
Implementation of a Program for Building Customer Goodwill and Satisfying Legal and Ethical Obligations


Added on  2022-10-03

23 Pages5574 Words406 Views
Leadership ManagementPolitical Science
Australian Institute of Higher Education
CRICOS Provider Code: 03147A
Level 3 & 4 545 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
T: +612 9020 8050 W: www.aih.nsw.edu.au 1

1.1 Planning

Project brief

Project purpose and rationale
Project title

The title of the project is “implementation of a program for properly building customer goodwill
as well as for satisfying the legal and ethical obligations”.

Project purpose

The main focus of the paper is to implement a program that helps in building proper customer
goodwill and generally helps in satisfying different types of ethical as well as legal obligations.
It is found that this helps in promoting different standards in professional conduct for informing
the clients, potential tenants as well as different types of commitment of MLR. Moreover, the
program is also focused on achieving the buy-in initiative of the clients as well as different
types of quality standards for properly communicating with the REIV obligations. In addition to
this, the external consultant generally contracted with the various project management based
activities for maintaining the quality standards in the project.

Background and strategic context

The paper generally focuses on the organization “Max Lionel Realty” that was mainly founded
in the year 2008 with the help of a property developer named “Max Lionel”. It is found that the
company generally employs around 100 people out of which, 80 of them have got their license
from different real estate agents. It is found that with the help of different types of client agents,
the organization generally helps in properly managing both the rentals as well as sales on behalf
of different types of clients. In addition to this, the organization is also one of the members of a
real estate institute of Victoria from the year 2008 and generally utilizes proper REIV code of
conduct within the institute of Victoria. As the main vision of the client is to properly establish
the MLR brand that have highest standards generally wants to implement a program for building
proper customer goodwill for satisfying the various legal as well as ethical obligations.


It is found that the project that is undertaken by the organization is mainly required on urgent
basis and it have the highest priority for the organization. This is because the organization has
the aim to develop proper goodwill for the clients of the organization. Moreover, the different
types of legal obligations as well as ethical obligations which are required to be implemented for
informing the agents about the different types of codes as well as policies which the
organization generally follows within the entire organization.

Related projects

It is found that earlier the organization have undertaken projects in order to maintain the quality
standards within the entire organization for successfully communicating the various types of
legal obligations as well as different types of REIV obligations. This are mainly considered to be
beneficial for taking the entire organization towards the strategic directions as well as helpful in
properly developing a program with the help of which both the legal as well as ethical
obligations can be satisfied.

Project client/owner

It is found that Max Lionel who is the CEO of the organization generally wants to undertake this project
so that the clients can be able to get proper understanding about the various code of conduct that is used
by the organization for operation. Furthermore, the CEO also wants to implement the program so that with
the help of the program, goodwill of the entire organization can be established quite effectively.

Project sponsor
Implementation of a Program for Building Customer Goodwill and Satisfying Legal and Ethical Obligations_1

Australian Institute of Higher Education
CRICOS Provider Code: 03147A
Level 3 & 4 545 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
T: +612 9020 8050 W: www.aih.nsw.edu.au 2

The sponsor of the project is the CEO of the organization who after analyzing the impact of the program

on the brand value of the organization wants to fund this entire project. In addition to this, the sponsor
provides budget of around $15,000 so that the program can be implemented quite successfully so that the
client’s goodwill can be properly built and additionally both the legal and different types of ethical
obligations of the organization are informed for implementing the program.

Project manager

They are mainly responsible of properly implementing the program effectively for informing the
clients the as well as tenants about different types of code of conduct. It is found that the project
manager helps in activity as well as resource planning and generally assists in properly
motivating the entire team of the project in order to achieve success. Moreover, the project time
that is required for the purpose of program implementation gets controlled successfully
effectively. Furthermore, the challenges as well as risks which are mainly related with the
project needs to be managed successfully.

Project status

The program will get implemented successfully within the time of 3 months. The project status
reflects that the initiation phase is complete and the project is progressing in the planning phase.
Additionally, the project manager makes an assumption according to which the entire project
must get executed in the time period that is assumed with the help of the project manager.
Moreover, the risks that are associated with inexperienced project staffs can generally create
obstruction within the progress of the entire project.

Special provisions

It is found that there are different types of provisions which are mainly listed below:

Conflicts of interest: The stakeholders who are mainly liked with the project are generally
linked from different parts of the country therefore there are ample numbers of opportunities
that helps in reflecting that there are lots of conflicts which generally can occur in the

Workplace culture: It is quite necessary to have proper work culture within the entire
organization so that the employees can be able to work effectively.

Health and safety concerns: There are number of health and safety concerns that may occur
while engaging within the project, but it quite important for the team members to properly use
proper health and safety codes so that these types of concerns does not occur in the project.

Project approvals

Project Manager Project Sponsor

Project Client/Owner Other
Implementation of a Program for Building Customer Goodwill and Satisfying Legal and Ethical Obligations_2

Australian Institute of Higher Education
CRICOS Provider Code: 03147A
Level 3 & 4 545 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
T: +612 9020 8050 W: www.aih.nsw.edu.au 3

Project scope document

In Scope
Out of scope

In- scope of the
project includes:

Development of
the program

about the legal
as well as
different types
of ethical

Development of
posters for the

Video creation
for illustration
of professional

Development of
ethical charter

Out of scope includes:

The training facilities
will not be generally
given to project team

Information about the
suppliers are not

The assumptions which
are mainly linked with
the project are listed

The financial
manager generally
makes an
assumption as per
which the entire
project will get
completed within a
budget of around

It is assumed that
around 52 days is
mainly required for
the implementation
of program by the
organization Max
Lionel realty

The constraints which
are associated with the
project are listed

The schedule
that is developed
if not properly
tracked then it
generally can
cause delay in the
project and can
further cause
obstruction in the

If the issue of
scope creep
occurs then it can
cause issue in the
progress of the

Project Title:
Project Client: Date:

Project Sponsor:
Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y
Implementation of a Program for Building Customer Goodwill and Satisfying Legal and Ethical Obligations_3

Australian Institute of Higher Education
CRICOS Provider Code: 03147A
Level 3 & 4 545 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
T: +612 9020 8050 W: www.aih.nsw.edu.au 4

Stakeholder analysis

Work area Stakeholder
type (client,

Impact on/by project,

success criteria

Kim is mainly
r4esponsible of
properly running the
entire operations of

the program.

Operational manager
The program gets
implemented on time and
within the budget that is

Sam Lee
It is found that they
are helpful in
managing different
aspects of residential
realty. Moreover, they
help in managing the
activities of various

residential agents.

Manager residential

Successful completion of the
project activities for avoiding

They are mainly
helpful in properly
responsible of
managing the
different aspects of
commercial realty. In
addition to this, it
helps in managing the

Commercial agents.

Manager commercial

They generally help in
managing the work activities
of the project quite

Candidate 1
The project manager
is in the individual
who directs, managers
as well as controls the

work activities
within the entire

Project manager
The project manager assists
in directing, managing as
well as controlling the work
activities quite effectively.

Candidate 2
The legal manager
assists in
different types of

code of conduct.

Legal manager
The legal manager helps in
properly implementing the
code of conduct.

Candidate 3
The organizer
generally assists in
properly organizing
the work of the

project activities.

It will helps in properly
organizing the project
activities for successful
accomplishment of the


Candidate 4
They generally
supervise the entire
work of the program
so that the program

can be properly

Implementation of a Program for Building Customer Goodwill and Satisfying Legal and Ethical Obligations_4

Australian Institute of Higher Education
CRICOS Provider Code: 03147A
Level 3 & 4 545 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
T: +612 9020 8050 W: www.aih.nsw.edu.au 5

Project Title:
Project Client: Date:

Project Sponsor:
Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y
Communication plan (example)

Who Purpose When/frequency Type/methods

All the
stakeholders of
the project

Provides proper
information about
the initiation

During the
starting phase


t kick-

All the
stakeholders of
the project

n within the
team so that
they can able
to know about


Before the
starting date of
the project.



Project manager
The project
manager generally
discusses about the
status of the project
for ensuring that
the entire project is
on track.

During the progress
of the project.



With the
financial manager

The team meetings
are mainly arranged
in order to discuss
the financial
obstructions that
occur due to lack of


During the
progress of the


Project Title:
Project Client: Date:

Project Sponsor:
Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y
Roles and responsibilities
Implementation of a Program for Building Customer Goodwill and Satisfying Legal and Ethical Obligations_5

Australian Institute of Higher Education
CRICOS Provider Code: 03147A
Level 3 & 4 545 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
T: +612 9020 8050 W: www.aih.nsw.edu.au 6

Name/s Responsibilities Signature/ s
Implementation of a Program for Building Customer Goodwill and Satisfying Legal and Ethical Obligations_6

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