
Workplace Culture and Practice Development - Assignment


Added on  2021-05-30

13 Pages3369 Words20 Views
Running head: WORKPLACE CULTURE AND PRACTICE DEVELOPMENTWorkplace Culture and Practice DevelopmentName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
Workplace Culture and Practice Development - Assignment_1

1WORKPLACE CULTURE AND PRACTICE DEVELOPMENTIntroductionThe workplace culture is believed to be one of the most important things for the practicedevelopment. A proper working environment and workplace culture will lead to the bettermentof the effective practices in the organizations. Especially, the workplace culture has to beenhanced in the healthcare organizations for the practice development. The workers in thehealthcare infrastructure have to provide the person-centered care in the most effective waysindeed. The workplace culture has to be effective from the clinical aspects. The various areas ofthe clinical improvement and the workplace culture will be evaluated (McCance et al. 2013).It has to be kept in mind that the scenario in the healthcare has been changing very fastand the employees have to be very much cautious about the changes in the workplace cultures.The various areas that would be discussed in this paper are the theoretical approaches about theworkplace culture in the healthcare scenario and the practical effectiveness of theimplementation of the of the proper workplace culture. The several things that would be takenunder consideration in this approach are the person-centered care, patient outcomes, staffretention and job satisfaction (Well et al. 2012). These issues will be highlighted in this paperalong with the effectiveness of maintaining a good workplace culture. The practice developmenthas been one of the most important issues The various issues in the workplace collaboration inthe practice development will be discussed in this paper as well. The various issues related to thestaff retention will be discussed in this paper as well (Rapley 2013).The importance of workplace cultureThe workplace culture is a very important issue is a very important thing for all theprofessionals and especially in practice development. The profession of practice development is
Workplace Culture and Practice Development - Assignment_2

2WORKPLACE CULTURE AND PRACTICE DEVELOPMENTvery much associated with the clinical nursing practice (Tillott, Walsh and Moxham 2013). Theculture in the healthcare organizations is very much important for the betterment of the patients.The families of the patients always want such culture to be practiced in the organizations thatcould be good for the reputation. The most important thing in the clinical practice development isthe delivery of proper care to the patients. The biggest focus should be on the improvement ofthe infrastructure in the clinical organization (Patrick and Kumar 2012). The practitioners in theclinical environment should be very much cautious about providing the care to the people in themost effective ways indeed. In the recent years, the primary intention of the professionals hasbeen mainly on the importance of the care of the patients in the best ways. The improvement inthe culture of the people will put up a good reputation for the organizations (Burke 2013). The corporate culture should be followed in the healthcare organizations at some pointsto increase the better services for the healthcare organizations. The users of the services, mainlythe patients and their families should be able to get a better service with the improvement of theworkplace culture in the practice development. It has to be looked after that the patients shouldbe given best care from every perspective and this will increase the brand reputation for theorganizations. The healthcare reforms can be on the way to implementation if the entire processhas to be reshaped and redesigned (Eccles, Ioannou and Serafeim 2012). The sustainability has tobe achieved in the healthcare organizations and the entire infrastructure of the system can beimproved thus. One of the most important things for the improvement of the practicedevelopment is the developing of the healthcare settings (Guiso, Sapienza and Zingales 2015).On the other hand, the staff satisfaction has to be well maintained as well. The practicedevelopment profession is indeed a very strenuous profession and the employees in thisprofession have to go through hard work. If the work pressure of the employees gets too much,
Workplace Culture and Practice Development - Assignment_3

3WORKPLACE CULTURE AND PRACTICE DEVELOPMENTthis will impact on the lives of clinical practitioners negatively as well (Bolton, Brunnermeierand Veldkamp 2012). The nature of challenge in practice developmentThe challenges in the healthcare practices have been increasing radically and this calls forthe utmost attention of the people from all spheres of life. It has to be remembered that theclinical development practitioners are sometimes not provided with the proper training on howthey should behave with the patients or their colleagues. The cross cultural issues can be therebetween the colleagues. The knowledge of the practitioners are not up to the mark or sometimesthey are not skillful enough as well. This is the reason they fall off in certain times for their lackof knowledge while attending any case. The disengagement of the employees will be a crucial factor for the degradation of theworkplace culture in the healthcare organizations. The main problem in this context is the factthat the staff disengagement will have a bad impact on the healthcare users as well. Theevidence-based and person-centered care will be affected negatively as well (Olsson et al. 2013).This is the reason as to why the practice development issues will have to be dealt with muchcautiousness. The healthcare systems must provide the quality critical care to the people beingadmitted in the healthcare organizations. The hospitals must adopt the most innovative strategiesthat should cater to the improvement in the healthcare system in the most positive manners. Theemancipatory practice development is considered to be a very important thing for improving thequality of the person-centered care (Wolf 2012). Both the private and public healthcare systems will be looking to increase the practicedevelopment to increase the infrastructure properly. The responsibilities of the nurses are huge in
Workplace Culture and Practice Development - Assignment_4

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