
Team Learning Plan and Team Performance Improvement Plan


Added on  2023-01-18

27 Pages4369 Words98 Views
Unit assessment Pack
Team Learning Plan and Team Performance Improvement Plan_1

Assessment Task 1
Question 1
a) in order to direct the performance as well as the behaviour of the team which is influenced by the
psychological & unconscious forces is called team dynamics. The nature of team work directs the
team dynamics.
b) if the team works well together, then it will lead the organization to get successfully. Effective
team dynamics in an organization can be observed by the following elements such as cooperation,
good communication, contribution as well as commitment. Moreover, team dynamics can be
recognized by the effective conflict & change management in the organization.
c) if members of the team tends to trust each other, then such team is said to having positive group
dynamics. Whereas, if the group shows' negativity in the success of outcomes of the work or in
making decision, then such group is said to be having poor group dynamics. The factors of group
dynamics that impact on the team performance are its effectiveness, productivity and creativity.
Question 2
Four strategies that could be implemented at the work place in order to support team cohesion,
participation as well as performance are hiring the employees with the diversification in their
mentality, setting the goal of the team initially, allowing every one of the team to take active
participation in the work, building faith and trust within the team as well as by resolving the issue of
conflict at the work place in the right way.
Question 3
a) Reaching the desired agreement means consensus. In team setting, building consensus means to
find the right proposal which is acceptable by all the members of the team and these members
support the proposal. Moreover, there must not be any member of the team opposing the proposal.
Sometimes, consensus may include people who are not the part of the team.
b) three strategies to gain consensus in the team are ensuring & encouraging the participation of
each team member, by introducing multiple voting technique, by pinpointing the essential priorities
as well as by involving the complete team in the development of the solution.
Question 4
Five strategies to resolve work place conflicts are, by competing, by collaboration, by
compromising, by avoiding as well as by accommodating. These are the several techniques that
could by used at the work place in order to resolve the conflicts that tends to arise in the team.
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Question 5
Four consultation and feedback methods for effective team management are
using strategies in order to boost the team dynamics, addressing the problems arised in the team
quickly, creation of team carter is also an effective way to manage team, more over enhancing the
team culture as well as building healthy communication within the members of the team.
Question 6:
a) While developing the performance plan, the key areas where the team has to discuss upon are:
what has to done as well as what has to be achieved such as main task, projects etc., what will be
the basic support required in order to achieve the target, what will be the outcome of performing
good as well as discussion on when will be the future discussion will be taken are the various key
areas of discussion.
b) KPI means key performance indicator. KPI is always related to the specific outcomes of business
with the measure of performance. While developing KPI for a performance plan of a team, SMART
approach is used as SMART approach is the relevance of performance where S stands for Specific,
M for Measurable, A for Attainable, R for Relevent and T for Time-frame.
Question 7
The benefits of developing such strategies are, to make associates feel as they are the valuable part
of the team so that could make better decisions day by day. Moreover, to make the associates feel as
they are the part of strong bond of responsibility, establishing higher values of morals and
Question 8
To make the team members feel encouraged by the team leader while assigning the responsibilities
the team leader must be impartial, the leader must motivate the team in order to perform better next
time, it must encourage the members of the team to help each other as well as by being a mentor of
the entire team.
Question 9
For a team leader to communicate positive feedback to its employee the leader may establish a
purpose for the conversations, the leader may describe a positive behaviour or performance & by
explain the importance of behaviour, by asking the employee for their reason of success, by
listening actively and empathetically as well as by thanking the employees to express themselves
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Question 10
The various process that provide opportunities to the members of the team to raise their concern or
issues arose in the team are, the process of being transparent in every aspect, by establishing healthy
conversations, by providing valuable feedbacks, encouraging for collaborations as well as the leader
must have faith in the member of its team.
Question 11: Answer the following:
a) for ensuring the raise in payment as well as in promotions for the organizations top performers,
performance appraisals are identified. Thus, performance appraisals are the process in which an
individuals documentation and evaluation of its performance is done in order to have high work
quality, outputs and efficiencies.
b) the discussion can be conducted in order to resolve the issues related to performance is by
ensuring that there should be right people in the room, presenting the issues in front of the complete
team, by facilitating open conversations in order to ensure everyone participation as well as by
creating an action plan.
Question 12
The seven traits possessed by the leader for being the role model of the team are, demonstrating
confidence and leaderships, being not to be afraid to be unique, communicating and interacting with
everyone, showing respect and concern to others, being knowledgeable as well as al rounder in
various aspect of business.
Question 13
For fostering a culture of open communication in the member of the team must keep the manager
informed, must give frequent replies to the various concerned arose in the team, encouraging team
members to share information as well as to express contrary viewpoints and more over by keeping
the members of the team informed about the current situation of the team.
Question 14
Meeting regularly with members of the team, being inclusive, being transparent, clear as well as
concise, always showing respect to others, recognizing they too could be wrong and by using online
collaborating tools are the various method of communication in order to resolve issues, problems
and concerns raised by the members of the team with the line management or stakeholder.
Question 15
Managerial responsibilities with regard to evaluation and resolving concern raised by stake holder
Team Learning Plan and Team Performance Improvement Plan_4

are, the issues identified by stakeholders, which are represented by the business analysts, is the
concept of stakeholder concern. The various information used by the business analysts are the risk,
assumptions as well as constraints in order to resolve the issues raised by the stakeholders.
Assessment 2
Template 1:
Team members
Review conducted by
1. Understanding of goals
Do all team members clearly understand purpose and goals of the team?
No, none of the member of the team understood the goal and purpose of
the team.
How is this expected to be achieved?
Understanding of goals and purposes can be achieved by assigning a
manager, who could serve as a trouble shooter, problem shooter as well as
team faciliator for the team. More over, it must make sure the employee
must have proper understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities as
well as their accountabilities.
How can team members be supported more effectively?
By communicating team member with accountability, by sticking up to
them in order to support them as well as by reviewing work effectively are
the effective ways used by manager to support the team.
3. Strategies for Team member input
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Are team members given sufficient opportunities to provide input
into planning, decision-making and general operational aspects of the
Yes, by assigning the new manager the employee of the careers call centre
got the various opportunities to take part in decision-making and geeneral
How is this currently done?
This can be done by using strategies, by assigning specific role to the
employees as well by taking regular feedbacks from the members of team.
What opportunities can you identify for improvement?
The average sales will tends to increase, in this way ultimately the
reputation of the organization will get incerase.
4. Responsibility for own work
Are team members encouraged sufficiently to take responsibility for their
own work?
Yes, took their responsibilities seriously after the assigning of new
KPI’s/Targets/Goals for each team member (minimum of two for each
team member).
to increase the average sale per day
Team Learning Plan and Team Performance Improvement Plan_6

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