
Importance of Workplace Culture and Learning in Organizations


Added on  2023-06-10

2 Pages1666 Words352 Views
Leadership Management
Business Culture and Change in Context
(Part 2)
Define workplace culture
A workplace culture may be defined as the shared values, belief system, attitudes and the different set of
assumption which are shared by the employees if the company within the workplace (Andriukaitiene and et.
al., 2018). It is shaped by personal development, social and cultural contexts. Within the business organization
the leadership, strategic direction and most importantly the management influence the culture to a huge extent.
If positive workplace culture is provided by the management of the Verdant Leisure to their employees, then
this enhances the team work and increase the productivity and job satisfaction level.
How individuals may learn and develop in different ways in
organisations and how this might be accommodated in assessing
and developing skills and capabilities
How organisations are whole systems in which different areas and
aspects such as structure, systems and culture, are all inter-related
Importance of culture in fostering positive approaches
It is very important for the firm to foster an appropriate and effective workplace culture because this promotes
a positive, structured work environment which assist firm in attaining success. The importance has been
discussed below: -
Increased the employee’s engagement:- if the working environment of the firm possesses the
effective workplace culture, then this motivates the employees to be more engaged towards the goals
of the company and make positive relationship with each other. It also increases the engagement as
well as productivity.
Decreased the employee’s turnover:- People who are respected within the organization thinks to
don’t leave the company. For this reason, it is important that firm have to foster a successful
organizational culture that assist in the core values and mission (Zhitlukhina and et. al., 2018).
Positive workplace culture means low turnover rate and save the company time as well as money in
the hiring process.
Strong brand Identity:- the organizational culture of the company represents the image and
reputation. Assumptions are made by the people about the company on the basis of their interaction
with the firm. If the management promote the effective workplace culture, then this develops a
strong brand identity that assist in attracting more business and job candidates with similar interest
and mission.
So, it is very important for the management of the Verdant Leisure to paid focus on the positive as well as
productive workplace culture so that effective work life balance can be enjoy by the employees of the
company. This also improves the productivity as well as profitability of the business.
Learning and development are being considered as one of the most important functions of the organization
within which the management of the company empower the growth of the employees and develop different
types of knowledge and skills within them in order to improves the performance of the company. The ways in
which the individual of the company may learn has been discussed below: -
By developing training and programme: -This is the most common way which are used by the HR department
of the company in order to develop different types of skills within the employees of the company. This
comprises of both formal and informal methods for skill development (Westerman, Soule and Eswaran, 2019).
For example, like a hands-on, instructor-led training is the best option for the Verdant Leisure to teach their
employees in a very detailed manner.
Task/job rotation: - this method also being considered as the most essential way to improve the learning of the
employees. The management of the company can rotate their employees on regular basis which help in
developing some new skills within them. with the help of this employees get the chance to practice new things.
The central belief of the management of the organization is that nothing occurs in bubble, each and every
action within an organization has some effect on the entire system. The system model has a co-operative effect
on all the sub-systems in the organization. In other words, the entire system is larger than the sum of its parts.
The organizational structure, culture and system have the dependent relationship with each other’s.
The management structure of the business determines the behaviour, attitude, disposition and ethics that
develop the work culture within the business. For example, like if the firm follow the hierarchical
organizational structure, then the workplace culture of the organization reflects lack of freedom and autonomy
in the lower level of management (Rahman and Hadi, 2019). The way in which management of the company
allocate the power and authority the behaviour of the employees has been determined. Basically, the structure
and system of the organization is the way in which different department is arranges along with the line of
authority. The decisions which are taken by the system affect the work culture of the company (Abraham and
et. al., 2019). In relation to the Verdant Leisure follow the hierarchical structure in which the higher-level
authorities of the company take the important decision and employees have to respond to their manager which
assist in developing positive workplace culture.
Importance of Workplace Culture and Learning in Organizations_1

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