
Analysis of Entertainment Industry in Brisbane


Added on  2021-04-24

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Running head: ANALYSIS OF ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY IN BRISBANEAnalysis of Entertainment Industry in BrisbaneName of Student:Name of University:Author’s Note:
Analysis of Entertainment Industry in Brisbane_1

1ANALYSIS OF ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY IN BRISBANEIntroduction:The “global media and entertainment industry” has been experiencing a digital revolutionin the past few years. There has been a noteworthy shift to the digital ways across the “media andentertainment industry”. In addition to this, the enhancement in the financial circumstancesworldwide has assisted the recuperation of the non-digital expenditure in the industry. Entertainment industry has seen a certain growth as the integration has led to theglobalization of the media conglomerates. The “entertainment and media sectors” in the risingsectors are growing rapidly because the rising throwaway incomes and high level of fiscalexpansion assists the multi-format media gain a sort of foothold (McKee et al. 2014).ESTEMPLE Analysis The following is the ESTEMPLE Analysis that is presented below. This is formulated bybusiness as well as types of management to extend upon the basic PEST structure for examiningvarious external facets that might affect any particular business. The current study intends toanalyse Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Media, Political, Legal and Ethicalfactors for five different sub industries of the entertainment industry.
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2ANALYSIS OF ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY IN BRISBANEFilm industry:Casinos:Television:Magazines:Theme Park:E5 - The film sectorgets affected bydiverseeconomicfactors such asrate of interest,exchange rate,inflation rateandmanyothers.Favorableeconomicindicators affectthe overallperformance ofthis sector. Lowrate of inflationtogether withhigher rate ofgrowth of theeconomy helpsin generation ofhigherpurchasingpowerofpopulation. Thisin turn leads togreater amountof sales of thesegment. 3-Theeconomiccontributorsthat includeopportunitiesofemployment,incomeflows, totalnumber ofjobs thataffect thisindustry.More than 1millioninternationaltourists made2.4 millionvisits tocasinos inAustralia.Worldwidetourists whovisitedcasinosexpendedtotal $4.9million. 4 - Economicgrowth rateofparticularly2.4% canleadtopositivegrowth offilm industry.-Inflationstands at1.9% thatnecessarilyboostsdisposableincome ofpopulationand favorablyaffects thisindustry1-Rates of interestcan influencegrowth of thisindustryindifferent ways.Theoverallgrowthinindustry canfavourably affectdevelopment ofthe magazineindustry- Additionally thehigher rates ofgrowth,controlledinflation rate toocan desiravlyaffectthebusiness1-Income ofpopulation canaffect businessof rhe themepark.Generation ofemploymentalso exertspositiveinfluence on thebusuiness oftheme park.Higher rate ofgrowth, lowrate of inflationand properredistributionof income aswell as labourcanalsodesirably ecertinfluence on thebusiness.Governmentfunding totourism are alsosaid to affectbusiness oftheme park. S1 - The socialfactors play animportant roleon the filmindustry andsociety thesedays have theneed to fall backon this industryfor at least 43- Fear ofcrime, ratesof crime, andparticularfactors ofcasino affectsthe entireindustry. Inaddition tothis, social3-Socialfactorsaffecting thetelevisionindustryincludedemographics of thepopulation,tastes and3-Similarly, thesocial factorssuch as gender,age, culture andbeliefs also affectthe business ofmagazine. Basedon nature andcharacteristics ofthe social realm5-Theme park isalso designedas per the socialbeliefs, tastesandpreferences,beliefs andculture of thesociety inwhich the
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3ANALYSIS OF ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY IN BRISBANEtimes out of 5times. The filmindustry is alsoshaped by wayof thinking,undertakingthings andacting.Revolutionaryinnovations tofilm industry arealso an effect ofvariant outlookofdiversesegments of thesociety but havea lot ofunfavorabletrends. class,ethnicity,implicationsfor socialexclusiontogether withgenderfactors alsoaffect thecasinoindustry as awhole (Kayaet al., 2010). preferencesof the peopleofthesociety. Thebroadcastersdepend to alarge extentonthepreferencesoftheeviewers ofthepopulation. of the targetedsection,thecontentofmagazines isdesigned. Thetastesandpreferences ofpeople of thecommunity alsoaffect the entireindustry. theme park insituated.Therefore, thetheme parksituated inBrisbane alsodepends onsocial factors. T2-Advancedtechnologyaffects filmindustry to agreat extent.Thus,management oftechnology isimportant forthe enture filmindustry. Thefilm industryexerts influenceon the entirefilm industry.Technicalinnovationsarenecessarilyliable for thediscontinuitiesin the segment.Thishasaffected thefilom industrypositively byoffering very1-Casinoindustry inAustralia isaffected to agreat extentbytheadvancementoftechnology.Apps as wellas technologyareincreasinglygettingadopted inthe casinoshops forenhancementof sales(Kaya et al.,2010)..Reportssuggest thattechnoklogyhas exertedhuge1- Technologynever staysstatic andessentiallymoves in averyunexpectedmanner.Analysis ofthe businessenvironmentreveals thefact that themobiletechnology isswiftlyaltering theoverall faceofthebroadcast. Inthis regard, itcan be saidthat on-demandmodel haveaccustomed1- Technology hasaffected theprocessofcommunication ina very positivemanner. In therecent world, theprocessofcommunication isdistributedbetween print aswell as electronicmedia. 1-Implementationof technologyin theme park istransformingexperiemce ofguests. Thethemes parksare now makinguse of diversenew technologysuchassimulatedtechnology thatessentiallyenhancesattraction ofcustomers .
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