
Analysis of the Management of Coca Cola Company


Added on  2023-01-10

17 Pages4214 Words39 Views
Coca-Cola company analysis 1
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Coca-Cola company analysis 2
Background information
Coca Cola is an American multi-national profit making soft drinks organization which was
founded by a pharmacist John Stith in 1886. Asa Candler bought the formula of beverage making
and the brand used in the production process in 1889. The Company manufactures retails and
markets soft drinks in more than 200 countries of the world with its headquarters being in
Atlanta Georgia. The average sale of its products per day stands at 1.6 billion beverages in
countries of operation. The organization has been in operation for 125 years and it has more than
135,000 direct employees of who are chief executive officers, senior executives, executives,
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senior managers, managers, staff and subordinates. The company is led by a chief executive
officer who is subject to scrutiny before being appointed to this vital position of leadership.
Mission and Vision
The rise of competitors has been a challenge facing Coca Cola Company but its strong leadership
and leadership styles have made the company unbeatable. The profit making company aims at
thriving in a decades to come through critically analyzing the forces that will shape and boost its
operations widely in the future (Maani Hessari 2019 p. 81). Under the control of the chief
executive officer the company creates a long-term goal and provides the way of achieving the
goal. Consequently the company’s vision serves as the roadmap of the organization to show what
should be established in order to achieve sustainable growth where quality is not compromised.
Characterized by the 6 p’s that determines the operations.
People: The organization aims at empowering people more so those who work for the company
to become the best they can.
Portfolio: aiming to provide to the world top quality soft drinks which will satisfy the needs of
the customers
Partners: developing a dynamic and winning network of co-workers, producers, suppliers and
consumers to create mutual interdependence.
Planet: being a responsible inhabitant who makes a clear distinction by assisting in the building
and supporting a sustainable community.
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Profit: to ensure maximum long term returns to benefit all those who own shares while being
mindful of the overall organizational responsibilities.
Productivity: To be swift and highly effective in growth across the globe (Serôdio 2018 p 1599)
The mission declares the purpose of Coca Cola and provides its roadmap in which the company
undertakes its actions. The company in some instances identifies vulnerable populations, invests
in there and starts its operations. It then creates employment opportunities to the locals and
initiates a new market to make profits through selling its products (Kammer 2016 p. 53). The
mission is provided in three statements.
To refresh the world by providing the best quality of soft drinks
To create moments and memories of optimism and happiness
To create top quality value and make a lasting difference globally
The organizations objectives are to be a globally known profit making organization which
conducts its operations ethically to foster sustainable growth in a bid to ensure future operations.
The objectives of the company influence decision making right from the junior most leaders all
the way to the top. This is evident in the acquisition of over 500 brands (Research and Markets
3AD 2019) which are currently sold globally by the company. The company identifies all
possible ways to acquire new brands and new market territories to invest in so as to ensure it
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