
Factors Influencing Employee Satisfaction


Added on  2019-10-08

8 Pages1573 Words106 Views
Running Head: Literature ReviewLiterature Review: Identifying thefactors affecting employeesatisfaction at the workplace: astudy on Walmart, UK
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2Literature ReviewTable of ContentsLiterature Review.......................................................................................................................3Employee satisfaction............................................................................................................3Significance of employee satisfaction....................................................................................4Relationship between employee satisfaction and motivation................................................4Factors influencing employee satisfaction.............................................................................5References..................................................................................................................................7
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3Literature ReviewLiterature Review The literature review section encompasses an intricate analysis of various relevant resourcesand literature so as to come up with an effective review outcome. The main aim of thissection is to several sources of literature on the identification of the factors influencingemployee satisfaction at the workplace. This section has helps the researcher to develop aclear understanding of the subject matter of the study.Employee satisfactionIn the opinion of Johnson (2012), employee satisfaction is one of the most important aspectswhich indicates the happiness and contentedness of the employees with their jobs andorganizations. They become satisfied when they are able to fulfil their needs and desires atwork. Several characteristics of organisational environment and job titles which have becomemajor factors driving employee job satisfaction. It is important to understand that jobsatisfaction gets influenced by the condition of the organisational environment to a largeextent. The demographic features of individuals and employees working in differentindustrial sectors have been investigated. The findings have clearly revealed that job taskcharacteristics, demographic characteristics, and organisational environment characteristicsof the employees are the major factors impacting their job satisfaction [ CITATION Ric123 \l1033 ].According to Al-Hummadi (2013), employee satisfaction is one of the important aspects ofbusiness organisations. Employee satisfaction is directly related to the aspects of performanceprofitability and productivity of the business organisations. It is very important fororganisations to keep their employees highly satisfied so as to achieve the desired outcomewith the help of the contributions of the employees. Employee satisfaction is an aspect which
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