
Contribute to Organisational Development


Added on  2023-01-06

21 Pages5832 Words95 Views
BSBMGT615 –Contribute
to organisational
Contribute to Organisational Development_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Stage 1: SWOT Analysis.............................................................................................................1
Stage 2: Organisational development plan .................................................................................2
Contribute to Organisational Development_2

Organisational development refers to studying successful changes and performance of an
enterprise. It is effort planned, organised along with managed for improving effectiveness
together with health by using devised interventions in processes through behavioural science
knowledge. It is goal based methodology that seeks to change values, beliefs, practices and
attitudes in order to adapt better technology as well as live with fast changing paces (Avenant,
April and Peters, 2016). Lonsdale Fitness is the selected organisation for assessment. In past
durations, the company went through rapid expansion and its franchises are left to work as
independent units. The entity have huge preferences to increase satisfaction of clients and for
this, it has decided to standardise practices and operations. The assessment includes SWOT
analysis of company and organisational development plan.
Stage 1: SWOT Analysis
It is the study taken by company for the purpose of determining its internal strengths,
weaknesses together with external opportunities and threats. By using the tool, managers
evaluate competitive position together with develop strategic planning for the entity. In context
to Lonsdale Fitness, SWOT Analysis is as follows:
Lonsdale Fitness provided top class
facilities and have state of art facilities
including industry certified
equipment, spacious gym, quality
trainers and so on.
The entity have adequate capital
sources and infrastructure rick
The locations of the fitness centre are
great and well established.
The fitness institution have built
expertise in entering into new
Lonsdale Fitness have been emphasising
towards consistent revenue generation
due to which they fails in controlling
other costs.
The equipments along with personal
fitness plans are changed by the
managers with time that arises as costly
affair (Brink, 2020).
Lonsdale Fitness have gained success in
integrating with small fitness entities
which have resulted in sharing failures
to work with firms having distinct work
Contribute to Organisational Development_3

market and gained success. This
helped in building new revenue stream
as well as diversifying economic cycle
risk in the market where it operates.
Profitability ratio together with net
contribution percentages of the company
are below industrial average.
In present era, people are more
emphasised towards fitness and
growing demand about fitness is
huge opportunity for Lonsdale Fitness
to capitalise on.
With changing lifestyles such as
obesity, huge consumption of junk or
fast food, lifestyle disease, etc many
people are making attempts to become
part of weight loss programs that
creates increasing needs of fitness
centres (Choi, Martins and Bernik,
There are fitness centres everywhere in
community living spaces, apartments
and hotels. Many of them are not
required to pay which attracts many
audiences to go there. This can emerge
as strong substitution threat for
Lonsdale Fitness.
As Lonsdale Fitness operates in multiple
nations, it faces threat of currency
fluctuations particularly in given
volatile political climate within multiple
markets across globe.
Stage 2: Organisational development plan
Lonsdale Fitness is the company that went through quick expansion because of which all
its franchises are left with option to function or operate independent units. The company have
huge urge to enhance client satisfaction and have planned to standardise the ways within which
its franchises operate. It have also received many complaints from clients related to some
personal trainers, customer service techniques and others (Chowdhury, 2019). The factors which
shows that change in the company are required includes social and technology. Social structure
of society is concerned with changes in size, distribution along with composition of population.
In context to social factors, customers are key that are influencing the company to its systems
and practices. Complaints received from clients is the main social factor that shows needs of
Contribute to Organisational Development_4

change. At same time, technological factors are the ways new equipments, tools and practices
which initiates changes. The equipments, systems and other technological aspects that are
adopted by the company to provide training and fitness facilities have become obsolete. In the
market, various updates and innovative systems for head-offices are available, apps to provide
fitness classes and many more are available which shows that Lonsdale Fitness needs change to
develop the organisation.
Organisational development is attained by shifting supporting structures or
communication processes (dos Santos, Figueiredo and Pais, 2020). It is objective related
methodology that is used in order to initiate change of system within the institution. In case with
Lonsdale Fitness, one of the advantage of this organisational development is continuous
development. By participating in developing the standards and solving customers queries, entity
continually develops their models of business. It creates constant patterns of improvements
within which strategies and tactics are improved, evaluated, executed as well as assessed for
quality and outcomes. This organisational development will build favourable environment
wherein managers are able to embrace changes and leverage influence of periodical renewal. The
other advantage of such development of company is enhancement of communication with clients
and franchises. Open communication system enables the company to understand significance of
change and solve complaints of clients effectively. Moreover, clear planning is needed in
Lonsdale Fitness for providing clarity, focus, guidance and direction for the entity. It drives
alignment of business or keeps all things and resources on track. Clear planning fosters
collegiality along with fosters opportunity for discussion and transforming practices. Within
Lonsdale Fitness, clear planning is required for facilitating management by objectives,
minimising uncertainties, improving morale of employees, achieving profits, solving clients
complaints and encouraging innovation.
Change is inevitable in nature but so is resistance and reluctant to change. These are
common human characteristic of employees to try along with keep their activities, methods and
standards constant (Gatarik, 2019. Gray and Jones, 2016). In Lonsdale Fitness, personal trainers
are expected to resist adoption of changes in standards of systems, improvements in fitness
classes and many more. In order to manage the resistance and reluctance to change, managers of
the company will consider opinion of all staff on whom proposed change will have effect and
accordingly influence them with rewards and other financial benefits. Along with this, sufficient
Contribute to Organisational Development_5

prior training to personal trainers will be provided which will help them to accept changes with
Organisational development scope – Overview
a. Stakeholder Management
Stakeholder refers to the party which have interest in organisation as well as have
potentials to affect or be affected from practices of business (Hodge, 2016). Similarly,
stakeholder management is defined to the process of building and maintaining healthy
relationship with people that have huge impact on working of enterprise. It involves activities
through which expectations and requirements of each stakeholder are managed properly. In
context to Lonsdale Fitness, following are the stakeholders and other related information to
manage all:
Awareness Degree of
challenge or
Influence Plan for greater support
Employees Employees
of Lonsdale
Fitness are
aware about
changes in
They have
level about
Lonsdale Fitness
expects higher
support from
employees for
the project and
plan related to
developing the
employees such
as personal
trainer creates
challenges by
changes and
working with
employees gets
highly influenced
from any change in
strategies, practices
and systems
(Hofmann and
Vermunt, 2020). In
case with Lonsdale
Fitness, employees
including personal
trainers feels more
comfortable in
working with old
standards and
systems. If some
Employees plays key part
in organisational
development. In Lonsdale
Fitness, employees
including personal trainers
will be influenced to
engage and support change
through the following:
powerful vision.
Aligning systems,
standards and
structures to their
Providing training
for new structures,
Contribute to Organisational Development_6

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