
Business Taxonomy and its Functionalist and Social Relativist Perspective


Added on  2022-12-01

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Business Taxonomy and its Functionalist and Social Relativist Perspective_1

Organisational taxonomy is the stepwise classification of ingrates of any organization or
administration which are necessary to classify documents, its digital assets, and relevant
information. It includes various physical and contractual perspectives such as products,
processes, knowledge fields, human groups, etc Organizational taxonomy is a useful
approach in the determination of unstructured data. It allows efficiently manage corporate
knowledge in a special context of workflows, Human Resource, and customer
relations(Komljenovic, Loiselle and Kumral, 2019).
Organizations have multiple interests in the application of taxonomies. It also helps the
organization in fast and efficient data searches in the context of merchandise or e-commerce
services. Organizations may require the determination of complex vocabularies to deal with
informational assets in the public domain.
Problem statement- Model Business taxonomy and its Functionalist and social relativist
For Mining company- Organisational standards of mining companies are defined in the
special context of the divisional structure. It includes varied segmentation criteria such as
various products, regions, the business units along with their combination. Astral consulting
is an Australian mining company that produces copper, zinc, and gold. The company
became multinational with its operations in Latin America, Alaska, The Congo, Asia and
various operational sites in Australia itself. Its operational structure can be described as-
o Chief executive
Manage of Mine A
Manager of Mine B
Work and health safety
Technical facilities.
Finance and administration
The Functional structure of mining companies is also acting as industrial standards. An
efficient example of its use is given above whose descriptions can be mentioned as
The planning and engineering functions will be performed by the chief engineer.
Production accountability will be performed by the deputy director.
Chief geologists will be liable for ore resource management.
Cost control and relevant reporting are governed by the accounting officer.
Health and safety coordination will be liable for the direction and control of functional
Environmental related functions will be coordinated by the environmental coordinator.
An analysis of these organizational structures of mining companies stated that
functional structure is suitable for small mine companies that operate two or three
mines at a single site(AusIMM Bulletin, 2019). Functional managers, with specialization
in their areas, are accountable to report to top-level management such as chief
executives, Vice Presidents, etc. This ensures the maintenance of an effective
structure. This highly qualified specialist occasionally posses global vision. In order to
resolve these issues centralised decision making at the top management level is the
most beneficial solution. In the context of dynamically growing companies like Astral
Consulting, the majority of decisions usually taken very slowly which hamper their
Business Taxonomy and its Functionalist and Social Relativist Perspective_2

Community and External stakeholder relations– In the context of mining companies,
community relation is attributed to increasing interaction with the community and relevant
external stakeholders(Googins, 2019). Engagements are vital for those parties which have
established trust and mutual respect. Nurturing and maintenance of integrated relations
ensure the effectiveness of consultation and engagement to a great extent along with the
reduction of misunderstandings to a minimum. Basics of effective community engagement
can be summarised as below.
Scopes and objective of engagement must be clear.
It must be influential and directly related to the decision-making process of business.
It must be simple, open and accessible to all the stakeholders.
Engagement must be informative and educational.
It must contribute to comprehensive improvement.
Inclusivity and respectfulness must be the building blocks of the engagement
Engagements also required to value the contributions of all.
The Availability of a clear and reasonable time frame is also required.
It is expected to build a relationship, collaboration, and trust.
With the help of realistic and holistic investment and community development program,
maintenance of “social Licence to operate" which also ensure sustainability. Also,positive
development will be encouraged in project- implemented areas.
Community development program which depends upon stakeholder-based approach
includes ;
Development of equitable understanding of local context which includes
mapping of stakeholders along with analysis of information.
Faithful and transparent relation.
Consistent engagement of stakeholders and mutual communication.
Application of graduated, phased and adequate engagement approach for
management of stakeholder.
Early, accessible, easy and responsive grievance redressal mechanism for
conflict management and dispute redressal mechanism for the maintenance
of a win-win scenario with relevance to company and stakeholders to avoid
social risks.
Risk minimization along with opportunity maximization intended to develop
and secure value for the project and the local community.
Internal stakeholders- These are those persons who have participated in the funding,
direction, resource management, and dissemination of relevant strategy with the help of
local health and well-being of partnership, are known as internal stakeholders(S, 2019).
Several internal stakeholders can be mentioned as -
Public health director
Heath intelligent and relevant information head
Nursing director
Program and services director
Strategists for public health.
Information technology
Analyst for public health management systems
Research Analyst
Public Health Manager
All the members of board committee.
Analyst for environmental health and intelligence.
Business Taxonomy and its Functionalist and Social Relativist Perspective_3

Influence of internal stakeholders-
It generates a hierarchy of authorities with formal powers inside the organization
such as senior positions like director, deputy director, vice-president, etc.
An Internal stakeholder is accountable for the vital resource management such as
the responsibility of the strategic product(Forbes.com, 2019).
It also influences possession of adequate knowledge and relevant skills which
includes expert knowledge assisting information of organizations' core competence.
Internal stakeholders handle the environmental controlsuch as negotiation and
control of the network of interaction with external stakeholders.
Internal stakeholders also affect system for strategy implementation such as a
change ofperson or liability of strategic programs.
External stakeholders- Individual, team or community who are sharing their opinions
andrelevant experiences in order toresolve the concerns which as concerns of prime
importance such as health patients,users of other services, carers and members of the
indigenous community, are known as External stakeholders(InvestorWords.com, 2019). Below
mentioned are some examples of external stakeholders.
Indigenous authorities and councils
Health patients
Strategic trusts
Resource managers
Strategic suppliers
Financial managers
Quality assessment teams
Health care specialists
Broad public health activist
Influence of external stakeholders- The influence of external stakeholders in specific
relevance of mining sites can be mentioned as ;
External stakeholders influence the control of relevant resources such as human,
capital, etc(Health Knowledge, 2019).
External stakeholders also handle knowledge and skill acquisitions regarding
partnership, subcontractors etc.
Their involvement in realisation of plans and programs such as partnership in
distribution is also vital.
Cultural awareness and heritage- The relation between indigenous people and mining
consists of a range of struggles and disputes over access to land. The main objective of
these industries lies in ensuring autonomy in access to land as far as possible. They also
strive to guarantee their access for a longer time This usually leads to heated campaigns
and movements for the recognition of indigenous rights, not only in the context of mineral
resources or share of the wealth generated but also in the context of land acquisition and
indigenous rights and control overland(Reference, 2019). Due to the basic character of
disputes such as social, environmental, human rights issues, etc these disputes, over the
recognition of rights to control the kand and other indigenous products, usually, get
recognition at a global level. For example, in the case of dispute over Jabiluka uranium
mineral lease in the northern territory's Kakadu National park, the presence of intense
interest has been demonstrated. The Native Title Act 1993, the right to negotiate despite
Business Taxonomy and its Functionalist and Social Relativist Perspective_4

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