
The Impact of Technological Advances on Facebook's Revenue Streams


Added on  2019-09-30

4 Pages2421 Words132 Views
CASE STUDY CONTEMPORARY THEMES ASSIGNMENTCASE STUDY 1Primary research Debenhams is a department store that sells mainly homeware and clothing. They should look into opening a fooddivision of their shop in order to boost profits. I would suggest that Debenhams creates a food department, whichshould hopefully ensure they remain competitive in the same way that it helped M&S. The following is a suggestion onhow Debenhams could conduct their market research if they planned to open a food division in their departmentstores.First of all, Debenhams should employ primary research methods, namely, they should carry out focus groups withparticipants that reflect diverse sections of society. Although it is expensive to carry out a focus group, as it involveshaving to give participants a financial incentive to attend, focus groups are very useful in that they provide rich data:they reveal unexpected needs and suggestions by potential customers that the researcher may not have thought of.Furthermore, Debenhams should design a questionnaire for their current clients. This will allow them to obtain relevantand current data which will help with planning the development and marketing strategies for the food division.The following questions should be asked in the department stores by sensitive and polite interviewers who wouldensure that all of the participants give their consent prior to completing the questionnaire.Questionnaire1.1. How often do you shop at Debenhams?a.Once a weekb.Once a monthc.Once every 3 monthsd.Occasionally2. 2. Would you be interested in buying your groceries at Debenhams?a.YESb.NO3. 3. What type of food products would you like to buy at Debenhams?a.Everyday groceriesb.Healthy food for busy peoplec.Specialities from around the worldd.Other (please specifye.__________________________________4.4. How much would you be ready to spend on weekly groceries in Debenhams?a.Under 50 poundsb.50-70c.70-100d.Over 1001. 5. Would you be willing to spend more money for...a.YESb.NODoes this questionnaire have to be in a box? No, don’t worry, it does not. Does it have to be 5 questions? No, makeit as long or as short as you need for your word count. 1
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Ethical concerns with primary research Other ethical issues Debenhams would need to consider are anonymity, objectivity in their interpretation of data, andsensitivity in which groups they target. Secondary research Apart from the questionnaire, Debenhams should invest some time into conducting secondary research. They shouldanalyse the groceries market by looking at case studies, and financial reports published by leading supermarkets.Additionally, they should observe CCTV footage collected by market research companies that analyse consumerbehaviour. To conclude, Debenhams needs to conduct primary and secondary research methods before they plan the launch oftheir food division. This way they will have all the necessary information which will inform their decisions – they will beable to choose the correct segment of the market share, decide on the range of products, and ensure the new venturewill yield a return and be profitable. (484 words)CASE STUDY 2SWOT analysis of FacebookFacebook’s strength as a marketing platform is primarily its integration with other applications and websites:everything users want to post can easily be shared onto this social networking platform, including advertisements ofproducts they have purchased and liked. They can also ‘like’ products, which will show up on their friends’ pages,which is a personalised way for products to be seen by potential new customers. Facebook’s weaknesses are its attitude towards privacy, its weak protection of users’ data, and the fact that too manyadverts have saturated it. Users have complained that their pages have been used for market research without theirconsent, there have been stories about Facebook making users appear to have ‘liked’ a product when in fact theyhaven’t (e.g. a vegan supposedly ‘liked’ McDonalds, which appeared on her friends’ feeds and made them ask her ifshe was eating meat again!), and there are now so many adverts on there that its users are less likely to pay them anyattention.Facebook’s main opportunity, which still attracts many advertisers, is that the sale of smartphones is constantly on theincrease, meaning users are constantly plugged in to the site via these small, portable computer screens. Constantexposure attracts marketing revenue, so Facebook has benefitted from this increase in smartphone sales that isexternal to itself. Another area that is beyond Facebook’s direct control, but that affects is negatively, is related to technologicaladvances that enable users to block ads. This threat means users can use the free social networking platform withoutbeing exposed to those who pay for it to exist, i.e. advertisers.(271 words)CASE STUDY 3Streets Ahead estate agency: David’s problems with Motivation and LeadershipStreets Ahead has a few problems with motivating their staff. These will be explored one by one in the followinganalysis. Firstly, staff are ignored by managers, which leads them to waste time on social networking or onlineshopping websites such as Ebay or Facebook. The bosses should get more involved in the work their staff do, setdeadlines, and perhaps encourage targets to be met by offering various incentives or simply praise for work well done.2
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