
Writing and Research in Construction Management - Reflection, Continuous Improvement, and Personal Development


Added on  2023-06-08

15 Pages2857 Words112 Views
Writing and Research
in construction
Writing and Research in Construction Management - Reflection, Continuous Improvement, and Personal Development_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Reflection on learning and development................................................................................1
Continuous Improvement.......................................................................................................3
Reflection on PowerPoint Presentation..................................................................................3
Personal Development Plan....................................................................................................4
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The purpose of the report is to present reflection in learning development on practice of
performing research related to BIM in construction. Construction management is said to a
professional service which opts specialised techniques related to project management for
overseeing planning, designing as well as construction of project from initiation to end (Araújo,
Carneiro and Palha, 2020). It brings directions along with leadership to projects. Learning and
development process enhances skills, competencies and knowledge of an individual which leads
to better performance in work based setting. It also strengthens awareness level and determines
various areas for expertise. In construction management, learning and development dives into
planning, significant of information collection along with follow up, facilities must have, source
suitable content along with basics of budgeting, marketing addition to evaluation. It entails
advancing specific skill set of a person together with instilling greater motivation for improvising
job performance. For the present report, purpose of reflection is to gain an opportunity for
pausing amidst chaos, untangle along with sort with the help of observations and experiences,
focus on multiple possible interpretations addition to devise meaning for BIM in construction.
The report highlight reflection on learning and development, ongoing development,
reflection on presentation and personal development plan.
Reflection on learning and development
Learning and development process can be said to ongoing process of encouraging
professional development of an individual. It comprises analysing gaps in skill set along with
designing training programs which empower people with particular body of knowledge to drive
performance (Utley and Astill, 2018). In order to reflect my learning and development, use of
Gibb’s Reflective Cycle is effective for me as it give structure to my learning from experience
about construction management. The six stages including my personal experience in the module
are as follows:
Description: In the module, I have decided to divide different elements of project so that
I can collect information one each element of the topic. I expected that I can just piece the
assignment the day before deadline. I had given myself enough time to collect details about
construction management and BIM in construction.
Writing and Research in Construction Management - Reflection, Continuous Improvement, and Personal Development_3

Feeling: I was feeling quite good that I have performed smart work of dividing elements
and planning my time to collect details and make it a good working. However, achieving failure
in required research made me frustrated. I was more certain that it was going to work and I had
little motivation to complete it on time. Looking towards my entire learning about my working, I
am feeling satisfies that I decided to put in work.
Evaluation: While completing the module, there were things which worked well while
some didn’t. the thing which went well was producing good quality work about BIM in
construction for agreed deadline. Furthermore, the thing which didn’t went well was collecting
desired level of information for each element of the topic. Overall, it contributed positively
towards my individual work ethic.
Analysis: From my learning in the module, it has been analysed by me that my initial
division of elements worked well. I have never experienced working this was before. I also
analysed that when I work individually, I enjoy working in areas which match to my strength.
Things didn’t go due to my weak presentation skill. From the whole situation, I can say that
learning and development aids in improvising quality of working as well as work life. It also
helps in achieving development goals that are align with work completion goals.
Conclusion: It is being learnt by me that division of work helps an individual to plan
each section for looking along with feeling. From the module, I have gain insights related to
BIM, ways in which BIM helps in construction, benefits with BIM for builders and future of
implications. In future, having working similar to this would likely make it possible for me to put
elements together along with researching about each element through using varied sources. I also
learned that creativity and time management plays significant role in learning and development
of an individual.
Action Plan: Next time, if I get chance to work individual on similar project, I will plan
collection of information as per the elements of the project. Moreover, I will develop my
presentation skill through presenting useful information, practising positive thinking, giving
myself enough time to prepare, looking towards experts as how they do it, use a visual aid and
using the presentation as opportunity. Moreover, to present my information, I need to improve
public speaking skill with the help of practising voice along with breadth control, adding visual
aid, preparing talking points, relaxing body language and organise my materials in effective way
for achieving purpose.
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