1GENDER EQUALITY Introduction: Women empowerment and the equality of the women, across the world, is a burning issue since a long time now, and the importance of the same has been felt at all the levels. At the socio- political level, as well as, at the cultural level the need of equality of women has been realized. Gender equality or the sexual equality, refers to providing the women of the society with all the opportunities and resources that are available for the men of the society. This includes, the accessibility of the economic or the financial resources, the accessibility to the socio- political resources, as well as the accessibility to the educational resources (Prügl, 2015). From the ancient trine, sit is been observed that women have only been faced with exploitations and inequal situations, which have affected their social positions as well as their experiences in daily lives. More importantly, this particular form of behaviour had been specific to the women only, leaving the men of the society to enjoy all the socio- political opportunities and economic resources. However, it is important to note, that this inequal forms of behaviour had been practiced only by the men of the society (Bustelo, 2016). Therefore, in the following report, a brief discussion regarding the concept has been provided. Discussion: In order to understand about gender equality it is important to understand that, it does not necessarily mean that both the men and women are same, but rather, it means that, the women must be provided with all the rights and the social and economic opportunities, which are provided to the men of the society. There are certain biological and natural differences between men and women, but that must not determine, that both the gender strata will not be provided with equal opportunities (Keller, & Ringrose, 2015). It is the social distinction that had been
2GENDER EQUALITY made between the men and the women of the society, and thus, denying the social opportunities and the legal provisions to the women. Therefore, the basic aspect, or the basic claim of the gender equality is that, all the gender, should be provided with equal opportunities and provisions. In simple words, the men and the women of the society must be treated in the similar manner, and the women must be provided with all their basic rights and responsibilities (Nyhagen, & Halsaa, 2016). More importantly, gender equality refers to preventing the practices of discrimination based on the sexes of the individuals. It is the biological differences that, form the impetus of exploitation of women. Conclusion: The concept of gender equality had been developed by the feminists, who are essentially regarded as to be one branch or aspect of sociology. The practiced exploitations to women, and the treatment of women as an invisible gender, are the prime reason for the claim of gender equality. The claim for gender equality is the prime requirement that is been made by the women, over time, and over centuries. Exploitation and ill treatment of women had become normative practice, which called for the movement regarding gender equality.
3GENDER EQUALITY References: Bustelo, M. (2016). Three decades of state feminism and gender equality policies in multi- governed Spain.Sex Roles,74(3-4), 107-120. Keller, J., & Ringrose, J. (2015). ‘But then feminism goes out the window!’: exploring teenage girls’ critical response to celebrity feminism.Celebrity studies,6(1), 132-135. Nyhagen, L., & Halsaa, B. (2016).Religion, gender and citizenship: Women of faith, gender equality and feminism. Springer. Prügl, E. (2015). Neoliberalising feminism.New Political Economy,20(4), 614-631.