talent management and the questionnaires by which the organization help to
understand better the task and the Operation of the talent management. In this project the
resources, process and planning is also include by the help of talent management analyzation.
The project management plan also refer the scope, identity, and primary, secondary data
information the obstacles I faces during the project is mainly with time management and budget
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issue. lack in communication, lack of accountability in the project to make something innovative
in the organisation.
The report has been concluded about organization goals and targets of business that helps
business to develop their firm. In this has been determined plan, work break down structure and
secondary research is conducted in organization. It will summarizes of graph and questionnaire
that helps business to grow and conduct for procedure and justified recommendation that has
been helps business to grow. Furthermore, proper assessment has been take place into
consideration of business to raise productivity and efficiency of business in report.

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Books and Journal
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