
E1144 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)


Added on  2020-05-28

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Disease and DisordersNutrition and Wellness
1Student Name:navjotkaur ghumanStudent ID:e087748632471/02Knowledge Test – Short Answer QuestionsE1144Certificate III in IndividualSupport (Ageing, Home andCommunity)Module 4: Supporting peopleliving with dementiaThis is assessment 2 of 2.1. Background/OverviewIn order to work in the aged care sector as a care support worker,you will need knowledge the effects dementia has on clients, andhow you deal with these effects in the course of working with themand their families. 2. BriefThis assessment consists of six (6) parts. This assessment will give you the opportunity to demonstrate yourknowledge in the following areas:Verbal and non verbal strategies to ensure effectivecommunication with people living with dementia Providing a person centred approach in careAnd supporting activities that reflect the individual’sbackground, likes and dislikes.Providing activities to support maintenance of dignity, skillsand healthIdentification of and responses to changes in client behavioursassociated with dementia.Evaluating strategies employed to minimise the effects ofbehavioursSelf care when working with clients and their familiesDeliverablesPlease submit this assessmentin Word doc format.To do list:1.Write your name andstudent ID at the top ofthis page. 2.Read the Background/Overview and Brief sectionsof this document.3.For each question, read thescenario or client profilebefore attempting to answerthe question(s) relating to it.4.Complete the 6 parts byanswering in the spacesprovided.5.Make sure you follow theinstructions regarding therequired number of words(where indicated)6.Save the Word documentusing the namingconvention: your studentnumber_assessmentnumber.doc. For example:“12345678_31135_01.doc.”7.Upload your document inOpen Space using therelevant Assessment Uploadlink in this Module.32471/02E1144 – CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) Page 1 of 25
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23. Questions/TaskEffective Communication Part 1A: Imagine you are working as an aged care support worker for Kostas who receives support in hishome. You notice that Kostas does not always reply to you when you speak with him, sometimes heseems lost or confused about what he is doing, and he does not always seem to know what day or timeit is when you go to the house.Complete the table below. For each Communication Strategy, add your answers for both columns:CommunicationstrategyOutline how you could use thisstrategy?(50 words)Describe why is this strategyimportant, how does it assist?(50 words)Eye contactLooking at Kostas’ eyes as I talk tohimHelps gain attention from Kostas andlet them know that am talking to himReminders aboutwhat is occurringI would constantly remind him a fewminutes to an event to create easyremembranceEnables prepares him for upcomingevents and help him understand how tocommunicate the things they need atthat particular timeDirect statementsI would go straight to the point andkeep my sentences short whiletalking about ideas that are easy tounderstandTo enhance easy communication andirritation and anger by not botheringhim with unnecessary information TouchI would touch hi lightly and turn himgently towards the direction i wantthem to go toEnables me to gain his attentionSimple questionsMy questions would be framed inshort sentences and i would avoidopen ended questions. For example,I would ask the ‘do you want to eatnow?’ instead of ‘what would youlike to eat?’ It means I would go fora yes or no question rather than anopen-ended question.To make it easier for him to answer myquestions Reality orientation(reminders aboutday,time,relationships,events-visual orverbal)I would gently remind him of theplace, time or person around themin a manner that does not invalidatetheir state and abilitiesTo keep him up to date of the currentsituation and surroundingTone of voice andreassuranceI would use gesture through touchand apply phrases that reassuressuch as “I will wait for your till youfinish all your shopping”. This wouldbe spoken in a reassuring andTo reassure him and keep him at easethat I am always there to take care ofhim and assist him 32471/02E1144 – CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) Page 2 of 25
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3confident tone and by use of explicitsentences to show how I am willingto offer assistance. Talking to Kostasabout familiarpeople, hobbies orpast occupations.I would first learn about Kostas’career life, his favourite books andhis hobbies from his family membersbefore engaging with him.Afterward, during meal time, I wouldengage him in a conversation abouthis favourite meal. Likewise, I wouldask him about his favourite books asI arrange his bookshelf. This would assist to keep him engagedand share useful information with me.This would also encourage a goodrelationship between me and Kostasbecause he would start to know that Iconnect with his personal life. It createsmore opportunity for him to express hisfeelings and needs so that I can offerthe best care.B: Anna is confused as to why Kostas gets cross at her when she is trying to help him. He says she nagshim when she is only trying to remind him of what they are doing or assist him with tasks when he getsconfused. What strategies could you assist Anna with to help her communication with Kostas? Completethe table:Area to support Identify a communication strategyyou could suggest to Anna toassist.(50-100 words)Why may these strategies assist? (50-100 words)Getting showeredand dressed in themorningI would advise Anna to keep hersentences short while remindingKostas about showering anddressing constantly a few minutesleading up to the shower time. Forexample, Anna could make asimple statement like: “now it istime to shower and I will help yougrab the towel.” Reminding Kostas about showering a fewminutes to time, and not way too earlierensures that he does not forget toshower. Keeping the sentences short alsohelps Kostas to clearly understand whatAnna is trying to say. Rememberingevents such asfamily visits andgoing to the shopsI would advise Anna to remindKostas of family visits repeatedlyand at regular intervals; in a gentleand prompting manner to keepKostas oriented to thesurrounding. For instance Annacould use statements like “we willbe at the shop in a while.” Or “wewill visit Ken today.”This keeps Kostas oriented to theenvironment (shop) and prepares him tomention whatever he would want tohave from the shop of from a familymember during the visit.Remembering whatday, date and time itisI would ask Anna to use thecalendar and the watch to remindKostas of the date and time. Thiscan be done by gently illustratingto Kostas how to read thecalendar; in a manner that doesnot invalidate his readingcapabilities. Being gentle while reminding Kostasabout time and date approves of hiscapabilities while orientating him of thetime and day of the week. 32471/02E1144 – CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) Page 3 of 25
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4Eating and drinking(eg mealtimes)I would advise Anna to collaboratewith Kostas during mealtimes,giving him choices of what hewould want to eat or drink andassisting him with making suchchoices. This will enable Kostas to stay engagedduring mealtimes and help him be moredecisive of what he wants to eat.32471/02E1144 – CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) Page 4 of 25
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5Person Centred ApproachPart 2As a care support worker in aged care and home and community, you will also be working with peoplefrom diverse cultures and ethnicities, and you will undoubtedly come across some beliefs or behavioursthat are different to yours. Read the scenario and then answer the questions:A: You want to find out what type of things Mrs Si likes doing around the house, her hobbies andpastimes, and what she liked to do for leisure time, so you can assist her to engage in meaningfulactivities. Identify and briefly describe two ways in which you could discover this information, who might you ask,and what might you ask them? What other information might you draw upon? (100 words)Mrs. Si appears to be more open with her daughter than her husband. This is evidenced by the fact thatshe is more lively and active when her daughter visits. She also seems to open up more to her daughterthan to her husband. Therefore, Mrs. Si’s daughter, Sylvie, is the most appropriate person to accessmore information about Mrs. Si from. In doing so, I might ask Sylvie about some of her mother’s likesand dislikes, as well as her interests and hobbies.28/3/2018 SatisfactoryB: How would you use this information to engage Mrs Si, so you can assist her to engage in meaningfulactivities and address social devaluation? (100 words)Upon identifying this information, I would observe them and be keen to identify any changes that occurwith time. For example, having known her skills, abilities, and preferences, I would be keen to observe32471/02E1144 – CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) Page 5 of 25Mrs Si lives at home with her husband. She has Alzheimer’s disease and is becoming increasinglyconfused. When you visit Mrs Si does not appear to be engaged in any type of activity, she does not attempt any tasks around the household, and when she does, Mr Si tells her to sit down and leave things alone as she is sick. Mrs Si looks sad and bows her head when Mr Si says this.Mr Si tells you that Mrs Si does not seem to want to do anything at all and seems depressed.Mrs Si’s daughter Sylvie visits frequently and when she is present you notice that Mrs Si is more animated and helps Sylvie with simple tasks like making a cup of tea and folding the washing. When Mrs Si folds the washing she talks about her life as a young woman working with her mother and sisters doing the family laundry as was customary in her culture. Mrs Si remembers that making tea for others is important as an expression of respect in her culture and she talks about making tea for her husband when they were first married and living in an apartment. She smiles and says men are not meant to make tea in her culture as it is the privilege of the wife to do this job to signify her care for her family.Mrs Si also enjoys sitting in the garden and watering the vegetable patch, but Mr Si says he is concerned when she goes outside as she may injure herself. He fears she may fall if she tries to tend the vegetables.
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6changes in these factors to ensure that I customize my care to her according to these changes. Similarly,understanding the client’s culture and history puts me in a better position to engage with and put her atease. Furthermore, I would be showing her that I value the things that matter to her – including herfamily and this would be a good way to gain her confidence. This information would also be important inhaving frequent reminiscence with Mrs. Si; in an attempt to create a better relationship with her andgain her trust28/3/2018 SatisfactoryC: What could you do to assist Mr Si to understand his role as a carer, and where could you refer him tofor assistance and support? (100 words)To assist Mr. Si understand his role as a caregiver, I would develop a close relationship with him in thesimilar way I could do with Mrs. Si, so that I may be able to do and say the things that matter to him inmanner that will put him at ease and be assured that under my care, his wife would be safe. Similarly, Iwould try and keep him close enough to understand the challenges that he faces, discussing them andproviding support to help him care for his wife. Referring Mr. Si to a dementia-Based organization woulealso help. In this regard, I would advise Mr. Si to consider contacting Dementia Australia, the Council ofthe Aging, or the Aged Care Complaints Scheme (ACCC). Such organizations have a large presence in theinternet and may be ready to help if contacted. 12/4/2018 Well answered. Alzheimer's Australia can also be recommended. Satisfactory32471/02E1144 – CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) Page 6 of 25
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