
Personal Development Plan for Java Developer: Workplace Learning


Added on  2022-10-15

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Personal Development Plan for Java Developer: Workplace Learning_1

Workplace Learning 1
Ideal Placement and Potential Employer.........................................................................................2
Potential Employer......................................................................................................................2
My Role.......................................................................................................................................4
Skills Audit......................................................................................................................................5
Learning Styles................................................................................................................................6
Personal Development Plan for Java Developer: Workplace Learning_2

Workplace Learning 2
The purpose of this paper is to enlighten the reader regarding the details about my personal
development plan. Personal development plan refers to the plan that will help me to analyse my
strengths and weaknesses and grow my career as well. The report is divided into three major
parts. The first part of the report is the analysis of placement or potential employer. This part
identifies the roles and responsibilities of an employer. The second part of the report comprises
of skills audit that elaborates the skillset required by a person to become a Java Developer in the
external environment. The third part includes the analysis of learning styles that helps in getting
new information from the marketplace (Komives, 2016). The report makes use of several models
like persona development plan and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence's model so as elaborate better
understanding about the concept. More details about the report is discussed below:
Ideal Placement and Potential Employer
Potential Employer
Ideal employer is the organization that brings out the charisma and passion from a
person. An ideal employer is an organization that fulfils all the expectations of the
employees and treats them well in an organization. In the current environment, all
organizations have started working on them so as to become an ideal employer. An ideal
employer for me in the given case would Google and I would prefer taking the job of
Java Developer with the organization. Salary of one of the biggest factor that is deemed
important for the employee looking at the organization as an ideal. If the organization
converts the work and efficiency of the employees monetarily then they will get satisfied
from the company but it is not the only factor (Gilal, Jaafar, Omar, Basri, & Waqas,
2016). A person faces several challenges in an organization so the employer needs to be
good at several areas so as to become an ideal employer at workplace. The organization
having optimum years of experience with majority of satisfied employees and appropriate
goodwill is required to be an ideal employer. Good benefits and positive organizational
culture are two most important aspects apart from salary that an employee look forward
in an organization. The good benefits denote healthcare services, flexible working hours,
Personal Development Plan for Java Developer: Workplace Learning_3

Workplace Learning 3
and other perks as well. Positive organizational culture is crucial in the technical industry
as it is required to support the work of the developer and provide them opportunity to
focus on differentiation and innovation as well (Elizalde, & Bayona, 2018). Thirdly,
transparent communication is also required by an organization to become ideal for the
employee. If communication is not efficient at workplace then the employees would not
be able to pitch in for the work conducted by them to the employer nor would they be
able to make the employer understand their emotions. Transparent communication
eliminates chaotic situations and initiates ease in business functions. Although an ideal
employer in an industry apart from software industry is some that provide monetary as
well as non monetary benefits to the employees (Peters, 2016). However, the java
developers mainly look for high salary packages and flexibility in an organization to
become an ideal employer for them. Employer reciprocating the work of the employees
through monetary terms in an adequate employer for the people in the organization.
Further, it should be noted that the company Google would be good for me because it
would provide me all the facilities that I would require in an organization. The company
has a low rate of employee turnover which means that the people come in the
organization to stay. Low employee turnover rate means that the organization is keeping
the employees happy and they do not need to look for a job in the marketplace. The
company is good in providing flexibility to the employees because they understand the
kind of work that the developer do require flexibility and a peaceful workplace
environment as well. The compensation and appraisal policy of the company is efficient
that help them to retain the employees at workplace (Soomro, et. al., 2016). Thus, it
Personal Development Plan for Java Developer: Workplace Learning_4

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