Top 140+ Research Topics for Journalism Students

Here are the top 140+ research topics for Journalism Students that will help journalism students in getting the research topics ideas easily. Happy research!

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An Introduction to Journalism

Journalism is the form of communication in which a journalist communicates with the audience in different modes and makes people aware of what is happening around the world.

There are different modes in which a journalist can establish communication with the audience:

Based on the Medium of Delivery, There are Three Types of Journalism:

  1. Cyber, Online, and Digital
  2. Print Journalism
  3. Broadcast, TV, and Radio Communication

The above listed are a few mediums in which a communicator or a journalist can spread awareness amongst the audience/viewers.  All these mentioned mediums have their own space and significance.

  1. Cyber/online/digital modes of communication are the newly invented medium of journalism as this medium can connect several audiences of all ages and communities and it covers a larger range than any other medium of journalism. This has become more compliant for a large number of audiences due to the availability of good internet and easy accessibility.
  2. The second medium is print journalism which is the oldest and the traditional medium of journalism. Newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, etc are gradually losing their value though they are still delivering good and informational content this is because the information available on the internet is more viable than that of print journalism hence this medium is losing its significance gradually.
  3. The third medium of journalism is television and radio which is the most popular and interesting way of delivering a message to the audience. This is becoming popular as it offers both visual and audio characteristics to the content. 

How to Choose Powerful Research Topics for Journalism to Write?

Before choosing a powerful research topic for journalism to write, one must find out their interest in a particular type of journalism.

As your interest will refine your knowledge in a particular niche of journalism and you will be able to choose and write a good research topic of journalism.

So here in the next step, we are describing all the types of journalism read them thoroughly then understand the task of a journalist related to these different kinds of fields of journalism then find out which type of journalism suits your temperament the most then select the topic accordingly and then you will be able to write a really good and powerful research paper of journalism. 

According to the nature of the content, the news is of two types- Hard news and Soft news, and according to the nature of news, journalism has many categories and sub-categories.

Here are the Top 8 Most Popular Types of Journalisms:

  1. Political Journalism

This niche provides hard news content. So a journalist having an interest in this niche must have a good knowledge of both international and national politics. And he/she must enhance this knowledge on daily basis by adding on more crucial information.

Along with this, political journalism requires a great amount of awareness about the political events and entities every step taken by the politician should be in count of a political journalist. Political journalism is a good niche to be chosen as one may get subjective but as its content is hard a journalist must be careful while presenting any political as it may hurt someone’s emotions.

  1. Investigative Journalism

This niche of journalism requires a lot of patience, persistence, and perseverance. The content of this niche is also hard as it is hard to investigate and display what you being a journalist have investigated. Investigative journalism provides journalists with the scope to investigate any case on their behalf and to reveal the truth.

Hence maintaining persistency in this niche is difficult as it is hard to stand by the truth. But one must always remember that revealing the truth is the sole purpose of investigative journalism.

  1. Crime Journalism

The content of this journalism also falls in the category of hard news. As it is hard to talk with a criminal face to face. In this niche of journalism, the major role of the journalist is to reveal the crime that has been accidentally or deliberately committed by some person or by an organization, the crime could be any like rape, murder, manipulation, etc.

So, in this case, it becomes important for a journalist to be unbiased as the final decision would be that of the court and the court only will declare a suspect if h/she is a criminal or not. And making prejudice by journalists could not work in this field.

  1. Business Journalism:

The content of business journalism could be both hard and soft. The main purpose of the business journalist is to interlink a country's economy with the business of the particular country and make a concept and then run this content as a piece of news on television or radio or to write as an article in the newspaper. The business news mainly involves updates from the stock market, the central bank of the country, and how they will impact the country’s economy.

  1. Arts Journalism:

Arts journalism has soft news content as it deals in all forms of art like music, craft, dance, literature, painting, architecture, etc. Art has always been a subject of softness and symbolizes the contemporary feel of a particular era or time.

It promotes peace and happiness so this field of journalism becomes the most important field of journalism to promote peace and integrity there should be an existence of good art and creativity. A journalist working in this niche basically makes the audience aware of new and old forms of art and their significance.

  1. Celebrity Journalism:

This niche is definitely a good choice for those who have an interest in movies and the lifestyle of actors. The word paparazzi is becoming popular these days as paparazzi are those journalists who cover everything about an actor and trace all his/her movements. In this camera-specific world, everyone has an eye on the latest fashion trend and the outfit worn by his/her favorite actor and actress, and the number of these such kind viewers is increasing day by day. So in this contemporary world, the demand for celebrity journalists is increasing to make people aware of their favorite stars’ activities and the clothing trend they are following.

  1. Sports Journalism:

Sports journalism is a very enthusiastic niche, it is especially for those who are inclined towards sports and games. The niche perfectly suits the temperament of those people who have an interest in outings and sports and willing to cover all the sports events by watching them. Sports writing is not that difficult it just requires a good amount of knowledge of a particular sport or a game to give his/ her own opinion while discussing it on television or writing an article on that.

  1. Tour/Travel Journalism:

A soft news niche requires lots of research on travels and tours the journalists connecting with this niche basically suggest to the viewers a good place to visit and the reason why a person should visit a particular place they also suggest some really good food to taste at a particular destination. The main work of the journalist in this field is to make people aware of destinations that are within budget and a way to reach there easily. This kind of journalism requires a good amount of energy as exploring something is not that easy.

Every field of journalism has different characteristics but all these niches stand on the pillars of truth. Whatsoever you choose as a journalist to write about, your sole purpose should be one is to show what is true. 

Here are the Most Popular and Powerful 140+ Research Topics for Journalism:

Now as you are familiar with all the types of journalism, we expect that you have already found your interest in one of these types. As you are ready with your interest you can find some really important research topics for journalism to write. Some topics suggested by us are mentioned below:

Top 40 Research Topics on Journalism

  1. The Role and Responsibility of a Journalist.
  2. Journalism and the Contemporary World.
  3. What Will Be the Future of Journalism?
  4. Journalism Then Vs Now.
  5. Role of Media in Shaping the Political Structure of a Country.
  6. Can Media and Privacy Lie on the Same Plane?
  7. Politics in Media or Media in Politics.
  8. Is Media Nowadays Biased or Unbiased?
  9. The Quality of Media in Developing Countries and in Developed Counties.
  10. Does Corruption Lie in Media or Not?
  11. A Friendship Between the Media and the Party in Power.
  12. Media is a Mirror of the Contemporary World.
  13. Art and Art of Living.
  14. Monuments Represent the Ancestral Beauty of the Country.
  15. Monuments Then Vs Now
  16. An Eye-opener Architecture of the Country.
  17. Embellished Dance Forms.
  18. Musical Instruments That Are Hard to Play.
  19. Peace in the Different Forms of Art.
  20. Heart Lost in the Art Made by Nature.
  21. Crime Comes in the Face of a Friend or a Friend is an Enemy.
  22. Prima Facie of the Crime.
  23. Modus Operandi of the Criminal.
  24. The Psyche of the Criminal While Committing a Crime.
  25. Envy is the Major Pillar of Crime.
  26. Ease of Doing Business.
  27. The Role of the Stock Market in the Economy of a Country.
  28. Is the Stock Market Affected by Slr and Crr?
  29. Steps Taken by the Central Bank to Control Inflation.
  30. The Role of the Imf is Different From the World Bank.
  31. Business and New Start-ups Are Creating Employment or Finishing the Scope of Employment.
  32. Business Strategic Management.
  33. The Impact of a Pandemic on a Business.
  34. Foreign Direct Investment Vs Foreign Portfolio Investment.
  35. New Influencers Are the Actors or Actors Are the Influencers.
  36. Celebrities’ Gym Wear Costs More Than Normal Casual Wear.
  37. Paparazzi’s Role in the Lives of Celebrities.
  38. Bollywood/Hollywood is Maintaining Nepotism or Not.
  39. The Importance of Promotions of the Movie at the Time of Its Release.
  40. Loss Faced by the Movie Industry at the time of a Pandemic.

Top 40 Great Journalism Research Topics

  1. Best Hilly Places to Visit and Why.
  2. Best Beach Places to Visit.
  3. Places Having Historical Significance.
  4. Places Where You Can Get Traditional Food.
  5. Places to Visit With the Family.
  6. Places to Visit With Friends.
  7. Buildings Are the Memories.
  8. Ancient Culture and Habits.
  9. Cheapest Way to Travel Anywhere in the World.
  10. How to Write a Travelogue.
  11. Sports for Health and Sports for Wealth.
  12. Sports in Which You Can Earn a Handsome Amount of Money.
  13. Commonwealth Games Versus Olympics.
  14. Football is a Good Start for Any Sport.
  15. Strategies of Players While Playing Cricket for the World Cup and Strategies of Players While Playing Nationally.
  16. Freedom of Journalists is Controlled by Some Influential People in Society.
  17. The Power of a Local News Channel and Newspaper.
  18. Women as Journalists.
  19. Track the Changes Come in Journalism in the Last 5 Decades.
  20. Is Social Media News Spread Obsoleting the Value of Journalism?
  21. What is the Role Played by the Media in Reducing Crime?
  22. The Impact of Media on the Psyche of Laymen.
  23. How the New Technology Helped Media to Evolve?
  24. Does the Media Make Political Views of a Person?
  25. Does Media Provoke Violence?
  26. Media as a Medium of Communication Between Two Entities.
  27. What Was the Role Played by Media at the Time of the Independence Struggle?
  28. Limits and Rights of Media Personnel or a Journalist.
  29. Media Portrays a Contemporary Culture and Language.
  30. Media Runs Social Media Marketing Campaigns.
  31. Entry of Podcasts in the Field of Journalism.
  32. Broadcasts Are Different From Live News.
  33. In This Digital World Newspaper Still Has Value.
  34. In This Digital World Radio Still Holds a Space.
  35. Media Censorship.
  36. Media Propaganda.
  37. Mass and Communication Laws in Major World Economies.
  38. Does the Media Alter the News?
  39. How Do Media Houses Get Benefits From Advertisements?
  40. What is Fan-fiction in Media?

 A List of 40 Excellent Journalism Research Paper Topics

  1. What is Fandom in Media?
  2. Does the Media Lit the Fire of Riots?
  3. Is the Media More Inclined Towards Making Trp?
  4. The monopoly of Few News Channels.
  5. Does the Party in Power Regulate the Media?
  6. The Role of Media in International Politics.
  7. Media Gives Prejudgment.
  8. Is Media Still With Truth or With Power?
  9. How to Make Your Article More Credible?
  10. Can the Media Make a Police Cop’s Image?
  11. Media Headlines Ended With an Unquestionable Question Mark. Explain.
  12. Does Media Violate the Privacy of a Person?
  13. Media Chooses a Political Topic to Debate.
  14. The Role of Media at the Time of Elections.
  15. How Does the Media Promote the New Schemes of Government?
  16. What is the Status of Media in Different Countries?
  17. Does Media Help a Person in Taking His/her Rights Back?
  18. Status of Media in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.
  19. The Role Played by Media in the Ongoing War Between Ukraine and Russia.
  20. Media Psychology.
  21. Status of an Investigative Journalist in Today’s World.
  22. How the Magazines' Covers Are Important for the Media to Get More Sales?
  23. How Can Journalists Produce High-quality News Without Spending So Much Time on It?
  24. Is the USA the Only Powerful State in the Whole World? What is the Media’s Opinion?
  25. Is Media Conservative in a Few Countries?
  26. Why Should There Be Trust in the Media?
  27. Is the Media Focused on the Environment?
  28. Fear Created by Media While Showing a Criminal.
  29. Does Media Spoil the Image of a Person?
  30. Media Has Magic of Voice.
  31. Hidden Messages Media Gets.
  32. Is Media Also Becoming a Clothing Brand?
  33. Nowadays Media is More Focused on Style Rather Than Delivering Accurate News.
  34. Problems Faced by Journalists Working on-field.
  35. Journalists Sometimes Become the Victim of Mob Lynching.
  36. Is Journalism a Safe Field to Work in?
  37. Are People Really Interested in Watching the News on Television Even if They Have Social Media?
  38. Which is More Authentic Traditional Media or Social Media?
  39. Is Media Working Like a Court?
  40. Are the Journalists Nowadays Becoming Judges?

List of 18 Unique Journalism Research Topics

  1. Is Media a Voice for Underprivileged People Also?
  2. Is Media Confined Only to the Upper-class People of the Society?
  3. Does the Class System Sway the Media Also?
  4. Inappropriate Information Spread by Social Media.
  5. Investigative Journalism Creates a Hindrance to Privacy.
  6. How Media Use Images to Make the News More Colorful?
  7. Using Pictures or Images Good for an Article?
  8. Who Are the Key Stakeholders of Modern Media?
  9. Does Media Create an Impact on the Country’s Economy?
  10. Can the Media Help Police Find a Criminal?
  11. Why Do People Revert to Newspapers Again and Prevent Watching News Channels on Television?
  12. Is Society Benefitted From Free Media?
  13. Media Fights a War Against Crime?
  14. Influence of Media on Human Life.
  15. How Dangerous is the Work of a Journalist?
  16. Journalists Became the Victim of the Corona.
  17. What Are the Few Characteristics of a Professional Journalist?
  18. How to Choose the Right Title for an Arti


Those mentioned above were a few topics that are suggested by us and could be chosen by you to write an effective research paper for journalism. But before writing select a topic and do research on it and then make some bulleted points to highlight and then start writing. Remember, truth should not be missed from your research and your point of view should also be added to your research paper. These two points will make your research paper more interesting for the reader as well as for the checker. So choose the topic, do research, pick the pen and start writing choose the most appropriate shade of word to make your research paper more colorful.

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