
Green HRM: Qualitative Case Study


Added on  2023-01-17

14 Pages2884 Words59 Views
Leadership Management
Business Management
Green HRM: Qualitative Case Study_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................4
Qualitative approach:.......................................................................................................................4
Aim: ............................................................................................................................................4
Hypothesis or research questions:................................................................................................4
Data collection.............................................................................................................................5
Data analysis................................................................................................................................5
Findings and recommendations.......................................................................................................6
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
Quantitative approach......................................................................................................................6
Hypothesis or research questions:................................................................................................6
Data collection.............................................................................................................................8
Data analysis................................................................................................................................8
Findings and recommendations.......................................................................................................9
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
Literature review of one approach...............................................................................................9
Green HRM: Qualitative Case Study_2

Qualitative approach:
Green Human resource management: Qualitative case study:
This qualitative research case study is going to show some ways in which several multinational
companies approaches Green HRM. By analysing this, it will also describe some factors that
influence the subsidiaries in this particular domain. To identify environmental issues and making
all business practices sustainable is the main purpose of all business. Customers are becoming
more aware about using sustainable products, and they buy products for those companies who
implement green approaches.
“To identify relationship between the environment and HR functions as well as
employees engagement practices.” A case study on UK Ltd, German Ltd and Sweden Ltd.
To identify all practices involved in engagement of workforce in sustainability.
To identify importance of sustainability for organizations.
To explore environmental impacts on HR practices and functions.
To identify ways of motivating employees in engaging them in sustainability.
Hypothesis or research questions:
What are some practices that are involved in engagement of employees in sustainability?
What are some importance of making sustainable business activities?
How environment impacts on HR practices and functions?
What are some strategies by which organizations can motivate employees in improving
HR functions plays several roles in implementing sustainable business strategies within
an organization. The main problem which occur in making policies sustainable is behaviour of
HR manager as they see themselves as an ideal partner. There are several ways by which
researcher and manager of an organization can improve environmental sustainability such as by
aligning corporate strategy with greening functions.
Green HRM: Qualitative Case Study_3

It is a belief about the way in which researcher collects data and analyse them. It depends
upon the type of research as it is a qualitative research and article, so scholar has used positivism.
In the context of approach, it can be said that for this case study of identifying importance
and relationship between HRM green policies and employee engagement with sustainability,
interview based multi case study approach has been taken. This interview based approach shows
that it is an inductive approach. Inductive approach is related to the qualitative research approach
(Gaur and Kumar, 2018).
Data collection
Data collection plays an important role as without having reliable and proper data,
researcher cannot complete its research and also cannot accomplish its per-determined goals.
There are mainly 2 types of collecting data such as primary and secondary. Primary data
collection are called more authentic and the best way because there are few chances of making
the research errors. It is also called first-hand data because all its ways and resources of
collecting data are first hand. On the other hand, secondary data collection includes those
resources from where anyone can collect data. For example, internet, books journals and articles
(Thomas, 2015). These type of data are not being used before by anyone. For collecting data on
the main topic of Green HRM and employee engagement, 23 interviews has been taken as
sample. 23 one-to-one interviews with managers and directors, 8 focus group with workers and
27 managers. All participants take an active participation in this interview and data collection
process. This interview based approach shows that researcher collect data by primary source.
Researcher has used both types of collecting data.
Data analysis
This study has 2 interrelated phases in data analysis. In both phases, first phase identify
the situation in each national location and the 2nd phase identify similarities as well as differences
among some countries and locations (Mihas, 2019). Collecting data from both secondary and
primary sources shows different methods like one-to-one interviews, focus group etc. For
making data more reliable, it uses descriptive coding process that helps researcher out to identify
Green HRM: Qualitative Case Study_4

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