
Value and Contribution to Organisational Success


Added on  2023-01-23

2 Pages997 Words40 Views
This poster I providing information about Cadbury company. In this poster proper research is performed to collect
evidence for development of Human Resource Management in and organization. Response and reaction of Tesco is recorded
for change management.
LO 4
How Organisational design needs to respond and adopt to change management
Change management may be defined as a systematic approach to deal with the transformations and transitions
which takes place in the organisation in order to meet the future needs of the organisation. There are various change
management theories and models which can be implemented by Cadbury in order to manage the change in the organisation
like Lewin’s change management models which consists of 3 stages of Unfreeze, change and refreeze. In the first step
Cadbury has be prepared for the change by explaining the employee need and importance of change in the organisation. In
second step the change has to be implemented in the organisation this may be lengthy process as new things takes place and
developments are happening. This stage requires good leadership in order to lead employees to change. In third stage
Cadbury has to refreeze the new change and make the change permanent in the organisation.
Another model which can be implemented by Cadbury is ADKAR model which includes:
Awareness: Awareness is to be brought in the organisation related to need and importance of change.
Desire: Here what type of change is to be brought and how to participated in the change.
Knowledge: Organisation should have the knowledge about how to bring the change.
Ability: Organisation should posses ability to bring continuous change.
Reinforcement: Cadbury should try to implement the change for the future as well.
Role of HR in managing change and organisational design:
HR department play an important role in managing change and organisational design, one of the important role
is to overcome the resistance from employees as employee resistance is natural. Therefore HR department has to focus on
several strategies in order to overcome the resistance like it is the function of HR to clearly and consistently communicate
about the change in Cadbury and help employees to better understand the need for change. It is also the important function of
HR to engage employees in change process effectively and supporting them at each level during the change process. HR also
play an important role in communicating the change across the various department of Cadbury and communication should be
a two way street in order to ensure that change is effectively implemented. HR also play an important role in implementing
the change within the organisation and has to play an important role in managing and sustaining the change in Cadbury.
HR also play an important role in designing the organisation, HR department has to conduct a critical evaluation
how the organisation is structured and HR have to design a simple hierarchical chart which consists of various level of
management in order to sustain the change within the organisation. HR also play an important role in overcoming the
challenges within the organisational design in order to make it smooth and functional for Cadbury.
Responding and adapting the change:
Organisation design should be such that it should have an ability to respond and adapt to the change
which is implemented in the organisation. In order to respond and adapt to the changes organisational design should
such that there should be centralisation of authority. All the elements of Cadbury’s new vision, strategy, KPI’s
objectives, etc should be designed as per the change. It can help various organisational departments to move in the
same direction. Also, making the things concrete i.e. designers should bring more clarity in the organisational
structure which will help Cadbury to respond and adapt to the change effectively. The structure of the organisation
should be such that there should proper communication system between the different levels of departments. This
will increase the clarity for adapting to the change. Also, the design of the organisation should be such that it should
be able to withstand the challenges of change which may arise in change management process of Cadbury.
HR department of Cadbury needs to beat the communication breakdown and leaders should prepare to
answer the questions from employees.
Proper collaborations should set within the organisation which will result in the successful
implementation of change.
Also, organisational design should be set within the company.
Appropriate model of change should be used for successful implementation of change.
Shortcomings or challenges should be proper address by formulating appropriate action plan.
It can be concluded from the report that organisational design is very important for the company in order to deliver
sustainable performance. Also, it is important organisational design should relate to the structure of the organisation which can lead to
the success of the company. Present report also concludes that there various emerging HR developments which take which can help in
successful implementation of change in an organisation. Also, HR department play an important role in managing the change as well
as developing an organisational design. It is important for the company to respond to change effectively and adapt to change in a well
planned manner.
Hammer, M., 2015. What is business process management?. In Handbook on business
process management 1 (pp. 3-16). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Tidd, J. and Bessant, J. R., 2018. Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational
change. John Wiley & Sons.
Value and Contribution to Organisational Success_1

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