EDUCATION2 According to the current national educational policy, “A Policy on Inclusive Education in Schools: Route to Quality Inclusion” (Ministry for Education and Employment. (2019), there lies 10 major themes that addressed the development of better and efficient inclusive as well as learningfriendlyschoolenvironment.However,amongthese10themes,thethreemost important themes which contributes to inclusive teaching by effective implementation through the collaboration among the stakeholders like the classroom assistants, teachers, parents and head of schools are: whole school inclusive environment, learner and staff wellbeing, collaboration with parents and community engagement. Whole school inclusive environment can be effectively implemented by the development of positive social skills as well as pro social behaviours, supportive relationships, development of the sense of connectedness to school, supportive relationships and a good workplace setting where the stakeholders like the teachers and the academic assistants together with the parents of the students can maintain positive relations (Ministry for Education and Employment, 2019). Some of the factor in consideration while initiating in the implementation of the whole school environment through collaboration is that it involves initial review and the evaluation for defining success, demonstration of the positive values by the leaders and encouraging the students and the fellow teachers towards an inclusive teaching and education approach. Learner and staff wellbeing are important factors of consideration for the promotion and development of safe and caring environment of learning that supports a positive relation among the school staffs and the teachers. Wellbeing of staff and learning can be implemented by understanding the need or the requirement of the learners and the teachers, dedication and showcasing acceptance and empathy as well as helping the each other of the stakeholders to manage and focus on emotions (Mitchell & Sutherland, 2020). Wellbeing for the staff can be
EDUCATION3 promoted by educating and training them regarding stress management which can improve their mental health and the burnout due to overwork in classrooms. Collaboration with the parents and community engage in extremely essential in the setting of the promotion of inclusive education. This helps the stakeholders to tap within the vast knowledge of the parents for unleashing the needs of the child (Graham & Jahnukainen, 2011). This theme can be implemented by development of two way communication among teachers and parents, encouragement of communication with all the stakeholders involved in the community engagement, consideration of the perspective of parents and encouraging parents to engage in integrating overall child curriculum.
EDUCATION4 References Graham, L. J., & Jahnukainen, M. (2011). Wherefore art thou, inclusion? Analysing the development of inclusive education in New South Wales, Alberta and Finland.Journal of education policy,26(2), 263-288. Ministry for Education and Employment. (2019).A Policy on Inclusive Education in Schools: Route to Quality Inclusion. Ministry for Education and Employment. Retrieved 18 April 2020, fromhttp://4027849_1654011536_APolicyonInclusiveEducationin.pdf. Mitchell, D., & Sutherland, D. (2020).What really works in special and inclusive education: Using evidence-based teaching strategies. Routledge.