
Website Design and Development: Car Dealer Website Project


Added on  2024-05-29

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Web Development
Website Design and Development
Website Design and Development: Car Dealer Website Project_1

Table of Contents
Explain server technologies and management services..............................................................................4
Classify site advances, devices and programming used to create sites.......................................................9
Utilize website technologies, tools and techniques...................................................................................11
Make and utilize a Test Plan for web composition and improvement.......................................................20
Figure 1 DNS Server.....................................................................................................................................5
Figure 2 Working of DNS.............................................................................................................................6
Figure 3 Home...........................................................................................................................................12
Figure 4 About...........................................................................................................................................13
Figure 5 Contact........................................................................................................................................14
Figure 6 Slider Image.................................................................................................................................15
Figure 7 Footer Image...............................................................................................................................15
Figure 8 Special Offer.................................................................................................................................16
Figure 9 About Us......................................................................................................................................16
Figure 10 Why Choose Us..........................................................................................................................17
Figure 11 Car listing grid............................................................................................................................17
Figure 12 Dealer quality service................................................................................................................18
Figure 13 Contact Us.................................................................................................................................18
Figure 14 Quality Assurance......................................................................................................................22
Website Design and Development: Car Dealer Website Project_2

In this assessment, I have to make a site for Car merchant administration. This site will give
moment arrangement (like purchase and buy the auto) to the clients. At whatever point, any
client need to offer or purchase the auto he can take help of the worker of our organization.
The name of the site is Carforme from here you can buy your fantasy auto. This organization
makes the arrangement amongst dealer and purchaser. You can purchase new auto and old
auto from here.
The appraisal is for making a completely responsive and easy to use site by utilizing the site
outlining and improvement instrument. The site ought to be successful, intelligent, applicable
and easy to use. I will utilize HTML, CSS, Java Script, Bootstrap, Php and so forth apparatus for
plan and advancement of site. The site ought to be completely adaptable.
Subsequent to, outlining and improvement of site I need to clarify the server innovation that
will be utilized as a part of the site. I need to clarify the innovation and devices that will deal
with the site on server.
Website Design and Development: Car Dealer Website Project_3

Explain server technologies and management services
After design and development of website, we need to upload the website on server. In this
section, I will explain the server technology that is used for hosting and managing the websites.
After designing and development of website we need to purchase domain and hosting from the
company and upload it on the server. Server is computer that will manage our data, images and
everything whatever uploads on the website. It provides 24/7 facility to the websites.
Clarify Purpose of DNS
It stands for domain name system. It is like as telephone directory. It keeps the name of website
and at the time of sending response it will send the IP address.
There are three main components of DNS System.
1. Domain Name Space
2. Name Server
3. Domain Name Resolution
Kinds of DNS Server:
There are by and large two sort of DNS server. These are showing underneath:
1. Primary DNS server
The lead work of principal DNS server is to send data to the optional DNS server. It inspects
information from the web server. In key DNS no persuading inspiration to help since
fundamental server clearly duplicates every single one of the information.
2. Secondary DNS Server
It is besides called slave server. It gets information from the central server and goes about
as stronghold. Partner DNS server is likewise essential in information association since it
reduce the heap of fundamental DNS server. At whatever point, essential server goes down
in perspective of over-disturbing or strike by engineer then optional server go about as a
fundamental server and passes on information without agitating impact.
Website Design and Development: Car Dealer Website Project_4

Figure 1 DNS Server
How domain Name System Work:
The sole reason for the DNS framework is to make your perusing more agreeable. You truly
would prefer not to recall every one of those number-dab numbers-spot more-numbers, isn't
that so? It's a ton less demanding to recall domain.me or some other area. When you enter that
beautiful space name, the program will look through the DNS framework and locate the correct
IP address of the comparing site.
This is the place space name progressive system truly sparkles; on the off chance that you need
to open domain.me, the program will initially go to the root DNS records and endeavor to
discover all the name servers inside the .me top-level area. It will then go to the primary server
on the rundown and attempt to locate the real IP deliver which is associated with domain.me.
Website Design and Development: Car Dealer Website Project_5

Figure 2 Working of DNS
Managing Your Domain Name:
When you need to utilize your area name for email, a site or different administrations, the
facilitating organization that you utilize will regularly give you the name servers to utilize. There
are regularly two of these and they can just be entered in the suitable area in the space
administration segment of your FD online record.
Some space names will expect you to open them before changing the name servers. This relies
upon the expansion of the space. UK spaces don't have a locking system while .COM areas do.
The website page will let you know whether you have to open the space name and give you the
fitting choice.
Kind of Communication Protocol:
1. Ethernet
2. IP
3. TCP
4. HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SMTP, and DNS
There are three primary component of a web server:
1. Hardware
There is no official slightest for the gear necessities that are required to have the Sana
Commerce web shop. The hardware particulars will change influenced by different
components that should be considered. To make the best estimation of the gear particulars
Website Design and Development: Car Dealer Website Project_6

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