
The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence within the Company


Added on  2023-01-05

41 Pages12272 Words2 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big DataHealthcare and ResearchLanguages and CulturePhilosophyPsychology
Business research
The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence within the Company_1

The emotional intelligence is capacity to understand and manage the emotions. Different
skills included in the emotional intelligence consists self- awareness, self- regulation, empathy
social skills and motivation. The aim of this research is to identify the adverse impact of
emotional intelligence within the workplace of an organisation. The objectives have been
developed on the basis of research aim. In order to collection of information in literature review
part, there have been secondary sources used such as books, scholars, articles and journals. These
helps in attaining the research objectives effectively. Research methodology is one of the main
part in an investigation as it consists the research onion. In this, positivism research philosophy
and quantitative research method used as they provide the relevant information and also getting
the positive outcomes in significant manner. Primary and secondary both data collection method
has been used as in primary method, questionnaire developed. Systematic literature review has
been used in the literature review. For collection of information, there has been 40 respondents
chosen by using the random sampling method.
The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence within the Company_2

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................1
Background of Research.........................................................................................................1
Background of Organisation...................................................................................................2
Rationale of Research.............................................................................................................2
Research Aim.........................................................................................................................3
Research Objectives...............................................................................................................3
Research questions.................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................4
Concept of emotional intelligence within the organisation....................................................4
Impact of emotional intelligence of the employees on the organisational culture.................5
Strategies which can be adopted by Tesco for managing the influence of the emotional
intelligence on the behaviour of the employees.....................................................................8
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODS.......................................................................................10
Research philosophy.............................................................................................................10
Research approach................................................................................................................11
Research choice....................................................................................................................11
Research strategy..................................................................................................................12
Data collection......................................................................................................................12
Ethical consideration............................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION....................................................15
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION......................................................................................................33
The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence within the Company_3

The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence within the Company_4

TITLE: The dark side of emotional intelligence within the company.
Background of Research
Emotional intelligence is defined as ability to determine as well as manage own emotions
and also others. It is related to an ability to understand, manage and use own emotions in the
positive manner to be relieve stress, develop positive communication and overcome from
challenges. This is mainly consisting three skills such as emotional awareness, ability to
determine emotions and also ability of harness those emotions to apply the on tasks such as
problem solving and thinking. The emotional intelligence is work based and practical approach
to the emotional intelligence that assists a person and teams to understand why the people behave
way that they do to enhance engagement with and performance at workplace. The emotional
intelligence plays a necessary role for business managers and leaders (Adil and Kamal, 2016).
There is an ability to be understand and also apply the information to the logical reasoning,
spatial thinking and the skills. It is what an organisation empathize with the co- workers that
have deep conversations regarding relationships with others and also attempt to be understand
better and live healthier and authentic. This is what company when it empathizes with co-
workers and have deep conversation regarding relationship with the others. It is necessary quality
for the managers and business leaders. It is an ability to be understand as well as apply the
information to logical reasoning, spatial thinking and skills. It is important for business as this
embracing nuances of the human emotion at workplace that can have advantages like
collaboration between staff members and make workplace happier. Leaders which master the
emotions can be rob of capacities to the reason. If values are out of the step with own, then
results can devastating. When the people have self-serving motives then emotional intelligence
becomes weapon to manipulating the others. Dark side of the emotional intelligence take proper
expression by emotional manipulation among people. In regards to an organisation, emotional
manipulation could be served as tool to express the own emotions and also others wile aiming at
taking benefits. This will help in make the strategic move for the personal gain (Balogun
Oluyemi and Afolabi, 2018).
The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence within the Company_5

Background of Organisation
Tesco is British multinational general merchandise and groceries retailer with headquarters
in England. This firm is third largest retailer in world that measured through gross revenue.
Tesco organisation was founded in year 1919 by Jack Cohen. It was diversified in to the areas for
an instance retailing books, electronics, petrol, software, furniture, toys, electronics, clothing’s
and others. Tesco company has been encouraging the managers to be appreciative and kinder to
employees to make improvement in customer service. It is the main reason Tesco company is
encouraging the managers to be empathetic, caring and kind. In regards to this, better way to
hold in staff members which want to keep to be incorporate the emotional intelligence in
personal as well as organisational management (Carson, Carson and Birkenmeier, 2016).
Managers with the emotional intelligence understand that employees are first people and the
workers are second.
Rationale of Research
The present investigation is based on adverse impact of emotional intelligence within the
workplace of an organisation. Through studying the phenomenon of dark side of Emotional
Intelligence in company context, rationale of this investigation is to examine how dark side of
Emotional Intelligence manifests and this impact the people at workplace. Through investigating
the present area, an investigator aims to enhance the awareness in area about the dark side of
emotional intelligence within the company. Through this, aim of investigator to fill gap within
existing literature and also contribute towards theory development. Main aim of an investigator
is to do this through having exploratory approach where an investigator will be exploring area of
dark side of emotional intelligence in organisation context. Research approach will add the
valuable insights to investigation area and fulfil purpose of conducting an investigation by
following the research questions (Carter and Loh, 2017).
Other than this, researcher conduct this present investigation is to enhance the
understanding about the emotional intelligence in detailed manner. Through this, research issues
can be examined or negative impact of the emotional intelligence at workplace. Through
conducting the present investigation, abilities and research skills of an investigator will be
enhanced. From this, researcher can able to attain all research activities within given period of
time. This will help an investigator to conduct similar kind of investigation in future. Other than
this, perception of customer’s value for the money can be improved across all the metrics that
The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence within the Company_6

culminated in supermarket winning 2020 Marketing Week Masters award for the social media.
For cost focused campaign this has more creativity, brand building and insight which provided
more outcomes for brand requiring to be continue tough turnaround. Tesco company tool hoe
prize for the multichannel marketing and award for the sponsorship (Clarke and Mahadi, 2017).
Research Aim
The aim of the research is To identify the adverse impact of emotional intelligence
within the workplace of an organisation.” A case study on Tesco.
Research Objectives
The objectives of research are:
To develop an understanding of the concept of emotional intelligence within the
To identify the adverse impact of emotional intelligence of the employees on the
organisational culture.
To analyse various strategies which can be adopted by Tesco for managing the influence
of the emotional intelligence on the behaviour of the employees.
Research questions
The research questions include:
What does the employees mean with the concept of emotional intelligence at the
What are the impact of emotional intelligence of the employees on the organisational
What are various strategies which can be adopted by Tesco for managing the influence of
the emotional intelligence on the behaviour of the employees?
The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence within the Company_7

It is defined as survey of the scholarly sources on particular topic. This mainly gives
overview regarding the current knowledge in order to determine the relevant methods and
theories. The literature review mainly consists searching the relevant publications and analyse
them critically. This can simple summary of sources but usually has organisational pattern and
also combine the synthesis and summary. This might provide new interpretation of the old
material. The main focus of academic paper is to develop new argument and it is containing
literature review as one of its area (Dartey-Baah and Mekpor, 2017). The main focus of literature
review is to synthesize and summarise arguments of the others without adding contributions. In
the literature review, there has been secondary method used by consisting different sources for
an instance books, journals, scholars, articles and others. There has been critical evaluation
regarding specific area among the two different authors.
Concept of emotional intelligence within the organisation
According to Daniel Goleman and Richard E. Boyatzis (2020), Emotional intelligence
refers in recognizing their own emotions and feelings and thinking the behaviour of other person
what they actually feel. It helps in managing own emotions as well as the emotional of other.
Three skills are included in emotional intelligence are emotional awareness, ability to put the
emotions which help in problem solving, and regulating one's own emotion and help others to do
the same. Emotional intelligence is also known as emotional quotient. It helps in influencing the
behaviours of others. Emotional intelligence refers to the behaviour towards the co-workers and
have a deep conversation with them which help in listening and solving their problems which
motivates them. It helps us in connect with the different people and helps in understanding
ourselves and themselves in a proper manner so that the person can live healthier and happy life.
Happiness arises when the person is fully satisfied with the work and it gives the opportunity to
do work well so that the they can achieve their goals and targets easily. They can share feelings
with others or communicating with others makes us feel more satisfied. It is an ability to
recognize, understand the emotions effectively in a proper manner. Emotional intelligence can be
understood by five categories for an instance Self-regulation, self-awareness, motivation,
empathy and social skills. Self-awareness: is ability to recognize the emotions “happen” is the
key of the EQ (Farnia and Nafukho, 2016). Major elements of self-awareness is emotional
The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence within the Company_8

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