
Effective Change Management in Organizations


Added on  2020-10-04

11 Pages3659 Words137 Views
Understanding and LeadingChange
Effective Change Management in Organizations_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1L 01..................................................................................................................................................1P.1 Comparing different organisational examples where there has been an impact of changeon an organisation's strategy and operations...............................................................................1L 02..................................................................................................................................................2P. 2 Evaluate the ways in which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, teamand individual behaviours within an organisation......................................................................2P.3 Evaluate measures that can be taken to minimise negative impacts of change onorganisational behaviour.............................................................................................................4L 03..................................................................................................................................................5P.4 Explain different barriers for change and determine how they influence leadershipdecision-making in British Airways............................................................................................5L 04..................................................................................................................................................6P. 5 Apply different leadership approaches for dealing with change. .......................................6Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................7
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INTRODUCTION Understanding and leading change helps the employees and management in dealing with the problems and different situations that arises within an organisation. It is a way through whichdifferent challenges can be categorised and everything can be identified by leading change in the company. In this present report British Airways has been chosen for assessment. British Airwaysis one of the largest airlines of United Kingdom. It was established in the year 1974, organisationhas its headquarter in Waterside, Harmondsworth, United Kingdom. This assignment will focus on internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, team and individual behaviours within an organisation. In addition to this, different barriers for change and their influence on leadership decision-making will be explained in detail. Furthermore, different leadership approaches will be covered and discussed in brief. Other than this, measures that can be taken tominimise negative impacts of change on organisational behaviour will be explained. L 01P.1 Comparing different organisational examples where there has been an impact of change onan organisation's strategy and operations.Changes in an organisation are made so that a better organisation can be formed and expectedoutcomes can be achieved (Doppelt, 2017). There are certain tools which can be used in thecompany so that every employee and management can accept the changes that will beimplemented in a company. Different process of operation or techniques are being used for thepurpose of change. Employee consider change as a challenge where they need to accept every new policyand strategy. It is really difficult to accept changes but British airways has made such changessue to the inappropriate operation in the company. Thus, it became the need of the organisationto implement the changes so that it will help on growing more and achieving organisationalobjectives.There are various companies who has brought changes among which British Airways isthe one. British Airways has faced various problems while its merger, as there was no leadershipand company was facing major problems due to the cultural change. At that Lord King has beenappointed who knew that change is really in the company. Due to the reason that organisation
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resources are being wasted and operation are not being carried effectively. One of the majorreason of brining the change was due to the need of the customers were not being properlyknown and same are not being fulfilled by the company (Boyatzis and Cavanagh, 2018). So afterknowing all the major reason changes are being implemented in the company. The biggestchanges made were reducing the staff which was not required by the company. Systematic waysare being used for hiring people after knowing their talent as per the vacant positions. Other thanthis, Customer services has been the major focus of the company. Both organisational andstrategic changes has been made and implemented in the British Airways.On the other hand, Another company where changes are being implemented is H&M. Itis world's leading clothing brand which has made changes in its clothing style. Customers hasstarted complaining regarding the size of clothes that they are too small. Company has madechanges in its clothing pattern and style. To bring this change entire system has focused anddifferent policies are being prepared for the same. Customer preferences has kept on priority andproduct of the organisation has been changed. For the same different organisation strategies arerequired to be formed and implemeted. Thus, operation has got affected by the same and leadershave made different policies to motivate employees in order to accept the changes. L 02P. 2 Evaluate the ways in which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, teamand individual behaviours within an organisationIn every organisation changes happens due to the change in internal and external environment of the company. Businesses are established due to earning maximum possible outcome and profits from the same. Business operations are carried in such a way that it cost lessand optimum utilisation of resources can be made (Tombetti and Mason, 2018). There are majorly two forces i.e. internal and external forces are affecting the business in some or the otherway. Those organisations which are highly established and well settled that can control all these factors. These all factors affect the leadership, team and individual behaviour in the following ways: Internal factorsSWOT analysis
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