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Effective Family Communication and Interpersonal Skills


Added on  2020/10/22

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This assignment focuses on the significance of effective family communication and interpersonal skills in maintaining healthy relationships within families. It highlights the consequences of poor communication, including weak emotional bonding, conflicts, and inappropriate problem-solving. The importance of parents and children communicating effectively is also emphasized to understand their issues and problems properly.

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INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY .................................................................................................................................................3
CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................................6
REFRENCES .................................................................................................................................................7
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Communication or interpersonal communication is necessary to transfer any information,
message or task from one person to another ineffective way. By proper communication skills a
person able to make others understand what they want to convey. It can be two types of verbal as
well as non-verbal communications (Purnell, 2012). Verbal interpersonal communication related
to a situation when a person interacts with another person through words and it can be written or
oral form which helps another individual to understand it. Whereas nonverbal communication
refers to a type of communication style that is omnipresent and in it, interaction is done through
the body, face, touch, distance, timing, voice and so on. Both ways are used by an individual in
order to engage another person so that they make them understand about message or information.
Moreover, communication or interpersonal communication is essential in family and child
service because it is very important in family to understand each other and support them. Along
with this, if there is effective communication between child and family then it will lead to a
situation where child able to share each and everything to their family in a proper manner. This
report will include topics related to the importance of communication among families and how
they can develop it. Along with this, it will include various ways or method which can be used
by individuals in order to develop proper interpersonal communication within the family.
Communication refers to a procedure in which one person interacts to another in order to
transfer any message and information. Through effective interpersonal communication an
individual able to develop strategies and manage things inappropriate way. Moreover by it they
also able to learn new things, share ideas, understand others and so on. Proper communication is
necessary for every field so that an individual will interact with others properly in order to
conduct their work or activities effectively. There are major two types of interpersonal
communication that help a person to understand other i.e. verbal as well as non-verbal
interpersonal communication (Davis , 2014). Communication is very necessary for child and
family services because by it they able to identify others need requirement and demand. As well
as effective communication show strong and healthy family who understand each other and their
requirement. Along with this family, communication is also essential in various ways such as it
is a site where a child starts to socialize, it also develops culture values, it will also help in seeing
self and another world in more general form and many more. Moreover, effective interpersonal
Communication among family is extremely essential because of its members able to enables and
express their needs, wants, and concerns towards each other properly.
Open and honest communication also develops or helps in creating an atmosphere which
allows family members to express its difference, love, and admiration towards other members of
a family. If there is strong and healthy communication among family then the child also learn
many things ineffective way, as well as they, are also able to develop their career properly
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(Fackler and, 2012). Whereas if there is unhealthy and poor communication then a child, as
well as a family, may face various problems such as conflict, disrespect situation, improper
problem solving and so on. This will, directly and indirectly, affect the upbringing of the child
because by it child loss its motivation and moral which impact on their performance. Such as if
there is no effective communication or interpersonal communication in family then they will not
able to communicate with a child in a proper way and them also not able to teach them properly.
Like in today's time it is a case of harassment get increased and it is necessary for parents to
teach as well as communicate their Childs about this so that they can protect themselves from
these cases. By considering this case steps which can be taken by a family member so that they
can communicate with their child appropriately are like they can interact with children and about
their day and problems. Along with this parents can also discuss some cases with their child and
aware them how to protect themselves from such conditions.
There are major four styles that can be used by parents when they are communicating or
interacting with their child i.e. clear and direct, clear and indirect, masked and direct as well as
masked and indirect (Arnold and Boggs, 2019). Clear and direct communication is considered as
the most effective and healthy way for interaction, in which messages or issues are present in
front of family members plainly and directly. Second is clear and indirect in which massage or
information will be clearing but it will be present in an indirect way in front of another person.
The third is masked and direct in which message or information is not clear but it is directly
focused on any appropriate family member. Forth and last is marked and indirect and it is
referred to a situation when a message, as well as information both, are unclear. This situation
will arise mainly in unhealthy families which are having poor communication or interaction.
These are the major ways through which family members will contact with their child or other
members and this selection of method will totally depend on the situation through which family
is going (Importance of Family Communication, 2019). Along with this, through these methods
of communication family able to develop proper situation which leads to satisfying as well as
happy surrounding at home. Effective communication among family and children built a
foundation of trust, listening, and understanding which develops effective and happy
surroundings. It is also effective or leads to some other major benefits such as develop
understanding by which child and parents able to discuss their situation and issues appropriately.
This will help them in solving their problems and issues successfully that help in developing a
happy family. If there is effective interaction among members of the family then it will lead to
minimizing gossips because through effective communication peoples like to spend time with
their family and talking about them. Along with this communication will also help family
members in developing strong bound which leads to a situation where every member come
together in all condition.
There are some steps or points must be considered for developing effective
communication among family as well as child so that they can handle the situation successfully.
Some major of them are like self-awareness- it is essential for parents to teach their child about
self-awareness so that they can overcome any situation properly (Schell and Arnold, 2012). Such

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as in case of harassment which is increasing now a day, parents must teach their child about how
they can fight in a respective condition so that they can save themselves. Second is body
language, it is necessary for family members to monitor the activities of their child so that they
can understand their body language which helps in identifying whether a child is happy or sad in
a particular situation. Next is technology and written communication it is necessary for the
respective situation to communicate in a proper manner through written or technology which
helps in conducting interaction in a proper formal way. Moreover by adopting these factor
parents and child able to communication or interaction with each other properly. There are also
some major ways which are used for developing effective interaction or communication at a
family such as communication on regular basis- it necessary for parents to interact their child on
a regular basis so that they can understand each other situation, need and issues (Wittenberg,
Goldsmith, and Ferrell, 2013). Along with this, it is necessary for parents to be a good listener in
communication with children because by it they cable to understand issues and problems through
which child is going, after whom they can develop a plan in order to overcome it ineffective
way. Moreover, it is also necessary for parents or family to take care about with whom they are
interacting because in order to interact with child parents need to be polite and highly
understanding so that they can convince them to discuss their issues and problems.
By analyzing all the situations and factors it can be evaluated that communication is very
essential in every service or sector because by it one person able to make others understand what
they want to say and in what way. Along with this communication is very essential in respect of
family and child service because it is essential for parents to understand their child so that they
can identify child need, demand and requirement (Ussher and, 2013). By communication
parents or family members also able to solve all issues as well as problems of a child so that they
can lead their lives happily. In the respective sector through proper interaction parents able to
understand their child skills, ability, and knowledge so that they can identify activities in which
they are interested in. For this effective interaction, parent adopts various ways and methods so
that they can interact with others properly. Moreover, interaction in family and child services is
very necessary so that they can understand each other and identify issues or problems (Moss,
2017). Then develop plans in order to avoid or reduce it. Along with this by proper interaction in
family and child service parents able to make their child understand what is right and what is
wrong. So that child takes their decision on their own. Such as it is essential for parents to make
their child understand what harassment is and how they can identify whether someone is doing
respective things to them or they are facing some other issues. By these steps child also get
aware and conscious about their protection.
Further interpersonal communication is divided into various types which are mentioned
Transactional communication: It refer to a type of communication where exchange of
information or messages is done among sender and receiver along with this in it each
member turns to send or receive messages. Moreover in it sender will conduct encoding
of message through various methods such as speech, writing and son on.
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Written communication: It refers to a method in which one person convey its message
or information by writing words. It is most effective mode of communication in a
business communication. This is important because through it one can convey message in
formal way.
Therapeutic communication: It refers to face-to-face communication process in which
one person will interact with other by focusing on improving others physical and
emotional well-being such as communication method used in order to treat patient.
Along with this when a person communicate with an other person they may face various
barriers that are mentioned below:-
Language: This barrier will arise when two person are communicating in two diverse
language. As well it can also occur when an individual use slang and jargon because it
will frustrate another person.
Lack of eye contact: If a person is not making proper eye contact while communicating
with an other then it will lose attention of speakers.
Physical and physiological barriers: This barrier will include distance, background
noise, bad hearing, poor eye contact, speech impediments and many more which impact
on communication in negative manner.
From the above-discussed point it can be concluded and evaluate that communication is
necessary for everyone because through it a person can transfer its information as well as a
message to another person ineffective way. Through effective communication, an individual able
to conduct various activities such as plan in a proper manner, organize, identify resources and
requirement and many more. Moreover in the case of a family as well as child services through
proper interpersonal communication an individual able to identify a need, demand, requirement,
and concern of others. Appropriate communication in a family also seems strong as well as a
healthy family. It is essential for a family to develop and maintain effective interpersonal
communication so that they can understand each other and identify their requirements properly.
For which they can conduct various activities such as discuss everything to a family as well as
child, ask for opinions or suggestions and so on. This is so because if a family not does effective
communication they become poor and unhealthy family. Here poor communication related to
unclear as well as indirect. Along with this, it will lead to various problems such as weak
emotional bounding, arise of conflict, inappropriate problem solving and so on. So it is essential
for parents as well as the child to communicate with each other in an effective manner in order to
understand their issues as well as problems properly.
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Books and journals
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