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Recruitment and Selection Process for Store Manager Role


Added on  2019/09/30

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The assignment content outlines the organizational policies and procedures for managing the recruitment and selection process. It emphasizes the importance of fair, transparent, and inclusive practices in selecting candidates for employment. The content covers various aspects, including interviewing techniques, taking notes, providing feedback to applicants, conducting pre-employment checks, verifying qualifications, and ensuring confidentiality throughout the process. Additionally, it highlights the need to ensure reasonable adjustments are made for disabled applicants, and that all external candidates are required to provide proof of citizenship. Furthermore, the content emphasizes the importance of maintaining records and adhering to relevant legislation and regulations.

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Business plan excerpt Simulated business: BBQfun
Simulated business: BBQfun
Business plan excerpt
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From BBQfun business plan FY 2012–2013
To provide our customers with great value outdoor lifestyle products and second-to-none
customer service.
To be south-east Queensland’s leading outdoor lifestyle retailer within five years.
Customer value.
People: Active encouragement of safety, teamwork, diversity, excellence, innovation and
continuous improvement.
Strategic directions
The strategic context in which BBQfun will achieve its mission and vision is through:
engaging with customers through marketing, research and personalised service
building a reputation for quality products and quality customer service
supporting people to perform via training and performance management
increasing sales revenue
controlling costs through operational efficiency.

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BBQfun organisational chart Simulated business: BBQfun
BBQfun organisational chart
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Board of Directors
CEO Pat Mifsud
Chief Financial
Riz Mehra
General Manager
Kim Chen
Human Resources
Les Goodale
Manager Marketing
Sam Lee
Manager Brisbane
Pat Sweeney
Gold Coast
Alex Mitchell
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
Performance management policy and procedures
BBQfun Performance Management Policy
Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure performance management is
carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with
organisational requirements.
Scope The scope of this policy covers the performance management process
by employees and contractors of BBQfun.
Resources Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are available
below and on the company intranet.
Responsibility Managers will:
carry out formal performance review discussions twice annually
monitor individual performance throughout the year, recording key
events, observations of importance which relate to the
performance, both positive and negative
use the performance management documentation to record
formal and informal performance reviews
provide employees with the opportunity to participate and
contribute to their professional and personal development
provide employees access to training and development, as
reflected in the individual’s development plan
provide underperforming employees with coaching and
development throughout the review period, using the GROW
model to help structure their planning for formal coaching
sessions or informal, side-by-side sessions
provide employees with opportunity to communicate their career
development goals.
Relevant legislation,
Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)
Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)
AS ISO 15489: 2002 Records management
Updated/authorised 10/2012 – Riz Mehra CFO
Procedure to conduct performance review
The employee’s performance will be monitored and evaluated regularly throughout the year. The
performance review encompasses three elements:
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an annual formal review discussion
a six month follow-up discussion
continuous monitoring of the employee’s performance.
1. Annual discussion
The annual discussion is a key step in the performance review process. Essentially, this step involves
compiling all the information collected and assessed throughout the year relating to the employee’s
The key elements of the annual discussion are to:
reflect on performance during the year
clarify key responsibilities of the role and review the job description
discuss successes as well as areas for improvement
set agreed targets and performance standards for the next six months
agree on key areas of development for effective performance in the role.
2. Documentation
The performance review documentation provides an important guide to record the standards expected
of an individual, their targets (according to the job role) and individual development plans. It is important
to use the correct forms to maintain the integrity of the information, and to help the manager and
employee ensure the review is completed correctly.
3. Timing
Employee performance is to be formally reviewed every 12 months with a follow-up review in six
months. A new plan should be completed at each annual appraisal discussion.
4. Six month follow-up discussion
The follow-up review provides an opportunity for managers and employees to revisit targets, standards
and development plans to:
establish that progress is on track
identify changes impacting on the achievement of targets and standards set
discuss development plan progress or establish development plan
modify standards and targets, if required.
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
Implementation of performance review process
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
Performance management plan template
Name/position: Manager: Review period:
Reference from
operational plan
Key result area Indicator of success/
Manager’s comments: Signature:
Staff member’s comments: Signature:
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
Principles of coaching underperforming employees
What do we coach?
Generally, most performance problems can be resolved through effective communication between
managers and employees. Most employees can benefit from coaching in some way. Coaching applies
to any skill at any time. It is a simple way to set, discuss, and monitor goals in a collaborative way.
When do we coach?
Coaching is different to formal training. But how do you know when you should step in, or let employees
work through the problems for themselves?
Observe the employee's work and be alert for certain triggers or signs. For example, you may
notice an attitude or behaviour creeping in, or you discover a slump in the employee’s KPIs.
Coach when you want to focus attention on any specific aspect of the employee's performance.
Don’t hesitate – do it now. Coaching is a process that is most effective when it happens promptly.
How do we coach?
Good coaches challenge employees and ask questions that help the employee to discover how
to improve.
Coach when you wish to focus attention on any specific aspect of the employee’s performance.
A coaching meeting should focus on just one or two aspects of performance. Any more than that
and employees won’t remember the main impact of your meeting.
Keep coaching conversations brief and between 5 and 15 minutes long.
Being an effective coach requires understanding of what motivates the members of your team.
Remember that people are motivated in different ways. Be sensitive to the things that drive your
people to perform.
When things are performing well, take the time to understand what is working and why.
Good coaching is guiding, not telling or doing.
Allow the employee to own the problem and its solutions. Ask them: ‘How do you think we should
handle this?’
Be sure you document any key elements that come out of your coaching sessions and store
them in the employee’s file.
The GROW model
GROW is a simple but effective model for running coaching sessions. GROW is an acronym that stands
for: Goal – (current) Reality – Options – Will.
Things can change, and the employee’s goals may need to be revisited and reviewed.
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
Current Reality
Getting to the root cause of problems means asking the team member about what is happening and how
the problem is affecting them. Often managers can leap to a conclusion about solving a performance
problem. Important information that can help to solve the problem is often missed.
Some useful coaching questions include:
How is this change affecting your work?
If things changed do we need to revisit how we planned to approach this?
Once you and your team member have explored the current reality, it's time to start exploring the
alternatives for solving the problem. It should be a two-way process, so encourage the team member for
their ideas and views about what might be done.
Ask questions like:
What other options have you considered for how we might handle this?
What are the alternatives?
How else could we approach this? What risks are involved?
What are the possible risks involved in these other options?
What constraints exist?
By this stage you will have examined the current reality and canvassed the options for what could be
done. The team member should now have a clear idea of how to deal with the situation. The final step
for you as a coach is to get them to commit to taking action.
How will you take this forward?
How are you going to achieve this?
What obstacles could prevent this happening?
What else will you do?
Note: The coaching conversation does not need to rigidly follow the order above. Any genuinely two-
way conversation will develop in unplanned ways. Nevertheless, each element of the GROW model
should be addressed at some point in any coaching session that is likely to be effective.
Procurement policy and procedures
BBQfun Procurement Policy
Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure the acquisition of resources is carried
out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with
organisational requirements.
Scope The scope of this policy covers the purchasing and acquisition of resources
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
by employees and contractors of BBQfun.
Resources Specific principles for the implementation of this policy are available below.
Responsibility Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with employees and
management of BBQfun with responsibility for purchasing resources.
Relevant legislation,
Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)
Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth)
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth).
AS ISO 15489: 2002 Records management
6/2012 – Riz Mehra, CFO
Principles governing procurement process
1. Probity and ethical behaviour
The principle of probity and ethical behaviour governs the conduct of all procurement activities.
Employees who have authority to procure goods and services must comply with the standards of
integrity, probity, professional conduct and ethical behaviour. Employees or directors must not seek to
benefit from supplier practices that may be dishonest or unethical.
2. Value for money
Value for money is the core principle underpinning procurement. Contracted organisations must be cost
effective and efficient in the use of resources while upholding the highest standards of probity and
integrity. In general, a competitive process carried out in an open, objective and transparent manner can
achieve best value for money in procurement.
3. Non-discrimination
This procurement policy is non-discriminatory. All potential contracted suppliers should have the same
opportunities to compete for business and must be treated equitably based on their suitability for the
intended purpose.
4. Risk management
Risk management involves the systematic identification, analysis, treatment and, where possible, the
implementation of appropriate risk-mitigation strategies. It is integral to efficiency and effectiveness to
proactively identify, evaluate, and manage risks arising out of procurement related activities. The risks
associated with procurement activity must be managed in accordance with the organisation’s Risk
Management Policy.
5. Responsible financial management
The principle of responsible financial management must be applied to all procurement activities. Factors
that must be considered include:
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
the availability of funds within an existing approved budget
staff approving the expenditure of funds strictly within their delegations in accordance with the
delegations table on page and the completion of the Expenditure Payment Approval Form
measures to contain costs of the procurement without compromising any procurement principles.
6. Procurement planning
In order to achieve value for money, each procurement process must be well planned and conducted in
accordance with the principles contained in this document and comply with all of the organisation’s
policies and relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
When planning appropriate procurement processes, consideration should be given to adopting an
approach that:
encourages competition
ensures that rules do not operate to limit competition by discriminating against particular
recognises any industry regulation and licensing requirements
secures and maintains contractual and related documentation for the procurement which best
protects the organisation
complies with the summary of procurement delegations (on page 12).
7. Buy Australian made/support for Australian industry
Employees who are involved in procurement activities must make a conscious effort to maximise
opportunities for Australian manufacturers and suppliers to provide products where there is practicable
and economic value. In making a value for money judgement between locally made and overseas-
sourced goods, employees are to take into account:
whole-of-life costs associated with the good or service
that the initial purchase price may not be a reliable indicator of value
the quality of locally made products
the record of performance and delivery of local suppliers
the flexibility, convenience and capacity of local suppliers for follow on orders
the scope for improvements to the goods and ‘add-ons’ from local industry.
8. Pre-registered list of preferred suppliers
BBQfun shall maintain a pre-registered list of preferred suppliers, following a request for expressions of
interest and an evaluation of the submissions. Suppliers can request to be evaluated for inclusion on the
existing pre-register list at any time.
All purchases under $5,000 may be made from preferred suppliers without undertaking a competitive
process. Purchases above $5,000 where a preferred supplier exists should include a competitive
process if practicable.
This list is reviewed at regular intervals with admission of interested parties on a rolling basis. Care
should be taken to ensure that such lists are used in an open and non-discriminatory manner. BBQfun
encourages new contractors to provide information on their experience, expertise, capabilities, pricing,
fees, and current availability. It is in the interest of the organisation that the pool of potential suppliers is
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
actively maintained and updated. Employees should be encouraged to provide reports of their
experiences in working with each contractor/consultant to assist future decisions concerning
commissioning suitable contractors and consultants.
9. Avoid conflict of interest
Employees and directors are required to be free of interests or relationships in all aspects of the
procurement process.
Employees and directors are not permitted to personally gain from any aspect of a procurement
Employees and directors shall ensure that, to the best of their knowledge, information and belief, that at
the date of engaging a contractor no conflict of interest exists or is likely to arise in the performance of
the contractor’s obligations under their contract.
Should employees or directors become aware of potential conflicts of interest during the contract period,
they must advise the CEO and Board of Directors immediately.
Prior to any situation arising with potential for a conflict of interest, complete disclosure shall be made to
the CEO and Board of Directors to allow sufficient time for a review.
10. Report collusive tendering
Employees should be aware of anti-competitive practices, such as collusive tendering. Any evidence of
suspected collusion in tendering should be brought to the attention of the CEO and Board of Directors.
11. Competitive process
It is a basic principle of procurement that a competitive process should be used unless there are
justifiable circumstances. For purchases under $5,000, the list of preferred suppliers may be used. The
type of competitive process can vary depending on the size and characteristics of the contract to be
12. Direct invitation (selective or restricted tendering)
A process of direct sourcing to tender may be used. This may involve:
an invitation to organisations deemed appropriately qualified for a particular product or service
(this may be appropriate for specialised requirements in markets where there is a limited number
of suppliers or service providers)
an invitation to tender to organisations on BBQfun’s pre-registered list of preferred suppliers, if
13. Evaluation and contract award
For projects being awarded, consideration will be given not only to the most economically advantageous
tender, but also to the track record of the tender respondent and the degree of confidence that the panel
has in the quality of the bid. It will be the normal practice to have the evaluation of tenders carried out by
a team with the requisite competency.
14. Results of tendering process
All tender respondents should be informed in writing of the result of a tendering process immediately
after a contract has been awarded.
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
Summary of procurement policy delegations
Position Purchase amount Required number of
CEO and one
Authority to sign
contracts for products
and services over
Two or more competitive
quotes for contracts over
Detailed services
contract required.
CEO Authority to sign
contracts for products
and services up to
Two or more competitive
Detailed services
contract required for
contracts over $20,000.
authority only
through CEO
Authority to sign
contracts for products
and services under
One or more competitive
quotes preferred.
Provided they are within
the approved budget and
consistent with
business/operational and
strategic planning.
Managers Authority to sign
contracts for products
and services under
One or more competitive
quotes preferred.
Follow BBQfun
purchasing procedures.
and external
No authority One or more competitive
quotes preferred.
Must use preferred
suppliers list.
Contractors and external
consultants must follow
BBQfun purchasing
procedures and must
seek approval for
purchases from person
holding relevant
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
Recruitment and induction policy and procedures
BBQfun Recruitment and Induction Policy
Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the recruitment and
selection of employees. BBQfun aims to attract and employ the most
suitable person for the position who will support the organisation’s values,
culture and goals in order to achieve its strategic directions. Recruitment and
selection of employees will comply with all legal requirements, and with
relevant equal opportunity, affirmative action and human resource
management principles, policies and guidelines adopted by the organisation.
Scope The scope of this policy covers the recruitment and induction by employees
and contractors of BBQfun.
Resources Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are available below
and on the company intranet.
Responsibility Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with employees and
management of BBQfun with responsibility for participating in the recruitment
and induction process.
Relevant legislation,
Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)
Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cwlth)
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld)
AS ISO 15489: 2002 Records management
authorised 10/2012 – Riz Mehra CFO
The following principles guide decision-making in relation to recruitment and selection of employees:
The aim of the recruitment and selection process is to appoint the most suitable person to the
Recruitment of new employees will only be undertaken after capabilities of existing workforce
have been taken into account and training options sufficiently explored.
Recruitment and selection will be informed by the organisation’s strategic directions and priorities
and will take place following an evaluation of the need for the role given the staffing requirements
to achieve these directions and priorities.
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
Recruitment and selection will be guided by requirements of relevant legislation and other
relevant human resource management policies in use by the organisation, such as equal
opportunity and anti-discrimination policies.
Recruitment and selection processes will be conducted on the basis of fair, equitable and
respectful treatment of all applicants.
Positions will be advertised on a range of sites including print and web media (where
appropriate), which are most likely to maximise the field of suitably qualified applicants.
All appointments will be made on the basis of careful and consistent application of the principle of
merit and adherence to the key selection criteria and requirements of the position as outlined in
the position description.
Appointments will be made in open competition from the widest field of applicants attracted by
both internal and external advertising.
Recruitment and selection processes will be transparent, consistent, professional and timely.
Accountability will be achieved by recruitment and selection processes being open and subject to
appropriate scrutiny and review, having regard to the confidentiality of the applicants.
All recruitment and selection processes will be conducted so as to ensure the confidentiality of
the applicants and to preserve the integrity of the process.
Decision-making is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer or as delegated to the senior
management team and/or nominee.
Procedure to recruit employees
1. New jobs and job vacancies
The occurrence of a vacancy is an opportunity to review the necessity for the post and its duties,
responsibilities and grade. Where the duties of a post have changed significantly the manager must
ensure that the job description is reviewed.
When a vacancy arises, consideration must be given, prior to open advertising, to any employee for
whom redeployment is being sought on the grounds of redundancy or disability.
For vacancies of less than three months the manager may choose to fill the post by means other than
advertising, for example, by word of mouth or the use of agency staff.
2. Job description
A job description is a key document in the recruitment process, and must be finalised prior to taking any
other steps. It must include:
the job title (which must be gender neutral)
the location of the job
wage or salary scale for the position
the line manager to whom the incumbent is responsible
any posts reporting to the incumbent
main purpose of the job
main duties and responsibilities
any special working conditions (e.g. evening or weekend work).
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
Items that should be included in job descriptions are:
a note that indicates that, as duties and responsibilities change, the job description will be
reviewed and amended in consultation with the incumbent
an indication that the incumbent will carry out any other duties – which are within the broad scope
and purpose of the job – as requested by the line manager.
3. Person specification
The person specification is of crucial importance and informs the selection decision. The person
specification details the knowledge (including necessary qualifications), skills and abilities, experience,
aptitudes required to do the job. The person specification should be specific, related to the job, and not
unnecessarily restrictive; for example, only qualifications strictly needed to do the job should be
Great care must be taken if physical requirements are specified. Anti-discrimination legislation requires
employers to make reasonable adjustments to jobs to make them suitable for people with a disability. It
is therefore important that any physical requirement is stated in terms of the job that needs to be done.
For example, a job may require that the appointee ‘must be able to travel to a number of different
locations’. In this instance, it will be necessary to consider if an ability to drive is required, or whether or
not reasonable adjustments can be made for non-drivers.
4. Publicising the vacancy
All posts must be advertised internally, unless the position is under three months in duration, or the
manager has designated a particular post as potentially suitable for a person for whom the organisation
is seeking re-deployment.
The majority of posts will also be concurrently advertised externally to maximise the chances of
attracting the best candidate. Consideration should also be given to advertising in locations/publications
likely to increase diversity in the workforce.
5. The application pack
Applicants will be able to request a recruitment pack by phone or email. Packs should also be made
available to be downloaded directly from the organisation’s website. A log of the names and addresses
of all individuals requesting an application pack will be taken for tracking and monitoring purposes.
The application pack will always include:
applicant cover letter – includes closing date
application form
guidance notes for completing the application form
equal opportunities monitoring form
Equal Opportunities Policy statement
criminal convictions declaration form
job description
person specification.
The pack may also include further information relevant to the particular post, e.g. annual report,
organisational structure chart as appropriate.
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6. Processing applications
Staff must be aware that when dealing with enquiries about vacancies that it is unlawful to state or imply
that applications from one gender or from a particular racial group, age group, sexual orientation or
religion/belief would be preferred, (unless a genuine occupational qualification or requirement applies)
and to do so may lead to a complaint of unlawful discrimination.
Care must also be taken that all applicants are treated in the same way, for example, with regard to
invitations to visit the department, informal meetings to discuss the vacancy, and provision of
information. However, it is acceptable to respond to requests from individual candidates who
demonstrate initiative in their preparation.
The confidentiality of applications must be respected by all of those involved in the selection process.
7. Shortlisting
After the closing date has passed, applications from candidates may be shortlisted. This decision should
be based on evidence that the applicant has met the requirements of the person specification.
The original applications from all applicants, together with a written note of reasons for shortlisting or
rejection, must be retained for a minimum of six months from the date that an appointment decision is
notified, in case of complaint to an employment tribunal. All photocopies of application forms must be
8. Criminal conviction declaration forms
Criminal declaration forms belonging to candidates who have not been short-listed for interview will
remain sealed and will be shredded. Shortlisted candidates’ forms will be opened and checked for
relevant convictions. If it is deemed that a conviction is relevant to the post, the candidate may be
withdrawn from the list of interviewees. Further guidance on this can be found in the Rehabilitation of
Offenders Policy (and the application pack guidance notes).
9. Arrangements for interviews
Letters or emails to short-listed candidates should include:
date, time and place of their interview
travel directions to the interview venue
a request that they contact the author of the letter/message if they have any special requirements
in relation to the interview (related to access to the venue or any other special need related to a
if appropriate, details of any test or presentation they will be required to do, or anything that they
should bring with them (e.g. examples of work or proof of qualifications that are essential to the
It is best practice to write to candidates who have not been shortlisted but if this is not possible due to
limited resources, the application pack should make clear that if not notified after a certain date or
period, applicants should consider themselves not to have been shortlisted.
10. Interviewing
Interviews should be scheduled as soon after the closing date as reasonably possible.
The structure of interviews should be decided in advance by determining whether the interview panel will
be assembled and what areas of questioning are required to cover all of the elements of the person
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Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
specification. The question areas to be explored by each panel member should be agreed in advance to
avoid overlap or repetition.
The same areas of questioning should be covered with all candidates. Interview questions should be
phrased so that they do not favour any one candidate and should be designed to seek evidence of how
the interviewee meets the criteria of the job role. Supplementary questions should be used to probe for
further information or clarification where answers are incomplete or ambiguous. Care must be taken to
avoid questions that could be construed as discriminatory (e.g. questions about personal circumstances
that are unrelated to the job).
The interviewer (or interview panel, if used) is to act for the organisation in making selection decisions
and is accountable for them. Interview notes must be taken to help make an informed decision based on
the content of the interviews. Such notes must relate to how candidates demonstrate their knowledge,
skills, experience and abilities in relation to the requirements of the job role. Applicants can request
disclosure of such notes in the event of a complaint. Obviously any inappropriate or personally
derogatory comments contained within the notes could be considered discriminatory and are
Disabled applicants
Where the candidate being interviewed has a disability for which adjustments may need to be
considered, the candidate’s requirements should be discussed with them once the planned questioning
is complete. The outcome of these discussions must not influence the consideration of the candidate’s
application. If the disabled candidate best meets the person specification, consideration must be made
regarding what would be ‘reasonable adjustments’ to accommodate the needs of the person in question.
On considering these, if it is considered that the adaptations needed would not be deemed to be
‘reasonable’ under anti-discrimination legislation; the manager will draft a letter to the applicant
explaining why the adaptations cannot be made. Reasons for not making adjustments to the working
environment must be both material and substantial, and must be documented.
11. Making a decision after interview
The information obtained in the application, the interview, and in any selection tests will allow candidates
to be assessed against the person specification and a selection decision to be made. The manager or
panel chair must ensure that a written note of the reasons for selecting the successful candidate and
rejecting others is made and placed on the recruitment file, together with the original applications and
notes of all panel members, for a minimum of six months after the appointment decision has been
notified to the candidates.
Interview proceedings are confidential and interviewers are free to divulge to others the decision
reached only once the appointee has accepted the post.
The manager will make a provisional offer to the preferred candidate subject to satisfactory references
and disclosures (if appropriate) being received.
12. Feedback
It is good practice to offer applicants feedback after interviews and it is our policy to respond if
requested. Feedback should be specific and honest. Panel members giving feedback must ensure that
any feedback they give relates to the selection criteria for the post and that the words that they use
could not be taken to infer unlawful discrimination.
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13. Pre-employment checks
A number of employment checks are required to be undertaken before a formal offer of employment can
be made. It must be ensured that any offer of employment given, is a ‘provisional’ one, subject to receipt
of documentation as shown below.
References should only be used after interview to confirm, but not influence, a decision. Candidates’
permission must be sought prior to seeking references.
Appropriate referees are those who have direct experience of a candidate’s work, education or training,
preferably in a supervisory capacity and a reference must be obtained from the current or previous
References are confidential and must be sought ‘in confidence’. Panel members must return all copies
of any references with the application forms and their interview notes to the manager on completion of
the recruitment process. References must only be kept in the personal file.
Asylum and immigration
It is a criminal offence to employ someone who does not have the permission to work in Australia. All
external candidates at interview must therefore be asked to provide proof of citizenship, e.g. a passport
or birth certificate. Note that it will be unlawful racial discrimination to carry out checks only on potential
employees who, by their appearance or accent, seem to be other than Australian. Checks must be
carried out on all external applicants.
Criminal conviction information
The organisation will seek a disclosure (police check) for all posts. It should be noted that this may delay
the offer of a position until the disclosure process is complete.
Pre-employment health check
The organisation requires certain information prior to an individual commencing employment, to ensure
that they will be able to perform the requirements of the job and give reliable service, and to ensure
compliance with relevant health and safety regulations. The information is also required in order to
establish whether any reasonable adjustments may need to be made to assist them in performing their
Proof of trade or academic qualifications and any others considered essential for the post must be
14. Appointment
Only the manager issues letters of appointment and places individuals on the payroll.
15. Induction and probation
All new staff will undergo a probationary period during which they will be introduced to the main duties
and responsibilities of their post. An induction program will be set out, which covers information about
the organisation and their post.
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Document Page
Recruitment and induction policy and procedures Simulated business: BBQfun
Induction checklist
(Sign-off and date)
Hand out new employee folder, payroll documents and
organisational policies
Store Manager
Introductions to all staff. Store Manager
Role, responsibilities and performance expectations
Position description Store Manager
Mission, values and relevant areas of business
Store Manager
Work plan/performance expectations Store Manager
Performance evaluation Store Manager
Reporting relationships Store Manager
Organisational overview
History of the organisation Store Manager
Organisational structure Store Manager
Office facilities and equipment
Bathroom, kitchen, use of photocopier and phone
Store Manager
Introduction to email, electronic filing, internet use,
templates, hard copy filing procedures.
Store Manager
IT system set-up, username and password Information
16. Recordkeeping
All records relating to the recruitment and selection procedure will be retained only for as long as is
necessary (generally six months), and will be securely destroyed thereafter.
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