
Kolb's Learning Theory Application: Personal Development Report


Added on  2020-07-22

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Kolb's Learning Theory Application: Personal Development Report_1

Table of ContentsEXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Overview of the company...........................................................................................................1Aims ...........................................................................................................................................2Objectives....................................................................................................................................2ANALYSIS......................................................................................................................................2LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT..........................................................................................2Issues ..........................................................................................................................................3Recommendations.......................................................................................................................4SAFE AND SECURE ENVIRONMENT.......................................................................................5Issues...........................................................................................................................................5Recommendations.......................................................................................................................6CHANGE MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................................6Issues in M&S.............................................................................................................................8Recommendations.......................................................................................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................11APPENDICES...............................................................................................................................13PART 2..........................................................................................................................................14REFLECTIVE REPORT...............................................................................................................14DESCRIPTION.........................................................................................................................14Feelings.....................................................................................................................................14Evaluation.................................................................................................................................15ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................................16CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................16ACTION PLAN.............................................................................................................................17REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................18
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Employees are that members in the organisations who are most important for its growthand success in the market. It is said that employees are the lifeblood for the company. Their hardand efficiency makes the firm to achieve all its objectives and goals which are set and desired bythem. That's why it is important to keep them motivated. Motivation is that factor whose absencecan make the worker dissatisfied and whose presence will highly satisfy them to work more hardand in effective and efficient manner. Motivation will make their all needs fulfilled and it willincrease their efficiency. It is very important to keep all the employees satisfied. Givingmotivation to all the employees can be very challenging, many issues and problems can occur inthis process. It can be difficult because every worker has different needs. The organisation will needto adopt various methods to motivate their employees. This report is all about the differentfactors which are responsible for the motivation of workers in the Marks and Spencer. It is thecompany of retail industry which provide diversified products to their customers. Employees arethe one who are directly related with the customers and can understand their needs and demandseffectively. That's why it is needed to keep all the workers motivated which will make themefficient and they will try to understand all the needs and demands in the better way. It will bestudied that what are the issues which the company can face while adopting the process ofmotivation and what are methods which can be adopted to resolve those issues. Questionnaire isbeing prepared to analyse the motivation in employees by making them answer some questions.INTRODUCTIONOverview of the companyMarks and Spencer was founded in the 1884. It specialises in selling the clothing andfood products. It is very wide organisation with a very high number of employees. Their vision isto become the leading company in the industry and increase their market share. They work in thedirection of providing diversified range of products and services to their customers. Their mainaim is to make their consumers satisfied (Bolman and Deal, 2017). Various methods are used bythem to motivate their employees. They provide proper training to the workers to make themmore effective and efficient. This eventually makes the employees to work hard.
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Aims The aim of this report is to analyse and evaluate the various factors which are responsibleof employees motivation in Marks and Spencer.ObjectivesThe main objectives of this report are as follows:To analyse the effect of leadership and management on the motivation of employees atthe cited organisation.To analyse the effect of safe and secure environment for the employee motivation inMarks and Spencer.To evaluate the effect of change management at Marks and Spencer in motivation of theiremployees. ANALYSISLEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENTThere are leaders in the company who works in the direction of leading the worker tocomplete the task given in accordance with the achievement of objectives and goals. They havesome leadership skills which makes them effective and efficient to work in this direction.Leadership is all about making the work done from the employees in the right way. The leadershave skills and knowledge which makes the workers inspired and motivated to work hard and belike them effective and efficient (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee, 2013). Motivational factors arethe traits which are included in the good leaders. Better leadership styles will give the effectivemanagement. It means leader with the good skills to lead and manage can make the employeesmotivated by fulfilling all their needs and wants. This can be done in very effective manner if theappropriate and suitable strategy will be used. There are many leadership styles which can beused in the cited organisation in accordance with the situation. This will also work as amotivational factor in the workers. Employees will work in very effective manner after gettingmotivated with the leadership style used by the leaders (Pelts and et.al, 2015). Leadership stylesdecides the behaviour of employees. Management is also the factor which can affect the motivation of employees in theorganisation. Non-effective management always leads to make employees disappointed. On theother hand if managerial activities are good and efficient then it will work in the direction of
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making employees satisfied and motivated. There are some organisations who do not understandthe value of employees and their motivation in their working styles. Those companies can neversucceed and get developed in the market. Management is that part of the company who isresponsible for the proper delegation of work and responsibilities among the workers (Sabet andMosleh, 2016). That's why it is important to use the measure which will work as the motivationalfactor for the employees.This sates that leadership and management both are very important motivational factorsfor the employees, if they are proper and efficient then workers will be highly motivated to workhard in the effective manner (Ward, 2016). Many models and theories can be used or can beadopted to make this process more effective. Leadership and management both work hand inhand to keep the employees motivated. Issues There are many issues which are faced in the leadership and management while usingthem as the motivational factor for the employees. At the Marks and Spencer leadership is verygood but sometimes lower level employees find the problems regarding it. They get dissatisfiedwith many decisions taken by the leaders. Their main problem is of not getting involved in thedecision making process of the organisation (Schlaepfer and et.al, 2017). Employees feel goodand important if they get chance to engaged in the activities of company. Dissatisfied employeesdoes not work in the proper manner which eventually effects the company in their achievementof objectives and goals. The leadership style which is used by the leaders is not appropriate for some of theemployees. This makes them disappointed with the behaviour of the leaders (Daft, 2014). Thisissue can increase the employee turnover which will be not at all beneficial for the Marks andSpencer. This can even lead them to face losses.Marks and Spencer is also facing the issue in their delegation activities of work andresponsibilities. Skilled employees do not get opportunities to show their skills and knowledgebecause of this. Their talents get hidden in the work which they are doing. They do not get thework or task by which they will be able to show their talent to the company which will bebeneficial for them too (Kvasnak and Andersen, 2017).
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